2025 | 01 | en | А.Z. Abasova, L.H. Hasanova, A.Z. Mahammadov, S.A. Jahangirova, Photoconductivity of (GaSe)0.8(InSe)0.2 monocrystal and influence on it of irradiation with γ-quantums |
03-05 | abs |
2025 | 01 | en | Fizuli Mamedov, Structural complexity of the materials and superconductivity: how fundamental is the mechanism inducing this phenomenon of nature |
06-08 | abs |
2025 | 01 | en | I.A. Mamedova, I.Q. Qasimoqlu, N.A. Abdullayev, Photoluminescent properties of CuInS2 |
09-12 | abs |
2025 | 01 | en | Ch.E. Sabzaliyeva, N.N. Mursakulov, Kh.M. Guliyeva, N.N. Abdulzade, Analysis of depth profiles of defects formed in CuInSe2 thin films after implantation with Ar+ ions |
13-17 | abs |
2025 | 01 | en | E.R. Hasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, A.I. Alakbarov, Z.A. Taghiyeva, V.M. Hajiyeva, S.A. Huseynova, S.S. Ahadova, A semiconductor is an energy source in the presence of a temperature gradient in an external electric and magnetic field |
18-22 | abs |
2025 | 01 | en | V.M. Aliev, G.I. Isakov, J.A. Ragimov, V.I. Eminova, G.A. Alieva, Analysis of the results of studying the partial replacement of yttrium by cadmium in composition x |
23-27 | abs |
2025 | 01 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, A.I. Hasanova, N.A. Mammadova, On the theory of frequency doubling in two nonlinear crystals |
28-31 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | A.M. Babanli, B.G. Ibragimov, Energy spectrum of electrons confined to a parabolic quantum well with conical disclination and Rashba spin-orbit interaction |
03-07 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | A.M. Babanli, The magnetic susceptibility of electrons in quantum rings with Rashba |
08-11 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, N.V. Kerimli, A.I. Hasanova, Dependence of signal pulse energy density on the characteristic lengths in metamaterial |
12-16 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | A.E. Surkhayli, H.A. Shirinova, B.G. Pashayev, A.H. Karimova, S.G. Nuriyeva, |
17-22 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | Yusibova Tarana Firgat, Orucova Aygun Aydın, Aghayeva Rayiha Shamsaddin, Analitical model of current limiter |
23-29 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | M.A. Musayev , I.I. Abbasov, E.A. Eminova, Study of the dependence of the radiation intensity in the near infrared range of ZnSe:Fe on the power of the exciting source |
30-32 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | M.A. Musayev, I.I. Abbasov, E.A. Eminova, Study of the dependence of the radiation intensity in the near infrared range of ZnSe:Cr with a change in the power of the exciting source of the Nd:YAG laser from 1 mW to 10 mW |
33-35 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | Sh.N. Aliyeva, Analysis of optical spectra of Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 nanoferrites |
36-38 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | Vali A. Huseynov, Rasmiyya E. Gasimova, Narmin A. Zeynalova, Narmin R. Alizade, Contribution of medium factors to elastic relic neutrino-electron scattering in close vicinity to magnetized astrophysical objects |
39-43 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | Ilaha V. Izzatova, Controlled synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles from zinc acetate dihydrate: insights into structural properties |
44-47 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | I.K. Kamilov, L.A. Saypulaeva, N.V. Melnikova, A.I. Ril, S.F. Marenkin, Sh.M. Aliev, |
48-54 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | I.K. Kamilov, L.A. Saipulaeva, N.V. Melnikova, A.I. Ril, S.F. Marenkin, Thermoelectrical properties of Mn-doped n-Cd3As2 |
55-61 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | Arif Babanli, Behbud Ibragimov, Mustafa Balci, Vepa Sabyrov, Average energy and magnetic susceptibility of DMS quantum dot |
62-65 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | V.N. Jafarova, Sevda Rzayeva, The magnetic properties of ZnSe:TM (Cr, V): first-principles study |
66-69 | abs |
2024 | 04 | en | Hajiyeva Billure Tavakkul, Asymmetries in the processes of creation of electron-positron pairs by neutrinos (antineutrinos) in hot dense environments in an external magnetic field |
70-73 | abs |
2024 | 03 | en | Shakir M. Nagiyev, Könül Sh. Jafarova, Shovqiyya A. Amirova, Vefa A. Tarverdiyeva, |
03-08 | abs |
2024 | 03 | en | S.A. Zalova, Optical properties of semiconductor superlattices (review) |
09-19 | abs |
2024 | 03 | en | I.S. Ramazanova, G.Kh. Guseynova, U.V. Yusifova, T.D. Ibragimov, A.F. Nuraliyev, |
20-28 | abs |
2024 | 03 | en | Hasanov Rovshan Farhad, Investigation of the effect of sulphur on the properties of carbon nanotubes |
29-32 | abs |
2024 | 03 | en | Fizuli Mamedov, The connection between the energy and structural complexity of the matter, structural complexity origin of the electroweak boson masses as well as metabolism in living organisms |
33-36 | abs |
2024 | 03 | en | I.M. Afandiyeva, S.A. Yerişkin, E.A. Rasulov, S.I. Amirova,
The investigatıon of the voltage and frequency dependent electrical characteristics of RE/n-GaAs Schottky barrier diode |
37-43 | abs |
2024 | 02 | en | V.M. Salmanov, A.G. Huseynov, G.B. Ibragimov, M.B. Jafarov, R.M. Mammadov, |
03-08 | abs |
2024 | 02 | en | V.M. Aliev, G.I. Isakov, J.A. Ragimov, G.A. Alieva, Pseudogap in Y0,3Cd0,7Ba2Cu3O7-δ HTSC material |
09-12 | abs |
2024 | 02 | en | I.I. Mustafayev, S.Z. Melikova, E.G. Hajiyeva, M.A. Nuriyev, Radiothermoluminescence of polyethylene polymer composites with the CdS/ZnS binary system |
13-16 | abs |
2024 | 02 | en | Nahida Musayeva, Hadiya Khalilova, Sevinj Guluzade, Baxhtiyar Izzetov, M. Alizada, NO2 gas sensing properties of MWCNTs/NiO nanocomposite |
17-20 | abs |
2024 | 02 | en | E.M. Islamzade, Concentration profiles of components and impurities in Ge1-x-Six<Ga> and Ge1-x-Six<Sb> crystals grown by zone melting method |
21-25 | abs |
2024 | 02 | en | Sh.O. Eminov, G.F. Ganizade, I.I. Gurbanov, A.R. Imamaliyev, A.X. Karimova, A.A. Rajabli, Electrohydrodynamic instability in nematic liquid crystal bordering with cylindrical anodized aluminum oxide nanopores |
26-31 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | V.M. Aliev, G.I. Isakov, J.A. Ragimov, V.I. Eminova, S.Z. Damirova, G.A. Alieva, |
03-07 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | M.M. Tagiyev, G.D. Abdinova, I.A. Abdullaeva, X.F. Alieva, T.I. Pirieva, A.A. Jabiyeva, |
08-13 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | E.R. Hasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, R.K. Mustafayeva, Monochromatic wave propagation in vacuum |
14-16 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | I.R. Nuriyev, A.M. Nazarov, M.S. Sadigov, S.S. Farzaliyev, R.M. Sadigov, |
17-22 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | Azad Ch. Izmailov, On the physical mechanism of quantum jumps in atoms |
23-25 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | T.D. Ibrahimov, H.S. Ibrahimova, Electret properties of ZrO2 nanoparticles – polypropylene composites |
26-30 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | O.B. Tagiev, E.G. Asadov, F.A. Kazimova, Photoluminescence of nanocrystals of LaPO4:Eu3+ |
31-34 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | G.S. Hajiyeva, N.N. Abdulzade, F.A. Kazimova, Low voltage semiconductor stabilitron |
35-37 | abs |
2024 | 01 | en | F.A. Mamedov, Scaling properties of Dirac matrices, the graviational field, and consistently life like transformation law behavior aspect of these matrices. Dirac matrices and dark matter |
38-40 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | Sh.O. Eminov, S.A. Aliyev, F.E. Mammadov, I.I. Gurbanov, E.M. Akberov, J.A. Guliyev, |
03-06 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | A. M. Babanli, Heat capacity of electrons in Kane-type semiconductor tube |
07-10 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | A.I. Bayramova, A.G. Guseinov, Preparation and properties of photosensitive Cu3In5S9 thin films |
11-13 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | A.M. Babanli, B.G. Ibragimov, Thermodynamic functions of electrons in Kane type semiconductor tube |
14-17 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | A.N. Jafarova, A.A. Hadieva, Viscosity of liquids in a nonstationary temperature field |
18-20 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | H.S. Ibragimova, R.L. Mammadova, Effect of heat treatment on polypropylene and metal oxide (PP+ZrO2) nanocomposites |
21-24 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | V.N. Jafarova, V.K. Sarijanova, M.A. Musaev, First-principles study of electronic and magnetic properties of defected ZnSe |
