In the study, the influence of matrix effects on the detection limit of components during the analysis of biological fluids was investigated, and a comparison of sample
preparation with direct dilution and mineralization methods was made. The results show that the decrease in the resolution of the device due to the influence of organic
solvents is related to the reduction of the diameters of a number of parts of the analyzer, including the sampler and skimmer holes. To reduce the influence of the organic
components of the analyzed solutions, two methods, microwave and simple decomposition, have been proposed. Here the advantages of simple dilution are highlighted. At the
same time, it was noted that the acid mineralization method of biological fluids, especially during blood analysis, is used as an optimal method to eliminate various organic
matrix and reduce biohazard. The article explains the possibility of using internal standards to eliminate matrix effects and obtain more accurate results. The obtained
results provided important information for the analyst-experimenters to evaluate and increase the accuracy level, and at the same time for the doctors to restore the
important elements lost in the patient's body during dialysis
Keywords: Biological fluid, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, spectral and non-spectral matrix effects, internal standard.
Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024
1. Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 131 H.Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1073
E-mail: nurlanajafarr@gmail.com
Graphics and Images
Fig.1-2 Fig.3-4
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