18 December 2019
On November 27, 2019, a one-year, reporting meeting dedicated to the scientific and organizational activities of sectors and departments was held at the Institute of Physics of the NAS of Azerbaijan of the Scientific Council. Academician Nazim Mammadov,
the Director of the Institute of Physics, opened the meeting. He spoke about the scientific potential of the institution, its employees, the role of interaction with international and domestic relations and research centers, etc. Further, reports were made
by the heads of sectors and departments. Report of the head of the general sector, PhD of Physics and Mathematics, Prof. Husnu Azhdarov. The sector includes 9 (nine) laboratories and 1 (one) department, which employs 128 employees (3 academicians,
15 doctors of science and 50 PhDs), who published 55 articles in foreign, 51 in local journals and 5 books. An analysis of the publications revealed the presence of 151 references to the work of sector employees in 2019.

Report of the head of the innovation sector, PhD Doctor of Physical Sciences Ilham Hasanov.
In the sector consisting of 17 laboratories, over the course of the year 40 articles were published here in the country and 142 (of which 63 according to ATLAS’u) were published abroad. 138 articles from published abroad account for impact factor magazines.
Statistics of publications revealed that 4,029 references to scientific works of sector employees were found during 2019.
Report of the head of the interdisciplinary sector, academician Javad Abdinov. A report on the scientific and organizational activities of the Interdisciplinary sector was made by the head of the sector, academician Javad Abdinov. He said that there
are 9 laboratories in the sector. He also emphasized that 5 applied researches were carried out in the sector. In the year of the report, 142 articles of sector employees were published. 32 of the 77 articles published abroad accounted for impact factor magazines. 37 articles were published in the Republic. There were 191 references
to the scientific work of sector employees during 2019.

Report of the Deputy Head of the Information Sector, Talat Mehdiyev, PhD on Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
The scientific and organizational activities of the Information sector in 2019 were carried out, as usual, in all its departments, and its results are included in the director's report. Maps of the popularity of the websites of the journal AJP Fizika
and the Institute of Physics, data on patents and the work of the library, work done to fill out the Encyclopedia, and the implementation of research projects implemented at the Institute of Physics were demonstrated. 48 articles, 3 issues of the journal
in two series each(Az, En) and one book were published.
Report of the Head of the department of education, Prof. Abaset Isaev. The head of the department said that the year of the report covers the spring and autumn sessions. Currently, 22 masters are getting
education at the Institute of Physics. 6 of them are the 2nd year students, and 16 are the 1st year students. He noted that for the 2018/2019 academic year 8 undergraduates successfully completed their dissertation works and received a master's degree.
7 of them received honor diploma. Later, reports from the Information sector and other departments were heard.
30 Auqust 2019
During the visit to Azerbaijan, the delegation of the Academy of Sciences of China, headed by the chairman of the Advisory Council of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of China, academician Enge Wang, deputy
director of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of China, professor Ya Wen, deputy director of the Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of China, Professor Haji Akbar Aisha
visited the Institute of Physics named after academician G.M. Abdullayev of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Academician Enge Wang noted that the purpose of the visit is to get familiarized with the activities of the Institute
of Physics of Azerbaijan and discuss the prospects for scientific and technical co-operation.
Аcademician-Secretary of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, director of the Institute, academician Nazim Mammadov
spoke about the main areas of activity of a scientific institution, important scientific results, as well as the functions of modern instruments and equipment.
The guests got familiarized with the modern material and technical base of the Institute of Physics Innovation Sector and discussed the results of the research with Azerbaijani scientists.
Academician Enge Wang appraised the activities of the Institute of Physics, as well as the innovative environment and condition created here. Тhe meeting was also attended by the head of the Department of
International Relations of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, PhD in Biology Esmira Alirzayeva,
deputy director for Innovation and Transfer of the Institute of Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Ayaz Bairamov, Head of the Laboratory, Doctor of Physical Sciences Elchin Jafarov.