25-28 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | E.A. Masimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, A.H. Asadova, Study of sol-gel phase transition in the agarose-water system by electrical conductivity |
29-32 | abs |
2023 | 04 | en | I.F. Yusibova, Sh.N. Aliyeva, IR analysis of copper doped Ni-Zn nanoferrites |
33-34 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | S.Z. Damirova, V.I. Eminova, Influence of doping by Zn (0.01 at% Zn) on conductivity of InGaSb equimolar composition |
03-05 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | A.M. Mammedzade, B.U. Gasimli, Structural origin of silk nanoparticles and their stabilization |
06-12 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | M.A. Jafarov, V.M. Salmanov, A.G. Guseinov, G.B. Ibragimov, R.M. Mamedov, |
13-18 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | S.A. Aliyev, F.E. Mammadov, E.M. Akberov, I.I. Gurbanov, A.A. Badalov, Sh.O. Eminov, |
19-23 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | G.M. Ahmadova, G.B. Ibragimova, M.A. Jafarov, Si - Bi2Te3 photoconverter detectors |
24-27 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | A.S. Huseynova, Effects of the HfO2 nanofiller on the electret properties and structure of the PE/HfO2 polymer nanocomposite |
28-31 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | A.S. Huseynova, M.N. Bayramov, F.F. Yahyayev, Study of the stability of the electret state in a nanocomposite polymer film based on polyethylene with a nanoparticle Ta2O5 |
32-35 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | S.N. Garibova, Study of local structure Se–As glassy semiconductor system and the mechanism of current passage through the Al-Se95As5<EuF3>-Te structure |
36-38 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | G.I. Isakov, A.A. Ismayilov, A.A. Ismayilov, Effect γ- radiation on the electrical properties of In0.999Ag0.001Se sıngle crystals |
39-42 | abs |
2023 | 03 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, N.V. Kerimli, N.H. Gurbanova, H.A. Abiyev, On the theory of third harmonic generation in a Fabry-Perot cavity |
43-45 | abs |
2023 | 02 | en | Hüseyin Okan Durmuş, Baki Karaböce & Mirhasan Yu. Seyidov, Investigating the temperature effects of a low-power laser on a tissue-like material using NTC-type thermistor sensors and calculating energies by heat transfer equation |
03-10 | abs |
2023 | 02 | en | Hüseyin Okan Durmuş, Baki Karaböce, Emel Çetin Ari & Mirhasan Yu. Seyidov, |
11-18 | abs |
2023 | 02 | en | F.A. Rustamov, N.H. Darvishov, V.E. Bagiev, M.Z. Mamedov, E.Y. Bobrova, H.O. Askerova, |
19-23 | abs |
2023 | 02 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, G.Kh. Huseynova, Z.A. Dadashov, A.F. Nuraliyev, |
24-30 | abs |
2023 | 02 | en | S.T. Azizov, Dielectric relaxation of absorption spectra of isopropyl, n-butyl and isobutyl alcohols in microwave range |
31-34 | abs |
2023 | 02 | en | Asmar Rasim Ahmadova, Losses for parametric interaction in medium with negative refraction |
35-38 | abs |
2023 | 02 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, G.A. Muradova, Change of mesogenic properties of liquid crystal 5СB at the presence of silver nanorods |
39-43 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | M.R. Alizada, A.I. Ahmadov, Thermal photons production in proton-proton collisions at high energies. Part I. Differential cross-sections of processes, calculated without and taking into account formfactor of mesons |
03-13 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, Production of a Higgs-boson pair in e-e+ -collisions (II) |
14-24 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | H.S. Ibrahimova, Change in the properties of polymer nanocomposites (PP+ZrO2) with metal oxide nanoadditives after electrothermopolarization |
25-28 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | M.R. Alizada, A.I. Ahmadov, Thermal photons production in proton-proton collisions at high energies. Part II. Determination of dominant process of production of thermal photons |
29-38 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | E.R. Hasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, G.M. Mammadova, Instability of thermomagnetic waves in conducting media |
39-43 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | V.M. Aliyev, G.I. Isakov, J.A. Rahimov, V.I. Eminova, S.Z. Damirova, G.A. Aliyeva, |
44-48 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, I.S. Ramazanova, U.V. Yusifova, F.F. Yahyayev, Investigation of influence of barrier discharge plasma on barium titanate particle doped polyethylene by DSC method |
49-55 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | Shakir M. Nagiyev, Shovqiyya A. Amirova, The Wigner distribution function of a semiconfined harmonic oscillator model with a position-dependent mass and frequency in an external homogeneous field. The case of parabolic well |
56-64 | abs |
2023 | 01 | en | A.M. Aliyeva, Metods for synthesis of nanotubes and structure(review article) |
65-75 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | I.I. Abbasov, Study of impurities-defective luminescence in ZnSe:Cr and ZnSe:Fe in the red and near infrared range |
03-06 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | M.A. Musayev, N.N. Hashimova, Viscosity of liquids in a nonstationary temperature field |
07-08 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | A.Kh. Karimova, Fabrication of aluminum oxide templates and synthesis of Ni nanowires within pores |
09-12 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | K.Sh. Gahramanov, S.Sh. Gahramanov, N.A. Abdullayev, Kh.V. Aliguliyeva, Z.I. Badalova, |
13-21 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | I.A. Mamedova, Some regularities of Raman active modes in AII B2III C4VI compounds |
22-25 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | Vali A. Huseynov, Rasmiyya E. Gasimova, Rania M. Rouggani, Scattering of low-energy neutrinos at accelerated electron beam passing through single crystals |
26-29 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | H.M. Mammadov, H.A. Shirinova, M.R. Hasanova, S.G. Nuriyeva, A.H. Karimova, |
30-35 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | Shakir M. Nagiyev, Shovqiyya A. Amirova, Model of a linear harmonic oscillator with a position-dependent mass in the external homogeneous field. The case of a parabolic well |
36-41 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | K.S. Eyyubova, Energy saving at the heat supply source using gas turbine technologies |
42-45 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, On the theory of intracavity dispersion interferometer |
46-49 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | R.J. Kasumova, Sh.Sh. Amirov, On the theory of four-wave interaction in dissipative metamaterials |
50-56 | abs |
2022 | 04 | en | R.М. Мamedov, Luminescence and photoconductivity of CdS upon multiphoton excitation |
57-60 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | A.A. Saddinova, R.I. Selim-zadeh, A.E. Babayeva, The peculiaritıes of electrical conductivity in AgSbSe2 and (AgSbSe2)0,85(PbTe)0,15 |
03-05 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, O.B. Tagiev, I.S. Ramazanova, T.Sh. Ibrahimova, A.F. Nuraliyev, E.G. Asadov, |
06-10 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | G.Z. Najafova, Simulation spatial structure of amyloid beta-peptide (28-35) determined by molecular mechanics method |
11-15 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | Hüseyin Okan Durmuş, Mirhasan Yu Seyidov, Demonstrating the importance of emissivity measurement in determining the doses of light sources on tissue mimicking materials such as laser, IPL and LED |
16-26 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, On the theory of dispersion interferometer with two nonlinear crystals |
27-29 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | B.G. Salamov and T.G. Mammadov, Plasma etching of GaAs surface in a planar gas discharge system |
30-38 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | Hüseyin Okan Durmuş, Mirhasan Yu. Seyidov, Measurement of internal and surface temperatures and optical properties of Zerdine phantom under 635 nm low level laser irradiation |
39-47 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | A. Mammadli, B. Ibrahimov, Y. Bacherikov, Z. Ahmadov, Investigation of parameters of silicon photomultipliers |
48-52 | abs |
2022 | 03 | en | A.M. Hashimov, A.O. Orujov, M.A. Jamalov, Some theoretical issues of formation and development of gas voids in cross-linked polyethylene insulation |
53-57 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | А. А. Аbdullayeva, Effect of gamma irradiation on the crystal structure of Cd1-xFexTe thin films |
03-06 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | A.Ch. Mamedova, N.K. Kerimova, I.T. Mammadova, Crystallization kinetics of amorphous nanothickness CuGa5Se8 |
