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Transactions, 2006,vol.XXVI, 2
1. |
R.G. Jafarov
Third order expansion equations of mean-field in Nambu – Iona-Lasinio model.
3 |
2. |
The excitation of ions Nd3+ in semiconductors matrixes in optical pumping zone-zone.
9 |
3. |
I.S.Gasanov, I.I.Gurbanov
Capillary instability and emission of nanodroplets in edge ion source.
15 |
4. |
Scanning probe microscopy of the nonconductivity complex topography surfaces.
21 |
5. |
Z.M. Zeynalov, M.A. Akperov, G.Kh. Azhdarov
Mathematical modeling of Sb-impurity distribution in Ge-Si crystals grown by the Czochralski method.
29 |
6. |
F.N.Abdullatv, T.G.Kerimova, I.A.Mamedova, R.A.Suleymanov, N.A.Abdullaev
The temperature dependence of band gap of semiconductors.
33 |
7. |
S.N. Mustafaeva, A.A. Ismailov
Long-time relaxation of current in TlGaS2 single crystal.
40 |
8. |
M.A.Kurbanov, M.K.Kerimov, S.N.Musaeva, F.G.Agaev, E.A.Kerimov,G.X.Gulieva
On features of formation of the piezoelectric effect in polymer-piezoceramic composites.
44 |
9. |
Z.M.Zeynalov, A.I.Alekperov, G.Kh.Azhdarov
Bridgman growth of GeSi mixed single crystals using a silicon seed crystal.
51 |
10. |
T.J.Aliyeva, G.J.Abdinova, N.M.Akhundova
Influence of the thermal annealing on electrical parametersof the structures on Pb1-xMnxTe.
55 |
11. |
Influence of gamma-irradiation on relaxor properties of bor doped TlInS2 crystals.
58 |
12. |
G.I.Abutalybov, A.A.Mamedov
Investigation of processes of transfer of energy in crystal g-La2S3-Nd3+ and La2O2S-Nd3+.
62 |
13. |
A.I.Isayev, S.I.Meêhtiyeva, N.Z.Jalilov, R.I.Alekperov, V.Z.Zeynalov
Optical properties of Se–As including rare earth impurity atoms of samarium (Sm) of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductor.
72 |
14. |
S.S.Ragimov, S.A.Aliev, V.M.Aliev, R.I.Selimzade
Spesific resistivity and additional conductivity of superconducting YBa2Cu3OX and Bi2Sb2CaCu2OX films.
79 |
15. |
The conditions of the translucence of absorbing substrate at incidence under the angle of cross-polarized electromagnetic wave.
83 |
16. |
Z.F. Agayev
Thermoelectric properties of extruded samples of Pb1-xÌnõÒå solid solutions.
88 |
17. |
A.Sh.Abdinov, M.A.Jafarov, S.A.Mamedova
Relaxation of photoconductivity in films CdSe1-xTex chemically deposited from solution.
95 |
18. |
S.A.Aliyev, I.Kh.Mamedov, B.A.Tahirov
Holl factor of free charge carries in n-Bi0.88Sb0.12 doped by Te atoms.
99 |
19. |
A.B.Mejidov, R.M.Muradov, H.Kh.Khalilova, O.B.Tagiev
Process of accumulation of charges in multilayer structures based on GaSe and GeO photoelectrete.
104 |
20. |
A.A.Aqasiev, M.M.Panakhov, Ch.G.Ahundov, M.Z.Mamedov, V.J.Mamedova
Obtaining of SrTiO3 films by the method of magnetron sputtering from liquid phase.
110 |
21. |
I.M.Afandieva, L.K.Abdullaeva, V.Kh.Sharbatov, S.Altundal
Fluctuations of (Al-TiW+PtSi)-nSi diodes potential.
115 |
22. |
E. Sh.Alekperov
Investigation of nano–thick solid solutions of TlIn1-xSnxS2 and TlGa1-xGexSe2.
119 |
23. |
N.M. Abdullayev
Anodic dissolution of the alloy of Bi2Òå2,4Se0,6 in sulphatic electrolit.
123 |
24. |
Javid T. Safarov
Vapor pressure of the (lithium bromide + lithium chloride + methanol) system.
126 |
25. |
J.Z.Niftaliyeva, N.B.Mustafayev, G.Z.Bagiyeva. Z.F.Agayev, J.Sh.Abdinov
Termoelectrical properties of PbTe singl crystals with excess tellurium.
131 |
26. |
A.A. Agasiev, M.M.Panakhov, M.Z. Mammadov, S.N. Sarmasov
Conductance of semiconductive films on the seqnetoelectric substrates.
137 |
27. |
M.I.Valiyev, Ch.O.Qajar, R.M.Kasimov
Dielectric radiospectroscopy of solutions of methyl hexyl ketone in n-heptanes.
140 |
28. |
N.M.Akhundova, T. D.Aliyeva, G. J.Abdinova, Z.F.Agayev
Thermoelectrical moduls for fotoelectronics and physical experiment.
146 |
29. |
G.J.Abdinova, M.M.Tagiyev
Gradiental extrusion materials and thermoelements on their basis.
148 |
30. |
About nature of surface radiation defects in B2O3.
151 |
31. |
R.M.Sardarly, O.A.Samedov, I.S.Sadigov, E.A.Zejnalova, A.P.Abdullaev
Influence of intercalation on TlInS2 crystals relaxor properties.
154 |
32. |
R.M.Musayev, A.N.Bagirov, A.A.Aliyev, X.G.Agamirov
To the problem hydrate formations of gases from their aqueous solutions.
158 |
33. |
Investigation of non-stoichiometrical semiconductors compositions CuBVI(BVI-S,Se,Te) by the culnometrik titration method.
163 |
34. |
Model of the converter of physical dynamic parameters of the micrometeoric bodies.
167 |
35. |
Volt-ampere characteristics monocrystalls of CuGaTe2.
174 |
36. |
F. I. Ismailov
Distribution of the brightness of atmospheric background pollution aeroso l layer under city of Baku.
179 |
37. |
Y.A.Vidadi, T.G.Safarova, F.V.Aliyeva, M.A.Nizametdinova
The study of diamaqnetic response of PVDF – YBa2Cu3O7-delta.
185 |
38. |
Physicotechnological features of creating the hydroacoustic transmitter-receiving antennas on the basis of piezocompozits.
189 |
39. |
A. F. Aliyev
Electric physical studies of aluminum alloys corrosionin waters of wide range salt composition.
195 |
40. |
E.S.Babayev, A.A.Allahverdiyeva, F.I.Jafarov
Influence of extreme solar energetic events and geomagnetic storms on the functional state of the human brain.
209 |
41. |
Study of spot structure in the atmospheres magnetic CP-star 56Ari.
222 |
42. |
Photometric observations of hr del in 2000.
229 |
43. |
N.Z. Ismayilov, A.A.Aliyeva
Observation of simultaneous accretion and outflow in the DI CEP.
232 |
44. |
N.Kh. Quliyev, A.Sh. Baloqlanov
On the stellar out flow in the stars of T Tau.
237 |
45. |
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