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Transactions, 2004,vol.XXIV, 5
1. |
Academician Maksud Isfandiyar ogly Aliyev.
5 |
2. |
The Transport Phenomena In (2InSb)(1-X)(In2GeTe)X Solid Solution.
10 |
3. |
F.M.Hashimzade, A.M.Babayev
Rashba splitting in Kane type quantum disk.
19 |
4. |
B.M.Askerov, S.R.Figarova, M.M.Mahmudov
Quantum theory of thermodynamic properties of solids state.
27 |
5. |
F.M.Hashimzade, A.M.Babyev
Two-dimensional Kane’s oscillator in the magnetic field.
34 |
6. |
G.Kh.Azhdarov, K.N.Mamedov, K.M.Mustafaeva, V.K.Kazimova
Compositional variation in Ge-Si single crystals grown by Czochralski method using Ge-seed
and continuous feeding of the melt with Ge and Si rods.
38 |
7. |
T.G. Ismailov, B.H. Mehdiyev
Electro- and magneto-optical absorption in quantum wire.
43 |
8. |
R.N. Rahimov, I.X.Mammadov
Investigation of strain gauges on the basis of
(InSb)(1-x)(In2GeTe)x solid solutions.
51 |
9. |
R.M.Sardarli, O.A.Samedov, I.Sh.Sadigov, F.T.Salmanov, A.M.Aleskerov
Relaxor Properties And Conductivity Mechanism On g-Irradiated TlIns2 Crystals.
55 |
10. |
M.I.Aliyev, S.A.Aliyev, Z.S.Hàsànîv
Electrical and termal properties of ÀgFåX2 (Õ=Òå, Så, S) near and within of the region of phase transitions.
63 |
11. |
M.I.Aliyev. Sh.Sh.Rashidova, M.A.Huseynova, I.M.Aliyev
Features of the radiotermoluminescence in InP crystals.
72 |
12. |
A.Sh.Abdinov, R.F.Babayeva, R.M.Rzayev, G.Kh.Eyvazova
The peculiarities of volt-ampere characteristics in indium selenium monocrystals doped by rare elements.
75 |
13. |
S.T.Azizov, M.A.Sadixov, S.R.Gasimova, Ch.O.Qajar, R.M. Gasimov
Selection orocedures the thickness of layer and material for the microwave cover.
81 |
14. |
Ch.O.Qajar, S.R.Kasimova
The frequency characteristics of reflection of electromagnetic radiation of translucenced
thermoreceivers in its wave dispersion diapason.
85 |
15. |
P.G.Azhdarov, S.M.Bagirova, V.V.Mir-Bagirov
Modeling of a compositional profile in InSb-InAs crystals grown by the double feeding of the melt method.
90 |
16. |
Z.F.Agayev, G.Z.Bagiyeva, E.A.Allahverdiyev
Thermoelectric efficiency of Pb(1-X)MnxTe monocrystals.
94 |
17. |
Effect of Zn and Ag atoms on temperature and phase transitions mechanisms
in Cu2Te crystals.
98 |
18. |
Nonactivated hopping conductivity in layer TlInS2 single crystals.
106 |
19. |
A.A.Agasiyev, E.M.Magerramov, A.F.Suleymanova
Electrical conductivity of films with surface macroscopical unevennesses.
109 |
20. |
M.K.Kerimov, M.A.Kurbanov, A.A.Garibov, S.N.Musaeva, I.A.Farajzade
Role of polymer matrix in formation of the varistor effect in polymer-semiconductor composite.
113 |
21. |
N.N.Gadzhieva, A.N.Rimikhanova, A.A. Garibov
IRRAS study of radiation-stimulated adsorption and radiolysis of water on the surface of aluminum.
120 |
22. |
M.K.Kerimov, M.A.Kurbanov, F.G.Agaev, S.N.Musaeva, E.A.Kerimov, G.Kh.Gulieva
Influence of thermal process in polymer-pyroceramics composites on formation the pyroelectricity.
126 |
23. |
T.M.Tatarayev, T.G.Gardashova, Sh.O.Eminov
Remote sounding of sea surface by method of specular points.
131 |
24. |
On mechanism of output of the secondary ions in emissive mass – spectrometring of polymer dielectrics.
138 |
25. |
M.B.Muradov, G.M.Eyvazova,N.H.Darvishov,S.E.Bagirova
Some optical properties of nanoparticles copper sulphide, formed in volume of a polymeric matrix.
145 |
26. |
A.F. Aliyev
Spectral research of the mechanism of corrosion aluminium alloys.
150 |
27. |
M.B.Kerimbekov, Ch.A.Efendiev
The using of television systems in astriphysical investigations. Part II.
155 |
28. |
Thermopower of non-degenerate semiconductors under conditions of strong electron-phonon mutual drag in high electric field.
163 |
29. |
M.B.Babaev, A.M.Babaeva
Charakter passage in of “Post-Nova” stage of The Nova Delpinis.
167 |
30. |
R.G.Gardashov, T.G.Gardashova, T.M.Tatarayev
Unidentified flying objects as the optical phenomena.
171 |
31. |
N.B. Soltanova
Physics in Azerbaijan (the end of the ÕIX- beginning of the XX) occurrence of the first centres of science.
180 |