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Power Engineering, 2006, 1-2
1. |
Veliyev .Kh-M. From a scientific treasury of Nizami Ganjavi.
3 |
2. |
Ramazanov K.N. Steady development and power safety.
9 |
3. |
Guseynov A.M., Akhundov B.S. Defining impact of distributed generation on power system’s
dynamic stability.
16 |
4. |
Mamedyarov O.S., Nasibov V.Kh., Zarbieva N.F., Suleymanli L.E.. Optimum operational
mode option of industrial power plant in power system.
21 |
5. |
Farhadzadeh E.M., Muradaliyev A.Z., Farzaliyev J.Z. Problem safety of databank about the
reliability of equipment and devices EES.
27 |
6. |
WishtibeevA.V., Gavrilko A.I. Features of the ferroresonant phenomena in electric networks.
32 |
7. |
Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Akhundov I.Sh. Development integrated system of monitoring
of account the steady-state regime of electric systems.
38 |
8. |
Abdulkadirov A.I., Quliyev S.F. Research of commutation process in thyristor starting device
of synchronous machine with limited output voltage
47 |
9. |
Isayev G.I., Tagiyeva Z.Q., Ramazanova S.D., Eyyubova K.S. About heat exchangE mechanism
in supercritical pressure condition of heat carrier
53 |
10. |
Ibraqimov Q.S. Flashing of salt inhibited acid condenser pipes by means of “Slack circulation”
59 |
11. |
Kosmodamianskiy V.E., Babaev A.M., Mamedova A.M. Reagent processing of an alkaline drain
anionit filters chemical desalination waters on PES
63 |
12. |
Jabrayilov T.F. The temperature rejime for the water in a tubular system (water pressure lower
then critical)
68 |
13. |
Bagirov M.A., Aliev A.A.. Influence of electret state on electric properties of polyamide
74 |
14. |
Musaeva S.N., Geydarov G.M., Seyidov F.I., Kurbanov M.A. Frequency characteristics of
piezocomposite laryngophones
78 |
15. |
Hasanov M.A. Electrodischarge treatment of the bentonite clay for clearing wastewater of
textile enterprises
82 |
16. |
Nuriyev K.Z., Nurubeyli Z.K. Choramato -mass-spectrometric method for survey of energy
carrier deposits
86 |
17. |
Abdinov A.Sh., Mamedov H.M., Amirova S.I. Electrical and photoelectrical properties of
In2O3/Cd0.3Zn0.7S0.8Se0.2/Cu2Se thin film heterojunctions prepared by the method of electrochemical
89 |
18. |
Quseynov Y. Y., Shukurova V.D. Transformation of the concentrated sunlight to multilayered
94 |
19. |
Qurbanov E.A. Alternative energi in combat against desertification
98 |
20. |
Mamedov H., Ali-Zade K., Uyaar Kaan. Extension of the storage battery’s service life by the
untraditional operated charge-discharge method
101 |
21. |
Mamedov F.G., Rashidalizade T.D. Increases of accuracy of construction of the optimized
108 |
22. |
Asadov S.B., Ragimov E.R., Tatarayev M.T. Distribution of oil pollution on two-dimensional
model of the Caspian Sea
114 |
23. |
Islamzade Y.A. Water chlorination
121 |
24. |
Ìamedov F.I., Ragimov I.N. The determination of parameters of converter of
elektromaqnetiú type
124 |
25. |
Saidov R.A. Research of operational reliability of submersible electric pump installations by the
method of statistical modeling
131 |
26. |
Kazemi A., Hafezi H. Power quality improvement with a dynamic voltage restore (DVR) using
a series active filter
138 |
27. |
Mehtiev B. G. Aliev M.I. The regulation and study of voltage at electric supply by
elektro-fraudulent of interphase energy
144 |
28. |
Aliyev I.Y. Numerical method calculation of transient processes in the inhomogeneous system
of drill papestridu with distributed parameters
148 |
29. |
Mammadov E.M. Voltage control in direct current fraction network
154 |