07-09 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | B. Emdadi, A. Asimov, F. Tatardar, Graphene-based cathode materials for dye-sensitized solar cells: a review |
10-14 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | F.A. Rustamov, N.H. Darvishov, V.E. Bagiev, M.Z. Mamedov, E.Y. Bobrova, H.O. Qafarova, Red - yellow - red reversible shift of photoluminescence maximum in stain etched porous silicon at dilute HF posttreatment |
15-20 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | R.A. Hasanova, Theoretical study of electronic properties of Ag2Te |
21-23 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | Rena J. Kasumova, Sh.Sh. Amirov, Nonstationary sum frequency generation in inhomogeneous optical fiber |
24-30 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | M.A. Nuriyev, A.A. Shukurova, A.Sh. Mammadova, A.I. Gasimova, Electrophysical properties of gamma-irradiated polyethylene terephtalate (PETPh\CdS) nano-composits on the base of porous membranes |
31-37 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | V.M. Aliyev, G.I. Isakov, V.I. Eminova, S.Z. Damirova, Blushing of phase transitions Y0,7Cd0,3Ba2Cu3O7-δ in NTSC material |
38-41 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | M.N. Bayramov, N.Sh. Aliyev, Frequency dependence of electric conduction of polyethylene of high density/ α-Al2O3 nano-composites modıfıed by gamma beams |
42-45 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | B. Emdadi, A. Asimov, F. Tatardar, Quantum dots dye-solar cells sensitized: A review |
46-51 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | E.R. Hasanov, G.M. Mammadova, Sh.G. Khalilova, Excitation of unstable waves in multi-valley semiconductors GaAs type in external electric and strong magnetic fields |
52-57 | abs |
2022 | 02 | en | G.D. Abbasova, E.Z. Aliyev, G.R. Safarli, Spatial models of glucose and di-glucose optimized structures |
58-60 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | A.A. Hasanov, X.T. Hasanova, S.R. Bagirova, Influence of some salts on binodaline of biphasic systems formed by nonionic polymers |
03-07 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | A.I. Jabbarov, Heat capacity and phase transitions in a quasi two-dimensional single crystal Cu1.04Fe1.12Te1.84 |
08-12 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | Shahmardan Sh. Amirov, On the theory of parametrical interaction of laser pulses in metamaterial |
13-17 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | E.R. Hasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, R.K. Mustafayeva, G.M. Mammadova, Oscillations of current in two-valley semiconductors in a strong electric field |
18-22 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | S.S. Rzayeva, Photon–photon scattering |
23-25 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | V.M. Aliyev, J.A. Rahimov, G.A. Aliyeva, Determination of parameters of dily phase transitions (T0, a, L0 (T), dL0 /dT) Y0,5Cd0,5Ba2Cu3O7-δ HTSC material |
26-28 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | S.O. Mammadova, S.S. Huseynova, A.Y. Sharifli, The geometric structure and magnetic properties of Li adsorbed on monolayer graphene |
29-32 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, Size effect of submicron barium titanate particles on their dielectric properties |
33-36 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | V.F. Gremenok, Optical properties of erbium doped ZnO films grown on different substrates |
37-42 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, I.S. Ramazanova, G.Kh. Guseynova, U.V. Yusifova, A.F. Nuraliyev, Dielectric properties of polyethylene doped with barium titanate particles |
43-45 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | M.G. Kazumov, S.M. Rzayeva, L.V. Rustamova, The investigation of thin single-crystal films of Fe0,75Ga0,25InS3, MnGaInS4 and Fe0,25Ga0,5In1,25S3 crystals by rotation electron diffraction pattern |
46-51 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | V.A. Tanriverdiyev, Dynamics of three-walled mixed-spin (1/2, 1 and 3/2) ising nanotube |
52-57 | abs |
2022 | 01 | en | S.R. Azimova, Sh.S. Ismayilov, I. Gasimoglu, N.M. Abdullayev, Bi2Те2,7Sе0,3 crystal conductivity peculiarities |
58-60 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, A.K. Gulayeva, Investigation of CP-odd asymmetries in muon colliders |
03-18 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | R.L. Mamedova, Polarization processes and electric properties in polypropylene / nanoclay compositions of Na+ monthmorillonite type |
19-22 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | A.S. Huseynova, Effect of electrothermopolarization on relaxation times of nanocomposites based on PP and PE |
23-25 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | S.R. Bagirova, The effect of molecular weıght of polymers and some monohydric alcohols to phase diaqram of two-phase system dextran-polyvinylpyrrolidone-water |
26-29 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | I.I. Abbasov, Study of edge luminescence upon changing the wavelength of the exciting light with an interval close to the lo phonon energy in ZnSe |
30-32 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | R.A. Hasanova, Ag2Te combination made of silver and tellure study of electrophysical properties |
33-36 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, Effect of phase mismatch on the energy of ultrashort pulses in a Fabry-Perrot cavity |
37-40 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | E.R. Hasanov, R.K. Mustafayeva, Sh.M. Khalidova, Magnetic field created by hydrodynamic motion |
41-44 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | Vali A. Huseynov, Rasmiyya E. Gasimova, Narmin A. Zeynalova, Anti-stokes scattering of low-energy neutrinos at transversely polarized ultra-relativistic electrons in a magnetic field |
45-48 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | Vali A. Huseynov, Rasmiyya E. Gasimova, Scattering of low-energy antineutrinos at transversely polarized ultra-relativistic electrons in magnetized stars |
49-52 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | Shakir M. Nagiyev, Shovqiyya A. Amirova, Hasan P. Veliyev, Comment on “a quantum exactly solvable nonlinear oscillator with quasi-harmonic behavior” and “algebraic solutions of shape-invariant position-dependent effective mass systems” and others |
53-64 | abs |
2021 | 04 | en | S.S. Huseynova, First-principles study of intrinsic point defects and Cu doped in ZnO |
65-68 | abs |
2021 | 03 | en | V.M. Salmanov, B.G. Ibragimov, Effects of geometrical size on the interband light absorpt ion a quantum dot superlattice |
03-06 | abs |
2021 | 03 | en | M.V. Kazimov, Raman scattering of InSb-CrSb, InSb-Sb, GaSb-CrSb eutectic composites |
07-11 | abs |
2021 | 03 | en | E.R. Hasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, R.K. Mustafayeva, Determination of frequency in two valley semiconductors such as GaAs |
12-15 | abs |
2021 | 03 | en | V.G. Agayev, Characteristics of amorphous Se electrographic layers on substrates with oxide film |
16-19 | abs |
2021 | 03 | en | E.I. Jafarov, A.M. Jafarova, S.M. Nagiyev, S.K. Novruzova, The confined harmonic oscillator as an explicit solution of the position-dependent effective mass Schrodinger equation with Morrow-Brownstein Hamiltonian |
20-27 | abs |
2021 | 03 | en | V.A. Tanriverdiyev, V.S. Tagiyev, Dynamics of S = 1/2 and S = 1 ising spin system in restangular nanowire |
28-32 | abs |
2021 | 03 | en | A.M. Mammadova, On the exact solution of the confined position-dependent mass harmonic oscillator model with the kinetic energy operator compatible with Galilean invariance under the homogeneous gravitational field |
33-39 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, Spectrum of laser pulses in the first order dispersion theory |
03-07 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | I.A. Mamedova, Photoluminescence properties of ZnIn2Se4 |
08-11 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | Sh.O. Eminov, A.Kh. Karimova, E.A. Ibrahimova, J.A. Guliyev, Free standing AAO nanoporous membranes for liquid filtration |
12-16 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | E.A. Issaeva, The human perception and uncertainty in quantum physics |
17-23 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, O.A. Aliyev, Influence of single-walled carbon nanotubes on dielectric and conductivity properties of smectic A liquid crystal with negative dielectric anisotropy |
24-28 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | G.A. Akverdieva, I.N. Alieva, Z.I. Hajiyev, S.D. Demukhamedova, Spatial structure of N1H and N3H tautomers of carnosine in zwitterion form |
29-37 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | Elvin Husenaga Alizade, Surface plasmon polariton observation at narrow-gap semiconductor Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3 |
