Since 1950 in “Physics and Technics of high voltage” laboratory of Physics Institute of NAS are carried out researches of electrical discharges in different dielectric gaps. These explorations are important for determination of physical processes took place at partial discharges in electrical and polymer insulation. Were determined the discharge development regularities and built a founded model, allowed to get from macroscopic characteristics the main parameters of current pulses in discharge’s gap and estimate the level of discharge influence on dielectrics. Study of discharge processes in gases and their mixtures had immediate industrial significance for insulation of high voltage equipment reduced to arrangement and carrying out on a large discharge researches in gases and mixtures with electronegative components. These researches in addition to determination of basic typical regularities for discharges on the mixtures allow to develop a number of equipments, based on this discharge type. For example, gas-discharge converter measures the no electrical quantities, increase of adhesion properties in polymer materials by means of electrical discharge treatment and so on. Requirements to increase of electrical insulation reliability under influence of partial discharges reduced to showing up the reasons and mechanism of polymer insulation deterioration. Idea of space charges influence in polymers on materials properties and characteristics under electrical discharges connects with laboratory works results in this field.
Since 1967 were begun the complex researches of corona discharge in laboratory as a one type of avalanche electrical discharge. Corona discharge presents itself the powerful technological means. It is used as an ions source in apparatus of electron-ion technology. Were got the important results about influence of materials and electrodes geometry on activity of different physical processes in corona ionization field. On basis of theirs was developed a number of new engineering solutions in laboratory. Also are carried out the explorations of other discharge types such as a barrier discharge, torch discharge, glow discharge, spark discharge and their influence on different composite materials properties. In particular were profoundly studied the mechanisms of influence and activation of glass-fiber material’s components for increase of an electric strength of insulators widely applied in high voltage technology.
Were applied at the big enterprises such as “Azerelectroinsulation” in Mingechaur city (Azerbaijan), Baku Production Association “Radioplant” our experimental-industrial plants concerning the complex electrical treatment of glass fibers and activation the holes in circuit plates by torch discharge about what we have patents and author's certificates.
Also the one of the most scientific directions of our laboratory are study and researches the characteristics of high voltage nanosecond pulsed discharges in solid gases, designing and creation of high voltage nanosecond pulsed generators for different purposes, high voltage nanosecond pulse influence on solid dielectrics and thin films. We designed a new high voltage nanosecond generator by acceleration time 8 ns for researches of nanosecond pulsed discharges and formation of powerful sub nanosecond electron beams in solid gases.
Were published a number of the latest articles by exploration and application of high voltage pulsed discharges:
Proceedings of the International Conference “Physics-2005”, journal “Electron treatment of materials”, ¹6 2005, journal “Electron treatment of materials”, ¹1 2006, Proceedings of the International Conference „ÒÐÅ-2006”.