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Transactions, 2009,vol.XXIX, 5
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Journal cover
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Editorial board
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M.Yu.Seyidov, R.A.Suleymanov, F.Salehli, T.G.Mammadov, R.A.Khamoyev
Phase transition temperature dependence on concentration of solid solutions TlInS2(1-x)Se2x
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4. |
Role of interphase zone in electron and phonon processes in semiconductor-metal type eutectic compositions
20 |
5. |
B.M.Askerov, S.R.Figarova, M.M.Mahmudov
Heat capacity of electron gas in semimagnetic semiconductor quantum size film
33 |
6. |
F.T.Khalil-Zade, B.I.Mehdiyev, Kh.A.Mustafayev
The interactions of the higgs bosons with gauge bosons in supersymmetric SU(2)xU(1)xU'(1)–model
33 |
7. |
V.A.Tanriverdiyev, V.S.Tagiyev
Bulk spin-waves propagation in the direction perpendicular to the (110) plane for an antiferromagnetic superlattice
45 |
8. |
Especial properties of optical polarons in semimagnetic semiconductors
49 |
9. |
Nonlinear-optical properties of the narrow band semiconductors
53 |
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T.Sh.Efendiyev, V.M.Katarkevich, Ch.O.Qajar, R.A.Karamaliyev, A.Ch.Izmailov
Compact dye laser with a stationary distributed feedback
67 |
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N.J.Ismailov, E.K.Guseynov, Sh.M.Guliyev, A.A.Rajabli
The controlling of spectral response of Hg1-xCdxTe with inverse surface layer
74 |
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The complex research of characteristics of nanosecond streamer discharge in non-uniform field in presence of dielectric plates in discharge gap
78 |
13. |
The influence of superconducting fluctuations on the thermal power and thermal conductivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
94 |
14. |
R.A.Karamaliyev, A.Ch.Izmailov, Ch.O.Qajar
Analytical calculation of the thickness of the absorbing film corresponding to the minimal reflection of the electromagnetic radiation
98 |
15. |
Photoelectric processes in Au-À3Â6_based X-ray and gamma-irradiation detectors
103 |
16. |
E.R.Hasanov, K.B.Gurbanov
Electromagnetic wave energy radiation in conducting medium
108 |
17. |
F.K.Aleskerov, S.Sh.Kagramanov, K.Sh.Kagramanov
The formation of interlayer nanoparticles in the Sb2Te3
112 |
18. |
S.I.Ìåkhtiåâà, N.Ì Abdullayev, N.R.Memmedov, A.M.Kerimova, R.M.Sultanov, V.Z.Zeynalov
The structure of films Bi2Òå3–Bi2Så3 alloed by terbium and samarium
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P.G.Azhdarov, S.M.Bagirova, Z.A.Agamaliyev, V.V.Mir-Bagirov
Modeling of components distribution in InSb-GaSb solid solutions grown by zone melting method
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20. |
N.Z.Jalilov, G.M.Damirov
Optical parameters amorphous solid solutions of system Se-S
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F.A.Rustamov, M.Z.Mamedov, N.H.Darvishov, S.R.Muradov, Ye.Yu.Bobrova
Preparation and photoluminescense in p-type macroporous silicon
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E.M.Kerimova, N.Z.Gasanov, L.A.Ismailzade, A.I.Gasanov, S.F.Bayramov, S.S.Abdinbekov, P.H.Ismailova
Photoelectric and optic properties of solid solutions (TlGaS2)1-x(TlInSe2)X single crystals
137 |
23. |
O.B.Tagiyev, G.Y.Eyyubov
Energy spectra of local levels in gas single crystals, doped Yb, Tm
143 |
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Sh.O.Eminov, E.K.Huseynov, A.A.Rajabli, T.I.Ibragimov, E.A.Mamedova, R.I.Mukhtarova
Cassete for liquid phase epitaxy in the horizontal reactor
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25. |
L.A.Guseynli, Z.M.Zeynalov, Z.A.Agamaliyev, G.Kh.Azhdarov
Distribution of Ga impurity in uniform Ge-Si single crystals grown from the feeded melt by czochralsky method
153 |
26. |
V.I.Nasirov, A.F.Hazieva, Yu.G.Asadov
The polymorphic IV-III-II-I transition in Rb0,95Cs0,05NO3.
157 |
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N.N.Lebedeva, V.I.Orbukh, T.Z.Kuliyeva, Ch.A.Sultanov
Stationary gas discharge in zeolit pores
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28. |
S.S.Ragimov, J.Hasani Barbaran, S.K.Orujov, G.G.Guseinov
Roentgenographic study and electrical properties of crystals Cu3Fe0.5Se2
166 |
29. |
R.Z.Mehdiyeva, A.I.Mamedov, F.A.Kadimova, S.G.Djabarov
The search of the crystallochemical cryterion of high temperature ferroelectric material with the structure of tetragonal tungsten bronze
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30. |
A.A.Garibov, H.M.Mahmudov, F.R.Muradov, I.A.Mamedyarova
Distribution of radionuclides near active oil fields
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R.Rzayev, G.M.Ahmedli, I.I.Mustafayev
Calculation of kinetics of gaseous radiolysis of binary mixtures heptane-water
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32. |
Study of TlAs2Se3Te-TlAs2Se4 by physicochemical methods
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33. |
P.Y.Nagiyev, M.M.Bakirova, R.M.Abduyeva
Compiling of maps of the soil salinization of Mughan-Salyan massive on the basis of space images processing
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34. |
Changes of thermodynamic parameters and of the order parameters in AgSe and Ag2S in the phase-transition region
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35. |
About the electric ¬ fatigue of crystals gallium selenide
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Definitions of constants of distribution and construction of structure of fields of electromagnetic waves in the round wave guide
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37. |
A.M.Magerramov, Y.G.Gadjieva, E.M.Hamidov, M. A.Nuriev
Comparative investigation of dielectric properties of composities of crystalline polymers with fillers
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Features of surface morphology of À4Â6 chalcogenides epitaxial films
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Kh.S.Alieva, Sh.A.Bayramova, T.M.Alieva, M.N.Murshudli, S.S.Suleymanov
Dynamics of adsorption of nitrogen dioxide on the surface of the organic film
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S.I.Mekhtiyeva, A.I.Isayev, R.I.Alekperov, N.T.Hasanov
Infrared spectrum chalcogenide glass-like semiconductors of systems AsxSe100-x containing impurity rare earth of atoms
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Academician Magsud Isfandiyar-oglu Aliyev – 85
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Academician Chingiz Ovez-oglu Qajar – 80
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Academician Arif Mirjalal-oglu Pashayev – 75
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Academician Arif Mammad-oglu Gashimov – 60
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Corresponding member Bahadur Guseyin-oglu Tagiyev -75
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Corresponding member Tayar Jumshud-oglu Jafarov -70
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