38-40 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | S.N. Garibova, A.I. Isayev, S.I. Mekhtiyeva, S.U. Atayeva, S.S. Babayev, Study of the effect of impurities and heat treatments on the structure of Se-As-EuF3, Se-Te-Sm and Ge2Sb2Te5 films by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy |
41-46 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | V.F. Gremenok, E.P. Zaretskaya, A.N. Pyatlitski, N. Akcay, T.V. Piatlitskaya, N.N. Musayeva, Growth and characterization of ZnO:Eu thin films for solar cell application |
47-50 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | S.T. Azizov, Technique of solution concentration control of polar substance in nonpolar solvent |
51-53 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | E.M. Kerimova, S.N. Mustafaeva, N.Z. Gasanov, К.М. Husеynova, Q.M. Sharifov, TlGa1-xErxSe2 solid solutions, their electrical and optical properties |
54-60 | abs |
2021 | 02 | en | M.A. Kurbanov, A.F. Gochuyeva, F.F. Yahyayev, A.F. Nuraliyev, Investigation of the effects of polymer-ferrocene composites |
61-63 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | F.N. Ahmadov, M.A. Manashov, Study of WH production at LHC using different event generators |
03-07 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, Four wave interaction in the constant intensity approximation |
08-11 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | B.D. Urmanov, M.S. Leonenya, P.G. Yablonski, O.B. Tagiyev, F.A. Kazimova, T.Sh. Ibrahimova, Photoluminescence of Ca4Ga2S7:Eu2+ compound |
12-15 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | I.K. Aliyeva Influence of polarization processes on polymer electric strength |
16-20 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | G.M. Agamirzoyeva, N.A. Aliyeva Structural phase transitions in Cu3Ni0.5Se2 crystals |
21-23 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | A.H. Kazim-zade, V.M. Salmanov, A.G. Guseinov, R.M. Mamedov, S.S. Ragimov, I.I. Qurbanov, V.N. Jafarova, Bandgap renormalization of the InSe by laser radiation |
24-28 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | Sh.M. Nagiyev, Limit relation between pseudo jacobi polynomials and hermit polynomials with a shifted argument |
29-32 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | Sh.M. Nagiyev, K.Sh. Jafarova, Generalized Hamiltonian with position-dependent mass and pseudo-Jacobi oscillator |
33-39 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | V.M. Aliev, J.A. Rahimov, V.I. Eminova, G.A. Alieva, Analysis of fluctuation conductivity in Y0,5Cd0,5Ba2Cu3O7-δ |
40-44 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, A.K. Gulayeva, Neutralino pair production in polarized lepton-antilepton collisions |
45-62 | abs |
2021 | 01 | en | S.Sh. Gahramanov, Y.A. Abdullayev, A.A. Badalov, K.M. Jafarli, N.A. Abdullayev, K.Sh. Gahramanov, The fermi level tuning by annealing in selenium vapor and argon plasma etching of Bi2Se3 surfaces |
63-68 | abs |
2020 | 04 | en | T.M. Guseynov, T.R. Mehdiyev, R.T. Guliyeva, B.Sh. Barkhalov, On biological activity of selenium compounds |
03-10 | abs |
2020 | 04 | en | S.S. Huseynova, S.O. Mammadova, A.A. Sadigova, Ab initio calculation Al, Co, Sr doped graphene |
11-14 | abs |
2020 | 04 | en | G.I. Agayeva, The thermal power and conductivity of superconducting Bi2Sr2Ca0,4Zn0,6Cu2Oу |
15-18 | abs |
2020 | 04 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, A.K. Gulayeva, The production of a chargino pair in polarized lepton-antilepton collisions (II) |
19-27 | abs |
2020 | 04 | en | M.M. Panakhov, E.Sh. Alekperov, E.S. Garayev, S.A. Sadraddinov, A.M. Nazarov, S.S. Farzaliyev, Phase transition at termal treatment of TlIn1-xSnxSe2 amorphous films |
28-31 | abs |
2020 | 04 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, A.K. Gulayeva, Longitudinal spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of polarized leptons by polarized nucleons |
32-43 | abs |
2020 | 04 | en | T.M. Huseynov, M.Z. Dadashov, S.Y. Huseynova, Evaluation of nitrite-induced oxidative modification of hemoglobin and the possibility of its regulation by sodium selenite by Raman microscopy |
44-50 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, Influence of single-walled carbon nanotubes on dielectric relaxation and electric conductivity of smectic a liquid crystal with positive dielectric anisotropy |
03-06 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | E.R. Hasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, E.O. Mansurova,G.M. Mammadova, The excitation of unstable waves of thermoelectromagnetic character in conductive mediums of electronic type of charge carrier |
07-09 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | V.A. Tanriverdiyev, V.S. Tagiyev, G.G. Kerimova, Local spin-wave regions in a superlattice constructed ferro- and antiferromagnetic semiconductors materials |
10-13 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | M.Sh. Gojayev, Structure functions and two-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive reactions |
14-19 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, A.K. Gulayeva, The production of a chargino pair in polarized epton-antilepton collisions (I) |
20-30 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | E.I. Jafarov and A.M. Mammadova, On the exact solution of the confined position-dependent mass harmonic oscillator model under the kinetic energy operator compatible with galilean invariance |
31-35 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | F.A. Saddigh, Polarization properties of γ-quanta in 𝐻⇒𝑓+𝑓 ̅+Ɣ decaying |
36-41 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | S.Z. Damirova, The scattering of current carriers on long-wave acoustic phonons in |
42-45 | abs |
2020 | 03 | en | N.V. Sadigova, F.I. Ahmadov, A.Z. Sadigov, A.H. Mammadli, A.H. Gerayeva, N.N. Heydarov, Performance of new MAPD photodiodes |
46-50 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | B.G. Ibragimov, Rashba spin-orbit interaction in semiconductor nanostructures |
03-09 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, Dielectric, conductivity, and electro-optic properties of liquid crystal 5cb doped by single-walled carbon nanotubes |
10-16 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | S.T. Azizov, G.M. Askerov, The investigation of equilibrium and dynamic characteristics of dielectric polarization of chlorobenzene – n – butyl alcohol solution |
17-19 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | S.T. Azizov, Dielectric relaxations of chlorbenzene-benzene and chlorbenzene-N-hexane solutions |
20-22 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | T.Y. Orujov, Characterization of optical parameters and evaluation of the quantum yield of the led phosphor layer |
23-26 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | I.R. Amiraslanov, P.A. Askerova, Z.S. Aliyev, Y.R. Aliyeva, A.B. Rahimli, Refinement of the crystal structure of MnBi2Te4 |
27-31 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | N.M. Akhundova, T.D. Aliyeva, G.J. Abdinova, Influence of surface disturbances of
Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 crystal on the transport of electrons in its volume, surface and in the interface with |
32-34 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | A.I. Jabbarov, Magnetic interaction of "excess" cations Cu+2 and Fe+2 in the 2D-plane in a single crystal Cu1.04Fe1.12Te1.84 |
35-39 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | S.К. Abdullaev, E.Sh. Omarova, Higgs boson decays into a pair of supersymmetric particles |
40-52 | abs |
2020 | 02 | en | V.G. Agayev, The photoelectric peculiarities of electrographic layers of trigonal selenium, chemically pured and doped |
53-55 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | S.К. Abdullaev, E.Sh. Omarova, Polarization effects at Higgs boson decay H ⇒ ƒƒ‾𝛾 |
03-12 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | X. Hidiyev, A. Asimov, A. Kerimova, Comparative study on the electrical characteristics of Au/n-Si and Au/P3HT/n-Si Schottky contacts |
13-16 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | V.M. Aliev, J.A. Ragimov, R.I. Selim-Zade, B.A. Tairov, Analysis of fluctuation conductivity in Y0,6Cd0,4Ba2Cu3O7-δ |
17-20 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | Ramil Aladdin Akbarov, The study of the photoresponse of the MAPD matrix for scintillation radiation |
21-24 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | S.S. Huseynova, First principles study Ge -doped monolayer graphene |
25-29 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | A.E. Nabiyev, Dielectric properties of Ba0,8Sr0,2TiO3 in heating and cooling processes |
30-33 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | A.S. Alekperov, A.E. Nabiyev, T.M. Aydinova, Influence of Nd impurity atoms and gamma irradiation on roentgenographic spectrum of GeS layered single crystal |