17 May 2019

Director of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Academician-secretary of the Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical sciences, Nazim Mamedov was elected a full member of the
International Academy of Sciences of Turkic World Studies. Nazim Mamedov was also awarded the Medal of the “International Gold Star” Academy for his contribution to world science and achievements in the field of training highly qualified personnel.
23 February 2019
Heavy bereavement for scientific community of Azerbaijan, an outstanding scientist, scientific organizer of scientific works in the field of theoretical and high-energy physics,
the head of the High-energy Physics Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan, Farkhad Teymur oglu Khalilzade, died at the age of 69, on February 22, 2019. Farkhad Khalilzade
was born on August 28, 1950 in Baku. In 1972, he graduated from the Baku State University, the Faculty of Physics, and in the same year began his scientific work at the
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. In 1980, Farkhad Khalilzade successfully defended his thesis on "Calibrated models SU(2)xU(1)xU'(1)
of leptons and neutral weak currents" under the guidance of corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Iskandar Jafarov, and received a PhD degree in
physical and mathematical sciences. For 47 years of his scientific activity at the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Farkhad Khalilzade
has passed an honorable way from a junior research assistant to the head of the laboratory. Farkhad Khalilzade adequately represented the National Academy of Sciences
of Azerbaijan at the Institute of High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia), the Joint- Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia), the University of Ankara (Ankara, Turkey),
the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Geneva, Switzerland), and other organizations.
The memory of the famous scientist, scientific organizer and close friend Farkhad Teymur oglu Khalilzade will always live in our hearts.
Rest in peace!
29 December 2019

On December 20, 2019, a joint seminar was held at the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Physical Problems at Baku State University. Two presentations were heard and discussed at the seminar: master of the 2nd year study of
Osaka Prefecture University, Riyota Kitano (Japan), and researcher at the Institute of Physics, Elvin Alizade. Presentations were devoted to the results of joint research on the subject “Bulk electron structures of InSe and InTe
monocrystals” (Spectroscopic ellipsometry data and ab-initio calculations).
Seminar participants showed a great interest in the results and discussed them in details. Next, the academician, director of the Institute of Physics Nazim Mammadov and the rector of BSU Elchin Babaev spoke, pointing out the value and relevance of the results presented by the speakers.
The rector of the BSU also encouraged young people to take an active part in research activities, noting that such cooperation between the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Physical Problems at BSU should and will continue to develop.

12 November 2019
The scientific session dedicated to the 70th anniversary of academician Arif Hashimov was in the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS). The event was opened by the director of the Institute of Physics,
academician Nazim Mammadov. He noted that Arif Hashimov did a great merit in the prosperity of the Institute of Physics in the early years of independence and the foundation of its high status in world science was laid during the leadership of Arif Hashimov.
The fact that the official Hirsch index of the Institute of Physics has reached 100 means, at the moment. The Institute follows the path of rapid development, and Academician Hashimov's great contribution to this is, and, above all, in the
intensification of research in the field of electrophysics. The deputy director for scientific works of the Institute of Physics, academician Javad Abdinov, spoke about the stages of Arif Hashimov's formation as a scientist, his scientific and
creative activities. The academician was born on September 28, 1949 in the city of Shakhbuz of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. In 1971, he graduated from the Energy Department of the Azerbaijan Oil Institute and Chemistry (now the Azerbaijan State
Institute of Oil and Industry). In 1980 he defended his candidate, and in 1993 his doctoral dissertation. Arif Hashimov received his high qualifications by working at the Institute of Physics in the laboratory of academician Ch.M. Juvarly,
which was later headed by A. Hashimov as the laboratory of "High Voltage Engineering and Physics". From 2002 to 2009, he was the director of the Institute of Physics, and from 2007 to 2013, he was the first vice-president of ANAS.
J.Abdinov noted that the scientist currently holds the position of the director of the Institute of Energy, he is a member of the board of Azerenerji OJSC, etc., and is still holding the position of the head of the laboratory.
The event was continued by the presentation by Adeliya Abbasova, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor at the department of Semiconductor Physics of Baku State University, the head of the Social Legislation of Milli Majlis.
She noted that “physics is the queen of the natural sciences, all sciences are
close to it.” She gave a high praise his activities as the director of the Institute of Physics, his contribution for the relationships and conditions he created for young scientists. Salima Mekhtiyeva, the corresponding member of ANAS,
the head of the laboratory “Physics of non-crystalline semiconductors” congratulated A. Hashimov on his anniversary. She mentioned that the International Conference on “Physico-Techical problems of power engineering dedicated to the memory of
Chingiz Dzhuvarli his teacher was held on A. Hashimov’s initiative in 2003. Moreover, this conference has been held in different countries for 16 years. She distinguished his thought fullness and virtue.
Ayaz Bayramov, the deputy director on innovation and transfer, doctor of physic- mathematical sciences, and Kamil Qurbanov, PhD in physics, made scientific reports.
At the end of the session academician Arif Hashimov thanked all his colleagues and the Directorate of the Institute of Physics for organizing the event.

