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Transactions, 2000,vol.XX, 2
1. |
M. I. Aliyev, A. M. Gashimov
Academician Ch. M. Djuvarli and his scientific heritage.
3 |
2. |
N. A. Abdullayev
The peculiarities of acoustic spectra of layer crystals.
7 |
3. |
Kh. N. Vezirov, E.N. Ismayilov, A.A. Kazimov
On the charging of dielectric films and electron emission.
14 |
4. |
Rena J. Kasumova
Raman scattering stokes component generation in external cavity.
17 |
5. |
H.G. Gasanov
Motion of viscous liquid in cylindrical pipe under magnetic field.
22 |
6. |
A. G. Kyazym-zade
Perculation theory and problem of family conservation.
30 |
7. |
T. M. Khalina
Electrical conductivity between the co-planar plates of flexible composite electric heater of rectangular cross section.
33 |
8. |
Kh. N. Vezirov, E. N. Ismailov, A.A. Kazimov
On the electron emission created by magnetic field.
42 |
9. |
V. A. Tanriverdiyev, V. S. Tagiyev, M. B. Guseynov
Bulk spin-wave regions in an antiferromagnetic superlattice.
45 |
10. |
On the electron scattering mechanism in semiconductor Bi(1-x)Sbx (x=0,09; 0,15) alloys.
50 |
11. |
Sh. Alekperova, N. N. Abdul-zade, I. A. Akhmedov, R. G. Akhmedzade, G. S. Gadjiyeva
The optical properties of n-Ag4SSe in an visible and infrared ranges.
54 |
12. |
E.N.Zamanova, M. A. Jafarov, S. M. Bagirova, K.Ch. Eyvazova, L. A. Alieva
Properties structure on the base of Al-Al2O3-CdS.
59 |
13. |
F.Gashimzade, S. Kagramanova, F. Mustafayev, N. Djavadov
Critical points of spectrum of the dielectric permeability of thallium-selenium.
62 |
14. |
M. Aliyev, R. A. Ragimova
Investigation of surface Ge(1-x)Six single crystals by electrorefiectance method
66 |
15. |
O.I.Davarashvili, M. I. Enukashvili, N. P. Kekelidze,M. R. Metckhvarishvili, V. P. Zlomanov
A. P. Shotov, V. A. Aliyev
Phase equilibrium for the liquid-phased epitaxial structure of the PbSeTe - PbSnSeTe.
72 |
16. |
C. Sh. Gahramanow, A P, Aliyeva
Enterphase interface of PbTe(PbS)-NiSb ephtectic.
77 |
17. |
Ch. O. Qajar, S. R. Kasimova
The selection of thickness and properties of trarslucence blankets of plane microwave absorbers.
83 |
18. |
Rasim A. Ali-zade
Morphology of magnetite nanoparticles obtained by chemical precipitation method.
88 |
19. |
The influence of carrier density on the critical temperature in layered superconductors.
95 |
20. |
L. I. Velieva, I. N. Alieva, N. M. Godjaev, D. I. Aliev
Conformational states of compounds of the gallatostatin family.
99 |
21. |
I.Kh. Mamedov
Dependence of p-xylene free radical methyl group orientation from polycrystalline environment.
106 |
22. |
T. G. Safarova
Percolatid effects in conductivity and diamagnetic response of polyvinylidenefluoride-
superconjuctor YBa2Cu3O7-d composites.
109 |
23. |
M. I. Aliyev, Sh. Sh. Rashidova, I.M.Aliyev, M. A. Huseynova
Influense of IR radiation on free carrier absorption in In0,05Ga0,95As and GaAs crystals.
113 |
24. |
Sh. M. Abbasov, Sh. I. Abbasov, A. I. Klimovskaya, R. I. Baicar, P. I.Ostrovski,
Y. P. Krasnojonov
The forms of growth of n-type Ge-Si filamentous crystals received by the method of chemical
117 |
25. |
G. A. Agayeva
Conformational stability of the neurokinins A and B and its analogs.
122 |
26. |
F. K, Kasumov, H. I. Novruzova, S. O. Tagieva
On the formation of high velocity radio pulsars.
| |
27. |
M. K. Kerimov, B. A. Suleimanov, M. M. Ahmedov
Determination of radioactivity and heavy metals in water samples taken from Kura River.
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