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Transactions, 2009,vol.XXIX, 5
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Journal cover
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Editorial board
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B.M.Askerov, M.M.Mahmudov, S.R.Figarova
Influence of spin splitting on thermodynamic properties of electron gas in a quantizing magnetic field
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4. |
Application of the method “MD-AFM” for research of condensation initial stages of film-adsorbed water on the surface of graphite
10 |
5. |
M.I.Aliyev, D.H.Arasly, R.N.Rahimov, A.A.Khalilova, I.Kh.Mammadov
Role of the interphaze zone in the thermal conductivity of eutectic compositions of semiconductor-metal type
16 |
6. |
Naser M.Fathi, V.D.Novruzov, A.I.Bayramov, Sh.S.Aslanov
Low-temperature deposited CdS and CdTe thin films and their solar cell application
20 |
7. |
R.M.Sardarli, O.A.Samedov, A.P.Abdullaev, G.R.Safarova, I.I.Aslanov, D.G.Dzhabbarov
Cînductivity of gamma-irradiated crystals TlGaTe2
25 |
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M.I.Aliev, H.B.Ibrahimov, H.A.Hasanov
Acoustic method for determination of porosity of mesoporous silicon
32 |
9. |
Probe measurment metodics of electroconductivity in anizotropy crystals
40 |
10. |
N.A.Abdullayev, S.S.Gahrananov, T.G.Kerimova, K.M.Mustafayeva
Orientational dependence of magnetic resistivity in Bi2Te3 doped by Cu and in solid solution (Bi2Te3)0,99(In2Se3)0,01
52 |
11. |
Electron thermopower in quantum wire
57 |
12. |
F.F.Aliev, M.B.Jafarov, A.A.Saddinova, V.I.Eminova
Ñhanges of electrocal, thermodynamic parameters and of the order parameter in Ag2Te and Ag2Se under the phase transtions
61 |
13. |
R.S.Madatov, A.I.Nacafov, V.S.Mammadov, M.A.Mammadov
Influence of gamma-radiation on electroconductivity of hexaqonal crystals TlInS2
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T.D.Aliyeva, G.J.Abdinova, N.M.Akhundova, H.R.Nuriyev
Electrical properties of contacts of the polycrystalline PbTe samples alloyed by thallium with In-Ag-Au eutectic
76 |
15. |
A.A.Aqasiev, M.M.Panahov, Ch.G.Ahundov, M.Z.Mamedov V.J.Mamedova
Morphology of islets films SrTiO3 transformation
79 |
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A.G.Kyazim-Zade, V.M.Salmanov, A.A.Salmanova, A.M.Aliyeva
Photoconductivity of InSe behind of the fundamental absorption at the high levels of the optical excitation
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17. |
K.M.Mustafayeva, S.S.Gahrananov, T.G.Kerimova, N.A.Abdullayev
Eleñtrical and galvanomagnetic properties of (Bi2Te3)0,95(Bi2Se3)0,05 and (Bi2Te3)0,95(Sb2Te3)0,05 solid solutions
86 |
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E.A.Masimov, A.R. Imamaliyev
Influence of inorganic salts on agar gel rheological properties
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Sh.M.Nagiyev, G.H.Guliyeva
Wigner distribution function for a relativistic linear oscillator in an external field
98 |
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F.M.Seidov, E.M.Kerimova, N.Z.Gasanov
Interaction of TlSe with SmSe and some physical properties of TlSmSe2 crystals
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21. |
G.D.Abdinova, S.Z.Dzhafarova, M.M.Tagiyev
Anisotropic thermoelements on the basis of extruded samples of Bi85Sb15 solid solution
108 |
22. |
Computation of the dynamical characteristics of a discharge in helium in the low frequency range
112 |
23. |
Sh.M.Alekperova, À.À.Àliyev, Kh.D.Jalilova, I.À.Àkhmedov, G.S.Gajiyeva
Optical properties of the n-Ag4STe behind edge of the fundamental absorption
118 |
24. |
Excitation of nuclei by inelastic scattering of high energy electrons
122 |
25. |
Sh.M.Abbasov, B.A.Suleymanov, A.C.Mikailova, L.Z.Nadirova
Migration of natural radionuclides in soil
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Influence of laser rays on heat capacity of liquids
133 |
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R.J.Kasumova, L.S.Gadjieva, G.A.Safarova
On ways of increase of conversion efficiency of laser radiation
137 |
28. |
Calculation of the incohrent inelastic thermal neutron scattering in nuclear reactor
142 |
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H.A.Abiev, Sh.A.Topchieva, M.A.Mehrabova
Electrophysical properties of snake venom vipera lebetina obtuse
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M.G.Kyazumov, M.G.Kazimov, L.V.Rustamova
Electron difraction study of crystal Cu0,5Ga0,25 In1,42 S3
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R.Rzayev, G.M.Ahmedli, I.I.Mustafayev
Calculation of kinetics of gaseous radiolysis of binary mixtures heptane-water
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A.I.Mamedov, I.B.Baykulov, R.Z.Mehdiyeva, B.A.Baykulov
Computerization of electrophysical measurements and investigations
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O.Z.Alekperov, A.I.Najafov, A.R.Al-Fakix
Radiation-stimulated structural transformation monoclinic TlInS2 phase to hexagonal
157 |
34. |
Observations and researches of the comets in ShAO
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