34-39 | abs |
2020 | 01 | en | I.A. Gasanov, S.A. Aliyev, I.I. Gurbanov, E.M. Akberov, F.E. Mamedov, A.H. Kerimova, Deposition of nanodrop phase from emitter tip on nearby mobile surface |
40-43 | abs |
2019 | 04 | en | E.A. Masimov, B.G. Pashayev, N.F. Orujova, Viscosymetric and densytometric study in water – PEG - KCl systems |
03-06 | |
2019 | 04 | en | E.M. Farhadzadeh, A.Z. Muradaliyev, T.K. Rafiyeva, A.A. Rustamova, Analysis fiducially distributions of possible realizations of technical and economic parameters of power units |
07-10 | |
2019 | 04 | en | A.A. Adilov, Ch.O. Qajar, S.A. Musaeyva, A.S. Gasanova, Millimeter vibrational – rotational transitions of gosh-conformer of isopropy l alcohol molecule at J less than 50 |
11-13 | |
2019 | 04 | en | T.R. Mehdiyev, Kh.A. Gasanova, Absorption and luminescence in Bi1-xSbx alloys |
14-21 | |
2019 | 04 | en | E.G. Hajiyeva, EPR investigations of γ-irradiated polytetrafluoroethylene/CdS nanocomposites |
22-25 | |
2019 | 04 | en | T.Y. Orujov, Obtaining white light by the combination of Gd3Al5O12:Ce3+ and Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ phosphors in light emitting diodes |
26-28 | |
2019 | 04 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, E.Sh. Omarova, Two- and three-particle decay channels of supersymmetric Higgs bosons |
29-39 | |
2019 | 04 | en | M.Sh. Gojayev, Higgs boson radiation in arbitrarily polarized electron-positron collisions |
40-51 | |
2019 | 04 | en | H.I. Mammadova, Monopolar injection currents in the layers of GeXAsYTe100-X-Y system |
52-56 | |
2019 | 04 | en | A. Mammadli, N. Suleymanova, R. Akverdov, S. Nuruyev, N. Sadigova, A. Huseynova, A. Gerayeva, |
57-59 | |
2019 | 03 | en | G.F. Ganizade, Dielectric relaxation in the colloid fullerenes - liquid crystal 5CB |
03-06 | |
2019 | 03 | en | B.G. Pashayev, Structural features ın systems water- polyethyleneglycol -KCl, KBr, KI |
07-14 | |
2019 | 03 | en | F.I. Ahmadov, Investıgatıon of sılıcon photomultıplıer at low temperature |
15-19 | |
2019 | 03 | en | Z.A. Dadashov, Boundary effects in polymer composites - powered ceramics |
20-21 | |
2019 | 03 | en | S.O. Mammadova, Majorana fermions in one- and quasi- one dimensional insulator with charge-density wave |
22-24 | |
2019 | 03 | en | I.F. Mekhdiyeva, Thermodynamic properties of erbium monotelluride |
25-28 | |
2019 | 03 | en | I.J. Alverdiyev, Thermodynamic study of Cu2SnSe3 by EMF method with solid electrolyte Cu4RbCl3I2 |
29-33 | |
2019 | 03 | en | A.A. Sadigova, Sh.N. Aliyeva, Sh.A. Ahmadova, I.F. Yusibova, T.G. Naghiyev, T.R. Mehdiyev, Optical and UV-VIS luminescence spectra of Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 ferrite nanopowders |
34-43 | |
2019 | 03 | en | Yegana Aliyeva, Scanning probe microscopy studies of fullerene C60/porous silicon multilayer structures |
44-46 | |
2019 | 03 | en | Yegana Aliyeva, SmS thin films with nanosize surface architecture |
47-51 | |
2019 | 02 | en | S.T. Azizov, O.A. Aliyev, R.G. Abaszade, The Low-frequency dielectric properties of benzene-bromobenzene system |
03-05 | |
2019 | 02 | en | Z.A. Jahangirli, B.H. Tagiyev, S.A. Nabiyeva, Electronic structure of the Ge vacancies in GeSe layered semiconductor |
06-09 | |
2019 | 02 | en | S.S. Ragimov, G.I. Agayeva, The structural analysis and thermal power of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox and Bi2Sr2Ca0.6Zn0.4Cu2Ox |
10-12 | |
2019 | 02 | en | S.S. Ragimov, M.A. Musayev, N.N. Hashimova, Transport properties of solid solution (AgSbTe2)0.8(PbTe)0.2 |
13-17 | |
2019 | 02 | en | E.R. Gasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, The semiconductors with deep traps in strong electric and magnetic fields |
18-19 | |
2019 | 02 | en | V.G. Agayev, Photosensitivity features of electrophotographic layers of CdInGaS4 |
20-21 | |
2019 | 02 | en | M.M. Babayev, X.B. Sultanova, M.Q. Abbasli, Dependence of electron mobility on their surface density in a semiconductor quantum well with the modified Pöschl -Teller confining potential |
22-24 | |
2019 | 02 | en | Sh.A. Ahmadova, T.G. Naghiyev, Sh.N. Aliyeva, A.A. Sadigova, T.R. Mehdiyev, Photoluminescence properties of Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 nanopowders |
25-30 | |
2019 | 02 | en | G.A. Agaeva, G.Z. Najafova, N.M. Godjaev, Simulation spatial structure of amyloid beta-peptide (31-35) determined by molecular mechanic method |
31-36 | |
2019 | 02 | en | Ziya S. Aliev, Synthesis and characterization of the BiTe1-xSexI solid solutions series |
37-40 | |
2019 | 01 | en | N.Z. Jalilov, Optical parameter spectra of Bi2Te3 (Ni, Cu, Zn) single crystals |
03-08 | |
2019 | 01 | en | T.K. Nurubeyli, K.Z. Nuriyev, Ion-optical calculation of time-of-flight mass-spectrometer |
09-12 | |
2019 | 01 | en | I.Z. Kamanina, S.P. Kaplina, M.V. Gustova, M.V. Frontasyeva, N.E. Pukhaeva, The use of nuclear-physical methods for the analysis of wastes from mining and processing industry |
13-17 | |
2019 | 01 | en | K.G. Khalilova, N.M. Abdullayev, K.Sh. Kagramanov, The process of Ostwald maturation on TlGaTe2 crystal surface |
18-20 | |
2019 | 01 | en | V.M. Aliev, J.A. Ragimov, R.I. Selim-zade, B.A. Tairov, Analysis of fluctuation conductivity in Y0,7Cd0,3Ba2Cu3O7-δ |
21-24 | |
2019 | 01 | en | S.N. Garibova, A.I. Isayev, S.I. Mekhtiyeva, S.U. Atayeva, S.S. Babayev, Y.R. Aliyeva, N.T. Hasanov, Structure study of Se-As chalcogenide glassy semiconductor system doped by EuF3 impurity |
25-30 | |
2019 | 01 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, Influence of fullerenes on dielectric and conductivity properties of smectic A liquid crystal with negative dielectric anisotropy |
31-34 | |
2019 | 01 | en | A.M. Babanli, B.G. Ibragimov, Magnetic moment of electrons in diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum ring |
35-38 | |
2019 | 01 | en | S.M..Rzayeva, Sh.Sh. Rashidova, T.H. Ismailov, Structural peculiarities and dielectric properties of high-density polyethylene films containing InP and Ge particles |
39-44 | |
2018 | 04 | en | N.M. Abdullayev, A.Sh. Kakhramanov, K.G. Khalilova, S.R. Azimova, The formation of slip bands in layered crystals |
03-06 | |
2018 | 04 | en | Sh.Sh. Amirov, Z.H. Tagiyev, G.N. Ahmadov, Spectral density of the ultra short laser pulses at parametric interaction in metamaterials |
07-10 | |
2018 | 04 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, The production of higgs boson and heavy fermion pair in electron-positron collisions |
11-21 | |
2018 | 04 | en | S.K. Аbdullayev, Е.Sh. Омаrоvа, Decays of supersymmetric higgs bosons into fermions |
22-34 | |
2018 | 04 | en | S. Abdullayeva, G. Gahramanova, T. Orucov, R. Hasanov, N. Musayeva, R. Jabbarov, Growth of MWCNTs on sapphire substrate as an intermediate layer for III-V group structures |
35-37 | |
2018 | 04 | en | Z.M. Zakhrabekova, A.I. Alekperov, V.K. Kazimova, G.H. Ajdarov, Modelling of component axial concentration profiles in InSb-GaSb solid solution single crystals grown by zone melting method using InSb and GaSb seeds |
38-41 | |
2018 | 04 | en | S.S. Ragimov, G.I. Agayeva, Pinning energy of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox and Bi2Sr2Ca0.8Zn0.2Cu2Ox |
42-44 | |
2018 | 04 | en | Sh. Mammadov, Sh. Tagiyeva, Review of interaction constant of vector meson-nucleon in the framework of AdS/QCD hard wall model |
45-46 | |
2018 | 03 | en | A.N. Adigezalzade, Spectral variability of the line HeI 5876Ae/Be Herbig type star HD 179218 |
03-05 | |
2018 | 03 | en | Sh.A. Ahmadova, A.A. Sadigova, Sh.N. Aliyeva, T.R. Mehdiyev, Kramers-Kronig analysis of |
06-08 | |
2018 | 03 | en | S.M. Asadov, S.N. Mustafaeva, V.F. Lukichev, Response of silver chalcogallates to X-rays |
09-10 | |
2018 | 03 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, Influence of fullerenes С60 on operating characteristics of liquid crystal MBBA |
11-12 | |
2018 | 03 | en | B.A. Rajabov, De Sitter cosmological model and the problem of dark matter and energy |
13-14 | |
2018 | 03 | en | Azad Ch. Izmailov, New electromagnetic methods of slowdown and trapping of particles |
15-18 | |
2018 | 03 | en | S.H. Abdullayeva, S.A. Mammadova, A.B. Huseynov, A.O. Israfilov, Synthesis and photoluminescent properties of iodinated multi walled carbon nanotubes |
19-20 | |
2018 | 03 | en | R.I. Alekberov, A.I. Isayev, S.I. Mekhtiyeva, M. Fábián, Neutron diffraction study of As40Se60, As40Se30S30, As40Se30Te30 chalcogenide glasses |
21-23 | |
2018 | 03 | en | S.H. Abdullayeva, A.B. Huseynov, A.O. Israfilov, S.A. Mammadova, Preparation and study of electrically conductive ceramic nanocomposites based on the Azerbaijan bentonite raw material and multi-walled carbon nanotubes |
24-26 | |
2018 | 03 | en | A.B. Rahimli, I.R. Amiraslanov, Refinement the crystal structure of the Ga1-xIn1+xS3 |