13 May 2019
Masters of Department of Physico – Mathematical and Technical sciences of Azerbaijan National Academy of sciences defend their theses.
Masters training on given specialities defend their thesis: on June, 11 in “Theoretical and mathematical physics”, “Physics of semiconductors” ( 3 masters of İnstitute of Physics ), on June 12,
in “Radiation material sciences”, “Astrophysics” (2 masters of Institute of radiation problems, 2 masters of Shemakha Astrophysical Observatory ).
On June 13 defence of theses on “Quantum electronics”, “ Physics of biological systems”, “ High – energy physics ”, Solid – state Physics
(4 masters of Institute of Physics, 1master of Institute of Biophysics) is held.
Defence of theses begins at 9.30.
According to the order of President of ANAS there has been formed Specialized Council on Defence of Master’s theses,
adopted in 2017/2018 academic year.
03 May 2019
Aminaga Sadygov, Associate of ANAS with report about Institute of Physics at Annual Public meetimg of ANAS

On May 1, Aminaga Sadygov, Associate of ANAS made a report “Comparatve analysis of bibliometric parameters in scientific bases of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences”
at Annual Public meeting of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. According to the report Institute of Physics, ANAS is the first of 10 best institutes on index “H” by
the member of refernces involved in most scientific works in Web of Science base, 2018.
04 April 2019
On May 05, 2019 the Institute of Physics announces the admission to 8 (eight) vacancies of senior research officer positions. The documents will be accepted from April 03 to May 03, 2019.
The documents will be accepted at the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan by a leading engineer of the scientific secretary Zarifa Makhmudova (room №216),
at 131, H. Javid ave., Baku, AZ-1143, phone: 012-539-74-23, e-mail: zarifams@gmail.com
The Application form is submitted below: statement.docx
25 December 2019

On December 2, 2019, a seminar was held with the participation of the academician N.T. Mamedov, director of Institute of Physics. The seminar was attended by Bakhshi Mekhtiyev, leading research worker, Elvin Alizade, research worker, Dunyamali Mamedov, director of
Research Institute of Physical Problems at Baku State University, Ph.D. Sadiyyar Ragimov. The work plan of a graduate student of the Higher Engineering School of the Faculty of Physics and Electronics of the University of Osaka in Japan, Riyota Kitano, who is on a
business trip at the Scientific Research Institute of Physical Problems at the BSU, was discussed during the seminar.

According to the approved plan, from November 30 to December 25 Riyota Kitano will study the optical properties of some materials and calculate their band structures. All experimental studies are planned to be carried out on modern scientific systems of the
Innovation sector of the Institute of Physics. Works related to the calculation of energy structures will be carried out in collaboration with employees of the Institute of Physics and the Research Institute of Physical Problems at BSU.

04 October 2019
Dear colleagues, authors of articles and readers of the magazine "AJP Fizika"
Published a printed version of the third issue of the magazine "AJP Fizika", 2019
18 September 2019

On September 17, 2019, a scientific seminar was held at G.M Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS. French scientists - Prof. Fransua Khennah and young researcher Adreane Novrie -from the University of
ducing the guests, emphasized the importance of the cooperation agreement
between G.M Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS and the Université de Montpellier, and noted that French scientists will inform the participants of the scientific seminar about the studies conducted at the Université de Montpellier.
At the suggestion from French scientists the young Azerbaijani researchers can participate in the competition that will be held with the participation of French scientists among the candidates for a Ph. D at the Université de Montpellier.

The Institute of Physics director, academician Nazim Mammadov, proposed to expand the cooperation between the Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS and Baku State University and other educational institutions.
He emphasized the importance of the integration of the science and the education, the main aim of which is to attract the representatives of the young generation to science, expand their scientific outlook and experience abroad,
providing an increase in the scientific potential of Azerbaijan. In conclusion, the guests got familiarized with the innovative research activities of the Institute of Physics.

22 May 2019
From May 20 to 22, 2019 a delegation from the Russian Academy of Sciences led by the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (REA) A.M. Sergeyev was on an official visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan. On May 21, the delegation of the Russian
Academy of Sciences and the delegation led by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev discussed issues of cooperation
between the Russian and Azerbaijani scientific organizations, as well as international cooperation of the Caspian region states.

The president of RAS, academician A.M. Sergeyev, and the President of ANAS, academician Akif Aghamehti oglu Alizade, signed an agreement to define the main areas of scientific
and technical cooperation of RAS and ANAS. The signed document reflects the priority issues such as exchange of information and experience in priority fields of
science and technology, highly qualified personnel training, and joint activities. The Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences agreed to develop a “Road Map” within the framework
of the signed scientific and technical cooperation agreement.

The president of the National Academy of Sciences, academician Akif Alizade, and the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Alexander Sergeyev, got familiarized with research works and modern
equipment of the Institute of Physics. Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, academician Nazim Mammadov spoke about the main activities of the
Institute of Physics, innovations, important scientific discoveries and modern equipment. The President of the RAS highly assessed
the activities of the Institute of Physics, and wished the staff success in their further innovation activities
