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Fizika, 1995,vol.I, 3
1. |
R.B. Aslanov, O.K. Qasumov, S.R. Nuriyev, Sh.V. Mamedov Kinetic study of radicals in UV
irradiated keratin vool
5 |
2. |
M.I. Veliev, S.I. Mekhtieva, N.Z. Dzhalilov, G.K. Akberov The influence of thermal
threatment on electric conductivity of selenium at different contents of Na.
11 |
3. |
A.I. Mamedov, M.G. Shakhtakhtinskiy, M.A. Kurbanov, S.N. Musaeva
Interphase space changes and their related effect
18 |
4. |
K.A. Askerov, S.A. Orudzheva, F.K. Isaev The method of testing the photoreceivers (PhR)
and photoreceiving devices (PhRI) during the ionizing radiation action.
24 |
5. |
R.P. Mekhtiev Pecularity of conductivity of solid solutions in SnSe (In, REE)Se. |
31 |
6. |
S.A. Gadzhiev, A.N. Mamedov Gauge conditions without ambiguities in nonabelian theory |
36 |
7. |
Yu.G. Asadov, K.M. Djafarov, A.G. Babaev, F.Yu. Asadov, S.S. Gamidova
Structural transformations in Cu(1,70)Zn0,05Te. |
41 |
8. |
M.B. Babayev On the change with time of the electron temperature (Te) and concentration (ne)
in the envelope of the nova HR Delphinus |
48 |
9. |
D.I. Ismailov, M.F. Alieva, R.M. Sultanov, F.Z. Aliev, R.B. Shafizade
Shot-range order in thin amorphous films of Tl-S and Tl-Se systems. |
56 |
10. |
F.S.Sadykhov, Azad I. Ahmadov Calculation polarization effects in the proton-proton scattering
in frame perturbative QCD. |
64 |
11. |
N.I. Ibragimov, Z.M. Abutalibova, V.G. Agaev Trigonal selen photoreceptors in binder, obtained
by reduction of SeO2 by hydrazine. |
70 |
12. |
R.R. Guseinov The screened potential of the impurity in the semiconductor film. |
75 |
13. |
S.A. Orudjeva, F.K. Isayev, K.A. Askerov, R.A. Salmanova, A.K. Mamedov, R.Yu. Aliyev
Influence of the ionizing radiations onto servicesbility of the gallium telluride photodiodes |
80 |