27-28 | |
2018 | 03 | en | M.V. Kazimov, D.H. Arasly, I.Kh. Mammadov, R.N. Rahimov, A.A. Khalilova, Influence of interfacial phases on thermal and electrical conductivity in GaSb-CrSb eutectic system |
29-32 | |
2018 | 03 | en | T.G. Kerimova, I.A. Mamedova, Z. Kadiroglu, N.A. Abdullayev, M. Feldman, Temperature dependence of photoluminescence of ZnIn2Se4 |
33-35 | |
2018 | 03 | en | Sevda Abdullayeva, Gulnaz Gahramanova, Nahida Musayeva, Teymur Orujov, Rasim Jabbarov, Investigation of low dimensional materials on sapphire substrate for sensor application |
36-38 | |
2018 | 03 | en | I.R. Amiraslanov, K.K. Azizova, S.S. Babayev, Y.R. Aliyeva, The structural features of crystalline phases of the GaSe-InSe system |
39-41 | |
2018 | 03 | en | A.M. Pashaev, E.M. Kerimova, S.N. Mustafaeva, Influence of temperature, frequency and composition of TlIn1-xErxSe2 solid solutions on their dielectric permittivity and conductivity |
42-43 | |
2018 | 03 | en | V.N. Shvetsov, IBR-2 - pulsed source for neutron scattering research at JINR |
44-46 | |
2018 | 03 | en | E.Sh. Hajiyev, Superlattice structure of YbAs4S7 nano thick films |
47-48 | |
2018 | 03 | en | R.F. Hasanov, N.N. Musayeva, S.S. Babayev, Role of sulphur in the A- CVD growth of single wall CNTs |
49-52 | |
2018 | 03 | en | I.R. Amiraslanov, Z.S. Aliyev, P.A. Asgerova, A.B. Nuriyeva, Structural features of manganese containing topological insulators the basis of Bi2Te3 |
53-54 | |
2018 | 02 | en | S.I. Mekhtiyeva, A.I. Isayev, R.I. Alekberov, H.I. Mamedova, The structure and physical parameters of chalcogenide glass-like semiconductors of system As- Ge – Se |
03-09 | |
2018 | 02 | en | Azad Ch. Izmailov, New method of decrease of transit-time broadening of spectral resonances |
10-13 | |
2018 | 02 | en | S.T. Azizov, O.A. Aliyev, The analysis of dielectric absorption dispersion of glycine water solution |
14-16 | |
2018 | 02 | en | Sevda Abdullayeva, Gulnaz Gahramanova, Rasim Jabbarov, Cesare Frigeri, Investigation of semipolar GaN templates and InGaN multiplies quantum wells grown by HVPE and MOVPE |
17-22 | |
2018 | 02 | en | M.M. Gadjialiev, l.A. Saipulaeva, A.G. Alibekov, A.Yu. Mollaev, V.S. Zakhvalinsky, S.F. Marenkin, T.N. Efendieva, Magnetoresistive properties of Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 ferromagnetic semiconductor at high pressure |
23-26 | |
2018 | 02 | en | M.M. Gadjialiev, Z.SH. Pirmagomedov, T.N. Efendieva, L.A. Saypulaeva, Method to determine the inverted layer |
27-28 | |
2018 | 02 | en | Z.M. Zakhrabekova, A.I. Alekperov, V.K. Kazimova, G.H. Ajdarov, Modelling of component axial concentration profiles in InSb-GaSb solid solution single crystals grown by zone melting method using InSb and GaSb seeds |
29-32 | |
2018 | 02 | en | Arzuman G. Gasanov, Azad A. Bayramov, Electron structure of graphene based material |
33-36 | |
2018 | 02 | en | E.M. Islamzade, Z.A. Agamaliyev, G.H. Ajdarov, Electron mobility in Ge1-xSix (0≤x≤0.13) crystals complex doped by (Ga, Sb, Ni) impurities |
37-40 | |
2018 | 02 | en | A.A. Magerramov, K.Sh. Kakhramanov, K.G. Khalilova, High-plastic transition in thermoelements on GeTe-Co2Ce eutectic base |
41-45 | |
2018 | 02 | en | L.I. Veliyeva, E.Z. Aliyev, Study of space structure of Dippu-AST5 molecule |
46-49 | |
2018 | 02 | en | T.D. Ibragimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, Influence of fullerenes on dielectric and conductivity properties of liquid crystal MBBA |
50-55 | |
2018 | 02 | en | V.M. Aliyev, R.I. Selim-zade, V.I. Eminova, S.Z. Damirova, The fluctuation conductivity in Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy |
56-58 | |
2018 | 02 | en | A.A. Asimov, A.M. Kerimova, Kh.N. Ahmedova, I.A. Nasibov, Temperature dependence of electrical characteristics of Ag/n-GaAs Schottky barrier diodes |
59-62 | |
2018 | 02 | en | K. Käläntär, Mechanism of optical vortex generation from self-assembled TFCD array in smectic LC and TFCD application to optical devices |
63-66 | |
2018 | 01 | en | O.B. Tagiyev, Kh.B. Ganbarova, F.A. Kazimova, T.Sh. Ibragimova, K.O. Tagiyev, S.O. Guseynova, Photoluminescence of (Ga2S3)0.94:(Eu2О3)0,05(Tb2О3)0,01 crystal |
03-07 | |
2018 | 01 | en | F.Т. Khalil-zada, The production of the Higgs boson on electron-positron linear colliders |
0817 | |
2018 | 01 | en | F.N. Tatardar, M.A. Kurbanov, N.A. Safarov, Sh.Sh. Amirov, O.A. Aliyev, Plasma methods for nanostructuring the polymer matrix of piezoelectric nanocomposites |
18-23 | |
2018 | 01 | en | G.S. Hadjieva, F.A. Kazimova, T.Sh. Ibrahimova, K.O. Tagiev, E.G. Asadov, The silver selenide single crystal growth and devices on its base |
24-26 | |
2018 | 01 | en | N.N. Gadzhieva, A.M. Magerramov, G.B. Akhmedova, Dielectric properties of polymer composites based on high-density polyethylene and gallium arsenide |
27-31 | |
2018 | 01 | en | S.K. Abdullaev, M.Sh. Gojayev, N.A. Nasibova, G.A. Soltanova, The production of the Higgs boson and tt-pair in polarized e-e+-beams |
32-39 | |
2018 | 01 | en | A.Sh. Kakhramanov, N.M. Abdullayev, K.Sh. Kakhramanov, The formation of nano-defect structures in process of double cross slip |
40-44 | |
2018 | 01 | en | T.G. Kerimova, I.A. Mamedova, I.G. Nasibov, S.G. Asadullaeva, Z. Kadiroglu, Temperature dependence of photoluminescence of ZnGa2S4 |
45-47 | |
2018 | 01 | en | F.T. Khalil-zade, The production of Higgs boson on polarized colliding linear e+e- colliders and supersymmetry |
48-52 | |
2018 | 01 | en | N.Z. Jalilov, Spectra of optical parameters of Bi2Te3 film in 1÷6 eV interval |
53-58 | |
2018 | 01 | en | G.K. Gahramanova, R.B. Jabbarov, Morphology and photoluminescence study of InGaN/GaN(In) heterojunctions |
59-62 | |
2017 | 04 | en | Z.M. Zakhrabekova, A.I. Alekperov, G.H. Ajdarov, The modelling of influence of melt band length on component concentration distribution in InAs-GaAs crystals grown by modified method of zone melting |
03-05 | |
2017 | 04 | en | G.A. Akverdieva, N.A. Akhmedov, N.M. Godjayev, Insights into bioactive conformation of melanotropins |
06-12 | |
2017 | 04 | en | S.T. Azizov, О.А. Aliyev, Dielectric dispersion of glycine water solution absorption |
13-15 | |
2017 | 04 | en | K.Sh. Kagramanov, E.R. Aliyeva, I.T. Mamedova, S,Sh. Kagramanov, N.M. Abdullayev, Cellular structure in Bi2Te3 thin foils |
16-18 | |
2017 | 04 | en | S.Z. Imamaliyeva, T.M. Gasanli, M.A. Makhmudova, F.M. Sadigov, Thermodynamic properties of GdTe compound |
19-21 | |
2017 | 04 | en | S.Т. Аzizov, О.А. Аliyev, К.E. Zulfugarzade, Dielectric relaxation of halogenated benzenes in micro-wave range |
22-25 | |
2017 | 04 | en | R.A. Suleymanov, Mir Hasan Yu. Seyidov, Faik A. Mikailzade, Buket Bilgen Kandemir, Yasin Şale, Tofig G. Mammadov, Metal - TlGaSe2 semiconductor - metal structure as memristive system |
26-31 | |
2017 | 03 | en | М.Yu. Seyidov, F.A. Mikailzade, A.P. Odrinsky, T.G. Mammadov, V.B. Aliyeva, S.S. Babayev, A.I. Najafov, Polarized effects in La - doped TlInS2 layered semiconductor-I: deep level defects and pyrocurrents characterization |
03-12 | |
2017 | 03 | en | М.Yu. Seyidov, F.A. Mikailzade, V.B. Aliyeva, T.G. Mammadov, G.M. Sharifov, V.P. Aliyev, Polarized effects in La - doped TlInS2 layered semiconductor-II: polarization switching in undoped and La - doped TlInS2 ferroelectric - semiconductors |
13-23 | |
2017 | 03 | en | S.S. Ragimov, G.I. Agayeva, The influence of synthesis regime on superconducting properties of Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Ox |
24-26 | |
2017 | 03 | en | A.Sh. Abdinov, R.F. Babayeva, Photoconductivity of indium monoselenide crystals in strong electric fields |
27-30 | |
2017 | 03 | en | S.H. Abdullayeva, S.A. Mammadova, M.B. Huseynova, A.B. Huseynov, A.D. Quliyev, A.O. Israfilov, Investigation of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes by derivatography method |
31-37 | |
2017 | 03 | en | L.I. Veliyeva, E.Z. Aliyev, The peptide conformation analyses regulating the catecholamine synthesis processes |
38-39 | |
2017 | 03 | en | E.G. Hajieva, A.M. Maharramov, M.M. Guliyev, R.S. Ismayilova, Dielectric properties of HDPE-CdS/ZnS composites |
40-44 | |
2017 | 03 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Gojayev, N.E. Nesibova, Production of scalar boson and neutrino pair in longitudinally polarized electron-positron colliding beams |
45-52 | |
2017 | 03 | en | S.H. Abdullayeva, A.B. Huseynov, I.G. Nazarov, A.O. Israfilov, N.M. Madatly, Fabrication and investigation of conductive polymeric nanocarbon composites based on iodine - functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes |
53-61 | |
2017 | 02 | en | B.G. Tagiyev, N.А. Suleymanova, G.S. Gadjiyeva, Photoluminescence of CaGa2S4:Nd3+ compound |
03-07 | |
2017 | 02 | en | S.N. Garibova, S.I. Mekhtiyeva, M.A. Ramazanov, Investigation of luminescence and photoconductivity spectra of Se-As chalcogenide glass-like semiconductor system doped by EuF3 |
