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Transactions, 2003,vol.XXIII, 5(I)
Hasan Mamedbagir oglu Abdullayev.
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1. |
E.À.Jàfàrîvà, Z.À.Iskender-Zade, E.S.Òàptyqov, Sh.À.Àliêhanova, N.À.Qasanova
Non-stationary electronic processes in p-n and MOS structures.
11 |
2. |
S.I.Mekhtieva, A.I.Isaev, E.A.Mamedov, H.K.Akperov, V.Z.Zeynalov
Carrier drift mobility of Se-Te chalcogenide glassy semiconductors.
22 |
3. |
B.M.Askerov, S.R.Figarova, M.M.Makhmudov
Thermodynamic properties of electron gas and non-dissipative kinetic
effects in semimagnetic semiconductors in a quantizing magnetic field.
29 |
4. |
D.Sh.Abdinov, T.D.Aliyeva, N.M.Akhundova, M.M.Tagiyev
Electrical and adhezive properties of kontacts of thermoelements on the
basis of the solid solutions of Bi-Sb-Te, Bi-Se-Te and Bi-Sb.
41 |
5. |
Intraband absorption of the electromagnetic radiation in a quantum wire with
parabolic potential confinement in tilted magnetic field.
49 |
6. |
L.A.Reznichenko, R.Z.Mehdieva, L.A.Shilkina, A.I.Mamedov
Mezoscopic inhomogeneities and heterogeneity in the neighborhood of morphotropic field.
53 |
7. |
Initiating works of solid-state negatronic in Azerbaijan.
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8. |
O.Z.Alekperov, N.M.Huseynov
Polaron energy spectrum in quantum dot.
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9. |
O.Z.Alekperov, A.I.Nadjafov, V.R.Abdurrahmanov
Dielectric function at phase transition for different polytypes of monoclinic modification of TlInS2 crystals.
73 |
10. |
B.G.Tagiev, O.B.Tagiev, S.A .Abushov, R.B.Jabbarov, Ya.Abdullayeva, F.A.Kazimova
The effect of Pul-Frenkel and spectroscopy of local levels in semiconductors.
78 |
11. |
M.K.Kerimov, M.A.Kurbanov, A.O.Orujov, G.G.Aliev, I.N,Orujov
The electrets and piezoelectric effects in polymer – piezoelectric composites crystallized at
the actions of electric discharge.
89 |
12. |
M.I.Aliyev, A.A.Khalilova, D.H.Arasly, R.N.Rahimov, Metin Tanoglu, Lutfi Ozyuzer
Strain sensitivity sensor on the base of GaSb doped manganese.
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13. |
L.A.Reznichenko, R.Z.Mehdieva, L.A.Shilkina, A.I.Mamedov
Influence of defect sub-system on the formation of physical properties of niobate materials.
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14. |
I.H.Jafarov, I.M.Abutalibov, M.B.Asadova
The transitive radiation of magnetic moment in flat-layered medium.
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15. |
R.M.Sardarli, O.A.Samedov, I.Sh.Sadigov, A.I.Nadjafov
Ferroelectric and electric properties of TlInS2 doped by transitional metals.
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16. |
S.N.Mystafaeva, A.I.Gasanov, E.M.Kerimova, R.N.Kerimov
Hopping conductivity in layer TlGa0.99Fe0.01Se2 single crystals.
117 |
17. |
G.Kh.Azhdarov, E.S.Guseynova, A.I.Alekperov, V.V.Mir-Bagirov
Growth of uniform bulk InSb-InAs mixed single crystals.
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18. |
I.R.Nuriyev, A.M.Nazarov, S.S.Farzaliyev, N.V.Faradjev, R.M.Sadigov
Research of the surface structure of epitaxial Pb(1-x)MnxTe films.
123 |
19. |
Z. F. Agayev
The electrical and thermal properties of monocrystals of Pb(1-x)MnxTe solid solutions.
126 |
20. |
Ì.À. Kurbanov, T.À. Aliev, M.G.Shakhtakhtinsky, G.Ì. Geydarov, I.F.Gasanov
Features of creation of effective piezocomposite materials for the gauge of tones of Korotkov.
133 |
21. |
A.A.Aliyev, E.K.Huseynov, N.J.Ismailov, S.M.Kuliyev
Influence of the metal and impurity compensation level on the metal-CdxHg(1-x)Te (0.45 < õ < 0.5) contacts properties.
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22. |
A. Sh. Abdinov, N.M.Mechtiev, R.F. Babayeva, R.M. Rzayev, R.M.Ismailov
Photoluminescence of indium and gallium selenide monocrystals doped by disprozium.
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23. |
A.S. Abbasov, F.M. Mustafayev, I.Ya. Aliyev, Z.I. Suleymanov, K.A. Askerova, N.A. Aliyeva,S.J.Bagirova
Thermodynamic properties of AI-BVI, AIII-BVI, AIII-BV (AI-Cu, Ag;AIII-Ga, In, Gd; BV-P, As, Sb; BVI-S, Se, Te) systems.
148 |
24. |
Y Substitution by Yb, Er, Ho IN THE YBa2Cu3O7-d and influence of g-ray on their superconducting properties.
152 |
25. |
H.Alekperova, Kh.Djalilova, G.Gadjiyeva, I.A.Akhmedov
Longitudinal-optical-phonon–plasmon coupling in a-Ag2TeS.
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26. |
S.A.Abbasov, M.A.Ramazanov
Mechanical properties of polymers and compositions on its basis.
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