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Fizika, 2005,vol.XI, 4
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E.A. Jafarova Reactive characteristics of barrier structure on base of silicon under illumination.
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2. |
I.S. Gasanov, V.A. Orudjev
The plasma oscillatorfor ion precipitation of diamond-like films.
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3. |
A.F. Aliyev Electrophysical researches of mechanism of corrosion carbonacrous steel in demineralizational water.
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4. |
S.T.Azizov, M.A.Sadichov The absorbents of MWF radiation on the base of high dispersion materials.
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5. |
A.M.Babayev The exact solutions of Kane equations which have band edge gap potential with ring-shaped non-spherical oscillator potential in external non-uniform electric field.
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6. |
F.K. Aleskerov
The modern problems of thermo-electric materials science.
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7. |
S.A. Abushov, H.B. Ganbarova I.B. Bachtiyarli, O.Sh. Kerimli
Photoluminescent properties of glasses in the system La2O3 - Ga2S3 - LnI2O3 (where LnI-Ce, Er). |
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8. |
E.M. Gojaev, K.J. Gulmamedov, G.S. Jafarova, G.S. Orudzhev, S.S. Osmanova
Piezoelectric properties of crystals TlIn1-xLnxSe2 . |
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9. |
Ch.O.Kadjar, S.A.Musayev, S.B.Kazimova, A.A.Abdullayev, E.Ch.Saidov
Rotational constants and components of dipole moments of trans-trans-trans and trans-trans-gosh conformers of butyl spirit. |
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10. |
N.N. NiftiyeV, F.M. Mamedov, O.B. Tagiyev Thermo-electromotive force and Hall effect in FeGa2S4. |
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11. |
A.I. Mammadov Piezoresistive effect in the nonordered system polymer-semiconductor. |
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12. |
M.M. Panahov, S.N. Sarmasov, M.Z. Mamedov Determination of Debye screening length from conductivity of PbTe films.
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13. |
A.M. Hasimov, T.K. Nurubeyli, K.Z. Nuruyev
The influence of parameters’ deviation on ion-optical character of mass-spectrometer. |
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14. |
G.I. Abutalibov, A.A. Mamedov Putting out of luminescence of Nd3+ ions in semiconductor glasses. |
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15. |
F.M. Mustafayev
Investigation of the thermodynamics of phase transition of copper halcogenydes. |
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16. |
S.Sh. Gakhramanov
Nanostructural centers in the crystalline layer of the bismuth telluride and their influence on the kinetic properties. |
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