08-10 | |
2017 | 02 | en | R.M. Sardarly, A.P. Abdullayev, F.T. Salmanov, N.A. Alieva, S.M. Qahramanova, Dielectric relaxation in gamma-irradiated TlS crystals |
11-14 | |
2017 | 02 | en | G.S. Orudzhev, V.N. Jafarova, S.S. Huseynova, Ab-initio study of magnetic properties of ZnO:Cr and ZnSnAs2:(V,Mn) |
15-19 | |
2017 | 02 | en | N.Z. Jalilov, The spectra of optical parameters of Bi2Te3 single crystals |
20-25 | |
2017 | 02 | en | E.A. Masimov, G.Sh. Gasanov, B.G. Pashayev, S.I. Musayeva, The definition of polyethylene glycol macromolecule conformation in water solutions |
26-29 | |
2017 | 02 | en | M.M. Gurbanov, М.М. Godjayev, А.М. Аkhmedova, Debye temperature and some elastic properties of solid solutions (TlGaSe2)1-x(TlInS2)x (x=0,1; 0,2) |
30-31 | |
2017 | 02 | en | G.D. Abbasova, E.Z. Aliyev, Theoretical modelling of CYS-ARG-GLN-LYS-ALA molecule structure complexes and its analogues with iron oxide (III) |
32-34 | |
2017 | 01 | en | I.C. Koçum, U. Bunyatova, B.G. Salamov and M.M. Shirinov, Gas discharge device based on the porous zeolite microstructure |
03-07 | |
2017 | 01 | en | V.A. Tanriverdiyev, V.S. Tagiyev, A microscopic theory of spin excitations in a cylindrical ferromagnetic nanotubes |
08-13 | |
2017 | 01 | en | R.M. Sardarli, N.А. Aliyeva, F.Т. Salmanov, А.P. Abdullayev, M.Y. Yusifov, А.А. Оrudjeva, Superionic conduction in tlgase2 crystal induced by γ–irradiation |
14-17 | |
2017 | 01 | en | E.R. Gasanov, А.V. Islamzade, R.А. Gasanova, Current oscillations in semiconductors with deep traps in strong electric and magnetic fields |
18-22 | |
2017 | 01 | en | A.Sh. Kakhramanov, S.B. Bagirov, Attractors in nano-structured layered crystals |
23-26 | |
2017 | 01 | en | S.K. Abdullayev, M.S. Gojayev, Higgs boson production in neutrino-elektron scattering |
27-33 | |
2017 | 01 | en | A.G. Gasanov, A.A. Bayramov, E.G. Hashimov, Mathematical modelling of the electron structure of SiO2 nanoparticle |
34-38 | |
2017 | 01 | en | M.V. Kazimov, Thermal and electrical properties of Gasb-Crsb eutectic composite |
39-43 | |
2016 | 04 | en | Y.N. Aliyeva, G. Kipshidze, V.А. Таnriverdiyev, N.A. Аbdullayev, I.А. Mamedova, N.Т. Mamedov, А.А. Sadikhova, Confocal Raman mapping of the topmost layer heteroepitaxial InAs1-xSbx structures |
03-06 | |
2016 | 04 | en | A.A. Khadiyeva, H.S. Ibragimova, V.A. Alekperova, A.R. Sadigova, Dielectric properties of PP and РР+DK1 nano-composites in different percentage |
07-09 | |
2016 | 04 | en | G.Z. Suleymanov, A.F. Gochuyeva, M.A. Kurbanov, F.S. Ibrahimova, O.A. Aliyev, S.Ch. Aliyeva, The influence of photovoltaic and photoresistive effects on the formation of the photoelectret effect in CdS AND ZnS polymer composites |
10-12 | |
2016 | 04 | en | S.S. Ragimov, A.A. Saddinova, Transport properties of (AgSbSe2)0.9(PbTe)0.1 |
13-15 | |
2016 | 04 | en | Sh.M. Nagiyev, Reexamination a time-dependent harmonic oscillator |
16-23 | |
2016 | 04 | en | H.F. Abbasov, The new unknown field caused by varying in time gravitational field |
24-25 | |
2016 | 04 | en | A.M. Gashimov, K.M. Gurbanov, M.A. Gasanov, I.G. Zakiyeva, N.M. Hosseinahli, Adsorbent regeneration by electric discharge influence |
26-28 | |
2016 | 03 | en | K. Käläntär, LCD backlight optics |
03-09 | |
2016 | 03 | en | F.I. Ahmadov, Z.Y. Sadygov, E.A. Jafarova, R.S. Madatov, A.A. Dovlatov, G.S. Ahmadov, |
10-12 | |
2016 | 03 | en | S.A. Mammadova, R.B. Jabbarov, Cathodoluminescence characteristics of SrAl2O4: Eu2+ nanophosphors at low temperatures |
13-15 | |
2016 | 03 | en | A.Sh. Abdinov, R.F. Babayeva, E.A. Rasulov, On the charge transfer in layered semiconductor indium selenide |
16-19 | |
2016 | 03 | en | Z.A. Jahangirli, F.M. Hashimzade, D.A. Huseynova, B.H. Mehdiyev, and N.B. Mustafayev, |
20-22 | |
2016 | 03 | en | Z.A. Agamaliyev, M.A. Ramazanov, G.H. Ajdarov, Modelling the influence of the melting zone length on component concentration distribution in Ge-Si crystals grown by modified melting zone method |
23-25 | |
2016 | 03 | en | G.T. Gasanov, M.A. Musayev, A.N. Jafarov, N.N. Gashimova, The investigation of nonlinear absorption of laser beams in different oil samples |
26-28 | |
2016 | 03 | en | N.Z. Jalilov, Optical spectra of hexagonal selenium single crystals grown from the melt under high pressure (part II) |
29-34 | |
2016 | 03 | en | A.M. Gashimov, K.M. Gurbanov, I.G. Zakiyeva, N.M. Hosseinahli, Adsorbent regeneration by electric discharge influence |
35-37 | |
2016 | 02 | en | Azad Ch. Izmailov, Trapping of slow-speed particles in a gas cell by nonhomogeneous electromagnetic fields intensifying with time |
03-07 | |
2016 | 02 | en | G.J. Аbbasova, E.Z. Аliyev, Conformational reconstructions in CREKA molecule structure in molecular dynamics process |
08-11 | |
2016 | 02 | en | G.A. Akverdieva, Insights into bioactive conformation of dermorphin |
12-20 | |
2016 | 02 | en | A.Asimov, A. Kirsoy, Comparative study on the electrical characteristics of Au/n-Si and Au/P3HT/n-Si diodes |
21-23 | |
2016 | 02 | en | T.K. Nurubeyli, Investigation of analytic characteristics of mass-spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma “Agilent-Technologies 7700 ICP-MS” |
24-28 | |
2016 | 02 | en | I.K. Aliyeva, P.B. Asilbeyli, M.J. Tagiyeva, Mechanical failure kinetics of polymer compositions at moderate and low temperatures |
29-32 | |
2016 | 02 | en | L.I. Veliyeva, E.Z. Aliyev, The influence of primary structure of Leu-callatostatines 1 and 2 on formation of their spatial organization and conformation mobility |
33-37 | |
2016 | 01 | en | А.I. Nadjafov, R.R. Babayeva, Technology of aluminum deep purification by zone melting method using ultrasonic waves |
03-05 | |
2016 | 01 | en | Sh.N. Aliyeva, А. Kerimova, T.R. Mehdiyev, IR spectra of (Ni, Zn) ferrite micropowders |
06-10 | |
2016 | 01 | en | S.H. Abdullayeva, N.N. Musayeva, C. Frigeri, A.B. Huseynov, R.B. Jabbarov, R.F. Hasanov, Optimization of synthesis condition for high quality Carbon nanotubes |
11-14 | |
2016 | 01 | en | G.S. Orudzhev, N.A. Ismayilova, Vacancy formation energy for charged and neutral states in TlInS2 |
15-18 | |
2016 | 01 | en | N.А. Аliyeva, G.G. Guseynov, G.М. Аgamirzoyeva, Т.R. Меhdiyev, Investigation of phase transition in Cu4Te1.5Se0.5 solid solution by high-temperature roentgenography method |
19-22 | |
2016 | 01 | en | E.R. Gasanov, A.V. Islamzade, Thermorecombination waves extrinsic semiconductors with two types of charge carries |
23-27 | |
2016 | 01 | en | I.К. Аliyeva, P.B. Аsilbeyli, Т.М. Veliyev, E.S. Safiyev, А.А. Khadiyeva, Elementary processes in kinetics of mechanical failure of PP-PELD polymer compositions |
28-30 | |
2016 | 01 | en | M.G. Kyazumov, L.V. Rustamova, Structural investigations of Zn1,5In3Se6 polytype 3R by means of new electron-diffraction rotation methods |
31-33 | |
2016 | 01 | en | Sh.M. Nagiyev, K.Sh. Jafarova, A.I. Kazimova, Reexamination a time-dependent linear potential in the quantum mechanics |
34-38 | |
2016 | 01 | en | A.H. Aydemirova, R.B. Aslanov, O.K. Gasymov, Computerized device for determination of mechanical properties of polymers. Silk as a paradigm |
46-48 | |
2016 | 01 | en | S. Abdullayeva, G. Gahramanova, R. Jabbarov,T. Orujov, Internal quantum efficiency of (11-22) InGaN/(In)GaN multiple quantum wells |
49-51 | |
2015 | 02 | en | N.V. Melnikova, A.Yu. Mollaev, O.L. Kheifets, L.A. Saypulaeva, P.P. Hohlachev, A.G. Alibekov, A.L. Filippov, A.N. Babushkin, K.V. Kurochka, Influence of high pressures on electrical and thermoelectric properties of Cu-Ge-As-Se glasses |
03-08 | |
2015 | 02 | en | S.S. Ragimov, S.G. Аsadullayeva, Т.Sh. Ibragimova, К.О. Тagiyev, Temperature dependences of electric conduction and thermo-emf in CuFeS2 and (CuFeS2)0.7 (CuGaS2)0.3 solid solutions |
09-11 | |
2015 | 02 | en | L.I. Veliyeva, E.Z. Аliyev, Leu-gallatostatine-3 neuropeptide spatial structure |
12-16 | |
2015 | 02 | en | Higgs boson decay channels H→γγ, H→γZ, H→gg, S.Q. Abdullayev, M.S. Gojayev, F.A. Saddigh |
17-22 | |
2015 | 02 | en | V.A. Tanriverdiyev, V.S. Tagiyev, Phase transition in ferromagnetic superlattice nanowires |
23-26 | |
2015 | 02 | en | T.D. Ibragimova, A.R. Imamaliyeva, G.M. Bayramov, Electro-optic characteristics of liquid crystalline mixture H-37 doped by ferroelectric particles |
27-31 | |
2015 | 02 | en | Azad Ch. Izmailov, Trapping of classical particles by a potential well deepening with time |
32-35 | |
2015 | 02 | en | T.Y. Orujov, S.A. Mammadova, S.H. Abdullayeva, N.N. Musayeva, R.B. Jabbarov, Investigation of YAG:Ce luminescence properties and manipulation of phosphor converted white LED’s color characteristics |
36-42 | |
2015 | 02 | en | А.М. Мagerramov, I.М. Nuruyev, R.N. Меhdiyeva, М.А. Nuriyev, The influence of gamma irradiation on electric properties of polyvinylidene fluoride composites with silicon |
