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Transactions, 2004,vol.XXIV, 2
1. |
V.P.Aliyev, S.S.Babaev, T.G.Mamedov, M–H.Yu.Seidov, R.A.Suleymanov, F.A.Mikailov
Temperature slope of phase transitions in ferroelectrics-semiconductors TlInS2 and TlGaSe2 as a
result of izotermic endurance in incommensurate phase.
3 |
2. |
Rasim A.Ali-zade
New method of construction of histogram distribution magnetite nanoparticles on size.
15 |
3. |
M.I.Aliev, G.B.Ibragimov
Interband absorption of light in semiconductors with superlattices in crossed electrical and magnetic fields.
23 |
4. |
B.I.Mehtiyev, Kh.A.Mustafayev, F.T.Khalil-zade
SUSY – particles and leptoquarks production on the collding beams of high energy.
27 |
5. |
Impurity states in triangular (row model) two-dimensional antiferromagnetics.
32 |
6. |
Entropy of states and nuclear temperature for large deformed heavy nuclei.
39 |
7. |
A.M. Pashayev, A.R. Hasanov, C.Q. Jafarov
Synthesis the waveguide slot lattice antenna with the optimum diagram of an orientation.
44 |
8. |
I.J. Islamov
Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of rectaugular waveguide electrical
field taking into account nonlinear means.
48 |
9. |
The influence of additional phases on the conductivity of medium.
58 |
10. |
S.K.Orudjov, G.G.Guseinov, A.I.Djabbarov, A.I.Nadjafov, M.M.Akhmedov
Magnetic properties of Cu 1.22Fe 1.1Te2.
69 |
11. |
A.I.Najafov, O.Z.Alekperov, G.G.Guseynov
Existence of the orthorombic modification of TlInS2 crystals in the phase diagram
composition- pressure-temperature and it’s growth method.
73 |
12. |
A.M.Hashimov, K.B.Gurbanov, M.A.Hasanov, I.H.Zakiyeva
New electrophysical methods at processes of purification of industrial waste.
81 |
13. |
A.A.Aliyev, N.J.Ismaylov, S.M.Kuliyev, E.A.Mamedova
Influence of the deep levels on the metal-CdxHg(1-x)Te structures C-V characteristics.
84 |
14. |
M.K.Kerimov, A.À.Qaribov, M.A.Kurbanov, I.A.Farajzade, Å.À.Êerimov, R.B.Ibragimov
Influence of crystallization of polymer-semiconductor composites under the action
of the discharge radiation and temperature on their piezoresistive properties.
87 |
15. |
O.I.Davarashvili, M.I.Enukashvili, N.P.Kekelidze, G.SH.Darsavelidze, L.L.Gabrichidze, T.S.Mamedov, L.N.Tecer
Inelastic processes in BaF2 crystals.
93 |
16. |
Dielectric dispersion, polarization and induced by electric field phase transition in TlInS2.
96 |
17. |
A.G.Kyazym-zade, E.T.Mursalov, V.M.Salmanov
Longitudinal photoconductivity in InSe - GaSõSe1-x heterojunctions.
102 |
18. |
S.Q.Rzayev, Z.M.Zakhrabekova
The Frenkel-Pul effect on the charged edge dislocation in Si.
106 |
19. |
A.B.Mejidov, R.M.Muradov, H.KH.Khalilova, T.R.Mekhtiyev
Synthesis and properties of ZnSnAs2.
110 |
20. |
Influence of different ways of the metastable levels decay on the dynamical resistance of the
arc discharge at medium pressures.
116 |
21. |
R.A.Poluektov, B.M.Azizov, F.A. Mirzoyev
Use of the SHF-radiometric remote measurements of humidity of soils for forecasting crop capacity of agricultural cultures.
123 |
22. |
A.A.Agasiev, M.Z. Mamedov, H.I.Aslanova, T.Sh.Abdullayev
Electrical properties of polycristalline films of Bi4Ti3O12.
127 |
23. |
K.D.Huseynov, E.G.Kerimov
Thermophysical properties of the diethyl sebacate.
132 |
24. |
Comparative structural study of the secretin, glucagon and vasoactive intestinal
peptide from CD spectroscopy and theoretical conformational analysis.
137 |
25. |
N.A.Isakova, I.N.Alieva, N.M.Godjaev
Conformational states of the neuromedin NmU-8 analogs mono-substituted with glycine.
150 |
26. |
V.I.Ismailov, F.A.Mamedov
Philosophiñal essence of the principle of conformity and the idea of heredity in physics.
155 |
27. |
M.B.Kerimbekov, Ch.A.Efendiev
Use of television systems in astrophysical investigations. Part I.
164 |
28. |
176 |