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Transactions, 2003,vol.XXIII, 2
1. |
Electron process in AIIIBV confined dimensionality systems.
3 |
2. |
T.G. Mammadov, R.A. Suleymanov
The anomalies of optical properties and pressure induced phase transitions in layered crystals TlInS2, TlGaSe2 and TlGaS2.
19 |
3. |
The influence of the magnetic fields on the thermal conductivity of high-Tc superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+x).
27 |
4. |
Some properties of dielectric materials subjected by electrical discharges effect.
30 |
5. |
G.Kh. Azhdarov, S.M.Bagirova, G.N.Mamedov
Growth of fully uniform Ge-Si mixed single crystals under the feeding of the melt with germanium and silicon rods.
35 |
6. |
V.A.Tanriverdiyev, V.S.Tagiyev, S.M.Seyid- Rzayeva
To the theory of surface and bulk spin excitations of ferromagnetic semiconductors superlattice.
39 |
7. |
S. N. Namazov
Fatigue strength of sintered steel distaloy AE with boron and carbonyl iron powder additions.
46 |
8. |
R.G. Huseynov, S. N. Namazov, M. Ch. Huseynov, T. G. Jabbarov
The antifrictions powder composition materials on the basis of the iron.
54 |
9. |
Ferroelectric properties of TlInS2.
60 |
10. |
Theory of resonance shape of EPR on impurity ions.
65 |
11. |
Kh.A.Mustafayev, B.I.Mehdiyev, F.T.Khalil-Zade
Susy particles production on polarized high energy ge-beams.
70 |
12. |
Sh.O.Eminov, A.A.Radjabli, T.I.Ibragimov, A.A.Dadashåv
Joint investigation of volt-ampere characteristics and longitudinal photoconductivity in epitaxial p+-p structures of InSb.
76 |
13. |
N.Z.Gasanov, E.M.Kerimova, A.I.Gasanov, P.M.Iskenderova
Features of optical properties of solid solutions TlGa(1-x)CoxS2 single crystals.
80 |
14. |
B.R.Gadzhiev, F.B.Godzhaev
A theory of phase transitions in impurity manganites.
83 |
15. |
Yu.G.Asadov, F.Yu.Asadov, A.G.Babayev
Influence of cation deficiency on structures and temperature areas of existence
of modification in crystals Cu(2-X)Òå (X=0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25).
87 |
16. |
The role series resitivity and tunnelling at the shottky diodes.
94 |
17. |
S.D.Demukhamedova, Sh.N.Aliev, L.I.Velieva, I.N.Alieva, D.I.Aliev
Quantum-chemical calculations of structure of the dinitrosyl non-heme iron complexes with cysteine.
99 |
18. |
S.S. Ragimov, S.K. Orujov, Sh.S. Ismayilov, G.G. Huseynov
The investigations of kinetics coefficient of tellurids type Cu(1–X)MYFeTe2(M-Ni, Co; X=0; 0,75; Y=0,125).
106 |
19. |
Z. F. Agaev, G. D. Abdinova, M. M. Tagiev
Thermoelectric power coefficient anisotropy of the extruded samples of Bi85Sb15 solid solution.
111 |
20. |
A.A.Aliyev, I.S.Hasanov, N.J.Ismailov, S.M.Kuliyev
The influence of the irradiation by Ar+ IONS on the CdxHg(1-X)Te photoconductivity at room temperature.
117 |
21. |
O.Z.Alekperov, R.S.Madatov, A.I.Nadjafov, N.M.Zeynalov
Ultra violet solar radiation research with semiconductive detectors.
120 |
22. |
M.M.Bashirov, Y.M.Naziev
Thermal conductivity of methanol and one atomic alcohols mixtures at different temperatures.
124 |
23. |
A.B. Medjidov, P.M.Muradov. S.I. Mehdiyeva, I.M.Aliyev
The capacitance characteristics of Ni-GeO-GaSe structures under illumination.
128 |
24. |
G.Karchava, I.Mzhavandze, N.Guskos, N.Kekelidze, G.Tsintsadze, V.A. Aliyev
The effect of the irradiation by the small doses of the fast neutrons on the critical temperature
and EPR spectra of the YBa2Cu3O(7-d) high temperature superconductors.
135 |
25. |
M.G. Kyazumov, G.G. Guseinov, E.A. Isaeva, F.G. Magerramova, G.S.Mekhtiev
The influence of Cu, Sn and Se atoms on Ga0,5In1,5S3 crystalic structure at partial replacement of Ga, In and S atoms.
139 |
26. |
Calculation of maqnetic field of mikrowave rectanqular wavequide with air full fillinq
functioning on frequencies 4,9-7,05GHz.
142 |
27. |
M.B.Babayev, A.M.Babayeva
Formation, shape and the dynamics of envelopes of typical novae.
151 |
28. |
N.Z.Ismailov, S.G.Aliev, A.B.Askerov, S.K.Zeynalov
The variability of peculiar elements lines in the spectrum of x PSC. I. lines CrII.
156 |
29. |
Ahundov Gudryat Ali oglu .
162 |
30. |
Famous scientist and teacher Hilal Mukhtarov.
164 |
31. |
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