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Transactions, 2005,vol.XXV, 2
1. |
F.M.Hashimzade, Kh.A.Hasanov, M.M.Babayev
Conductivity of quantum well with parabolic potential in a longitudinal magnetic field.
3 |
2. |
B.M.Askerov, S.R.Figarova, M.M.Mahmudov
Influence of spin splitting on the electrical conductivity of layered crystals in a longitudinal quantizing field.
16 |
3. |
S.S.Babaev, T.G.Mammadov, F.A.Mikailov, Mirhasan Yu. Seyidov, R.A.Suleymanov, G.M.Sharifov
Memory effect in ferroelectrics with layer structure TlInS2 and TlGaSe2.
20 |
4. |
H.I.Abutalibov, V.Z.Qasimov, A.A.Mamedov
Vibrational spectrum of crystal Y2O2S-Er+3.
25 |
5. |
M.I.Aliev, Ì.À.Guseynova, Sh.Sh.Rashidova, I.M.Aliyev
Investigate of centers luminescence in crystals InP irradiated with gamma-quanta.
33 |
6. |
S.S.Ragimov, V.M.Aliev, G.H.Huseynov, M.Z.Zarbaliyev, R.I.Selimzade, M.I.Abdullayev
The influence of the additional phases on the superconductivity of thick layer bismuth HTSM films.
36 |
7. |
F.N.Abdullayev, T.Q.Kerimova, N.A.Abdullayev
The features of the mechanizm of carriers in the chained TlInTe2 semiconductor.
41 |
8. |
R.N.Rahimov, D.H.Arasly, A.A.Khalilova, M.I.Aliyev
Normal phonon-phonon scattering processes in the solid solutions A3B5compounds.
48 |
9. |
Yu.G.Asadov, R.B.Baykulov
X-ray research of cation doping influence on phase transitions in Cu Ag Se (x=0,0.4, 0.5).
54 |
10. |
A.I.Najafov, O.Z.Alekperov
X-ray research of monocline-trimetric phase transition in TlInS2 single crystals and generated phases properties.
61 |
11. |
R.M. Sardarli, O.A. Samedov, A.I.Najafov, I.Sh.Sadigov E.A.Zeynalova, T.G. Mammadov
Relaxor property of TlInS2.
70 |
12. |
M.B.Muradov, Y.M.Yolchiyev, N.G.Darvishov, G.M.Eyvazova, G.M.Mirzaliyeva, M.A.Mahmudova
Some physical properties of nanoparticles GaSe, formed in volume of glass matrix.
75 |
13. |
T.J.Aliyeva, G.J.Abdinova, N.M.Akhundova, J.Z.Akhmedova
Electrical properties of structures Pb(1-x)MnxTe-contact alloy- Pb(1-x)MnxTe.
80 |
14. |
A.G.Kyazym-Zade, V.V.Dadashova
Bipolar coordinate – sensitive photoelements on the base of InSe–GaSxSe1-x heterojunctions.
83 |
15. |
A.Sh.Abdinov, H.M.Mamedov, S.I.Amirova
About the preparation uniform films of Cd(1-x)ZnxS(1-y)Sey by an electrochemical deposition.
88 |
16. |
A.M.Pashayev, A.R.Hasanov, C.Q.Cafarov
Acousto-optical phase shifters for the lattices aerial.
93 |
17. |
B.G.Taghiyev, F.Sh.Aydayev
Influence of impurities on electrical properties of monocrystals of selenide and sulfide of gallium.
100 |
18. |
I.R.Nuriyev, R.M.Sadigov, A.A.Mashninv
Photosensitive p-n junctions on the basis of epitaxial films of Pb(1-x)MnxTe.
106 |
19. |
G.I.Abutalybov, V.Z.Qasymov, S.A.Lozitskiy, A.A.Mamedov
Interpretation of electronic spectra of ion neodymium in crystal lanthanum oxysulfide by using theory of crystal field.
110 |
20. |
T.G.Kerimova, R.A.Guliyev
Temperature effect on optical absorption edge of CdGa2Se4.
117 |
21. |
R.S.Madatov, A.I.Najafov, V.S.Mamedov, M.A.Mamedov
Electric properties of compound of TlInS2 with hexagonal modification.
120 |
22. |
M.I.Veliyev, R.M.Kasimov, Ch.O.Qajar
Dielectric properties and molecular structure of solutions of methylethylketone in n-heptanes.
123 |
23. |
Obtaining and investigation of the material n-type conductivity on the basis of solid solution (Bi2Òå3-Bi2Så3)(1-õ)Tbõ.
130 |
24. |
M.B. Asadova
The transient radiation of the magnetic moment when the physical properties of the medium is change by flowing in time.
134 |
25. |
B.A. Najafov
Electron paramagnetic resonance and IR absorption spectra’s investigation of amorphous a-Si(1-x)Gex:H solid solution’s films.
139 |
26. |
E.J.Zulfugarov, S.A.Aliev
Influence of e-radiation to kinetics effects in CdxHg(1-x)Te.
145 |
27. |
N.D.Achmed-Zade, T.S.Mammadov, A.A.Ismailov, F.A.Mikailov, M.M.Shirinov
Thermodynamic calculation of gas dynamics parameters of semiconductor A2B6
group in quasi- closed volume for single crystals and epitaxial layers growth.
153 |
28. |
Surface states distributions of p -type silicon electrode in the electolyte aqueous.
157 |
29. |
S.T.Azizov, M.A.Sadigov, S.R.Gasimova, Ch.O.Qajar
The method of the automatic control of concentration of a solution of polar substance in the non polar solvent.
161 |
30. |
A.A. Ismailov
Electrical properties of Pb0.8Sn0.2Te single crystals.
164 |
31. |
Q.T.Hasanov, A.N.Mammadova
Nonstationary method of fluids thermal capacity determination.
167 |
32. |
R.M.Musayev, M.A.Aliyev, R.S.Babayev, H.G.Agamirov
Summary on studying the mechanism of formation of empty hydrate cell on the basis of the energetic changes among the molecules.
171 |
33. |
M.A.Alijanov, A.N.Guliev, G.I.Safaraliev
Obtaining and researching system of LaxGa(1-x)Sb (0 |
176 |
34. |
Complex determination of the techno-physical characters of isobutyl ether of lactic acid.
180 |
35. |
I.O.Davarashvili, I.R. Lomidze, F.K.Kasumov
Formation of the planets and distribution of the impulsive moment in the solar system.
185 |
36. |
N.Z. Ismailov, A.A.Aliyeva
Analysis of near UV and radiations of T Tauri type stars.
189 |
37. |
N.B. Soltanova
Development of physics in Azerbaijan. 1935-1945.
194 |
38. |
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