43-46 | |
2015 | 01 | en | A.M. Pashayev, B.G. Tagiev, O.B. Tagiev, R.A. Abdulheyov, F.A. Kazimova, Light transformation of different length waves in nano-crystals of alkaline-earth compounds of CaGa2S4 type |
03-08 | |
2015 | 01 | en | M.I. Aliyev, N.N. Gadjiyeva, G.B. Akhmedova, A.M. Aliyeva, The investigation of composite films containing GaAs and GaAs <Te> by roentgenodiffractometric method |
09-12 | |
2015 | 01 | en | P.B. Asilbeyli, М.A. Ramazanov, H.S. Ibragimova, HDPE+Fe3O4 magnetic polymer nanocomposite technology and investigations of its structure by SEM |
13-16 | |
2015 | 01 | en | G. Ahmadov, Z. Sadygov, E. Jafarova, F. Ahmadov, R. Madatov, R. Mukhtarov, A. Olshevski, |
17-18 | |
2015 | 01 | en | S.A. Mammadova, A.B. Huseynov, T.Y. Orucov, Synthesıs of SrAl2O4:Eu2+ by combustion method and investigation its luminescence properties at various temperatures |
19-22 | |
2015 | 01 | en | S.U. Аtayeva, S.I. Меhdiyeva, А.I. Isayev, V.Z. Zeynalov, G.М. Demirov, The influence of samarium impurity on mechanism of current passing through Al-Se95Те5<Sm>-Te structures |
23-26 | |
2015 | 01 | en | N.Sh. Аliyev, A.M. Magerramov, M.M. Guliyev, R.S. Ismayilova, The dependence of dielectric parameters and electric conduction of composite on the base of polyethylene and iron oxide on radiation dose |
27-29 | |
2015 | 01 | en | F.M. Hashimzade, D.A. Huseinova, Z.A. Jahangirli, B.H. Mehdiyev, Surface phonons in two-layer thin films of GeSe |
30-32 | |
2015 | 01 | en | G.S. Ahmadov, F.I. Ahmadov, Yu.N. Kopatch, S.A. Telezhnikov, C. Granja, A.A. Garibov, S. Pospisil, Detection of ternary fission fragments from 252Cf with a position-sensitive ΔE-E telescope |
33-36 |
2025 | 01 | az | Z.A. Jahangirli, B.G. Mekhtiev, R.G. Seidov, T.O. Bayramova, S.S. Osmanova, Ab initio investigation of the dynamic properties of CdGa2Te4 |
03-05 | abs |
2025 | 01 | az | A.V. Gadirova, S.X. Mammadova, S.G. Nuriyeva, Chronology and future prospects of solar cell |
06-10 | abs |
2025 | 01 | az | V.M. Aliev, G.I. Isakov, J.A. Ragimov, G.A. Alieva, S.Z. Damirova, Obtaining superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox material and studying its physical characteristics |
11-14 | abs |
2025 | 01 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, Spectral characterization of impact ionization conductivity and capacitance kinetıcs in a CuAlS2-based laminar structure |
15-19 | abs |
2025 | 01 | az | K.K. Azizova, L.V. Mamedov, G.X. Huseynova, N.V. Kazimova, Research methods of estimating the parameters of a transverse impulse modulated three-phase rectifier |
20-23 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | X.N. Ahmadova, Design, fabrication and study of layered metal-oxide nanostructures |
03-08 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | Raisa R. Hakhiyeva, Study of elemental impurities in high-purity nanocrystalline titanium carbide (tic) using the k0-INAA method |
09-14 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | R.B. Bayramli, E.V. Nasirov, I.M. Maharramov, U.F. Bayramli, V.I. Nasirov, Morphology of crystal growth during II↔I phase transformations in K0,945Rb0,055NO3 crystal |
15-18 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | A.A. Hadiyeva, A.N. Jafarova, V.I. Eminova, Influence of electrical discharge and orientation PP+NC nanocomposites |
19-23 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | Sh.N. Aliyeva, I.F. Yusibova, Study of temperature dependences of elastic properties of Ni-Zn ferrites |
24-27 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | Kamala Azizova Kamal, Properties of the crystal structure of new indium gallium selenides in the InSe-GaSe system |
28-31 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | A.A. Hadiyeva, Sh.N.Aliyeva, Study of structural changes in polypropylene-based nanocomposites after exposure to an electric field using infrared spectroscopy |
32-35 | abs |
2024 | 04 | az | R.N. Rahimov, A.S. Kahramanova, D.G. Arasly, A.A. Khalilova, I.Kh. Mamedov, A.M. Jivulko, V.I. Mityuk, Thermal and magnetic properties of the Ag8Ge1-xMnxTe6 solid solution |
36-42 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, I.G. Nasibov, Linear electro-optical effect on CuInS2 single crystal |
03-06 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | B.H. Tagiyev, R.S. Madatov, N. Jalilova, R.M. Mamishova, I.G. Nasibov, Study of optical and luminescent properties of crystal-based member luminophores for strong white light emitting diodes |
07-09 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | A.F. Kazimova, V.I. Nasirov, R.B. Bairamov, Single crystal→single crystal transformation in K0.985Na0.15NO3 crystal |
10-12 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | P.H. İsmayılova, N.Z. Həsənov, S.B. Kazımov, А.А. Hacıyeva, X.Ş. Vəlibəyov, TlIn1-хDyхS2 monokristallarının optik xassələri |
13-14 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | A.A. Saddinova, R.I. Salim-Zadeh, The effective mass of AgSbSe2 and (AgSbSe2)0.9(PbTe)0.1 solid solution |
15-18 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | J.R. Sultanova, Thermophysical properties of PVDF+Fe dispersed nanocomposites |
19-22 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | S.I. Mekhtiyeva, R.I. Alekberov, H.I. Mammadova, R.F. Sadikhli, Mechanisms of influence of heating rate on fragility coefficient in Sb-Se chalcogenide glassy system |
23-27 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | I.F. Yusibova, Sh.N. Aliyeva, Elastic properties of Ni0.4CuxZn0.6-xFe2O4 nanopowders |
28-31 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | A.S. Huseynova, R.R. Bekmirzayev, Thermal and dielectric properties of polypropylene-based metal-containing polymer nanocomposite |
32-37 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | T.K. Nurubeyli, Faults of power transformers and basic diagnostic methods |
38-43 | abs |
2024 | 03 | az | M.A. Nuriyev, A.A. Nabiyev, A.A. Shukurova, A.I. Gasimova, Electrophysical properties of nano and microcomposites HDPE/ZrO2 modified by gamma irradiation |
44-55 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiev. S.T. Guseinov, The spectral characteristics of the electromotive force of n-p-n junctions on CuGaSe2 single crystals were studied using the capacitor method |
03-06 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | V.M. Aliev, G.I. Isakov, J.A. Ragimov, G.A. Alieva, Pseudo-gap in Bi2Sr2ZnCu2Oх HTSC material |
07-09 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | S.R. Azimova, N.M. Abdullaev, Ni1.297Te phonon localizations in Bi2Те2,7Sе0,3 crystals |
10-13 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | O.A. Samadov, Kh.B. Orujova, N.M. Mehdiyev, A.I. Najafov, R.N. Mehdiyeva, S.F. Samadov, M.N. Mirzeyev, T.I. Kerimova, Effect of H+ ions (protons) on dielectric permittivity, ionic and electronic conductivity and impedance spectra of TlInS2 <5% C> compound |
14-18 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | A.Ch. Mammadova, Formation of binary and ternary phase in thin films of Cu2Se – Ga2Se – In2Se3 |
19-21 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | T.D. Ibragimov, G.KH. Huseynova, Z.A. Dadashov, A.F. Nuraliyev, Influence of barrier electric gas discharge on dielectric relaxation and electric conductivity in HDPE-BN composites |
22-27 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | Kh.M. Guliyeva, Y.I. Aliyev, N.A. Aliyeva, G.M. Agamirzayeva, Morphology of Cu2NiSeTe, Cu2NiSSe and Cu2NiTe2 compound |
28-30 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | Ch.E. Sabzalieva, N.N. Abdulzade, A.M. Khankishieva, N.N. Mursakulov, Electrical and photoelectric properties of GaAs/Cu(In1-xGax)(Se1-ySy)2 |
31-34 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | M.H. Huseynaliyev, H.S. Seyidli, Formulas for transition between ellirsometric parameters (between ψ, Δ and ε1, ε2) |
35-38 | abs |
2024 | 02 | az | Kh.N. Ahmadova, A.S. Mustafabeyli, Kh.O. Sadiq, Mathematical calculation of electronic properties of point defects in CdGa2Se4 |
39-42 | abs |
2024 | 01 | az | V.M. Aliev, G.I. Isakov, J.A. Ragimov, V.I. Eminova, S.Z. Damirova, G.A. Alieva, |
03-06 | abs |
2024 | 01 | az | T.M. Tarverdiyev, S.U. Atayeva, Glass transition and crystallization processes in Se95Te5 chalcogenide glassy system |
07-12 | abs |
2024 | 01 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mekhtiev, Z.G. Mamedov, G.M. Asgerov, Photon discrete spectra of CuInS2 single crystals |
13-18 | abs |
2024 | 01 | az | L.R. Babazadə, Z.A. Cahangirli, CdGa2Se4 kristalının dinamik xassələrinin təməl prinsiplərdən tədqiqi |
19-22 | abs |
2024 | 01 | az | S.I. Mekhtiyeva, R.I. Alekberov, S.M. Mammadov, H.I. Mammadova, B.G. Ibragimov, |
23-28 | abs |
2023 | 04 | az | A.R. Imamaliyev, G.F. Ganizade, Investigation of volt-farad characteristics of barium titanate particles - oleic acid mixture |
03-06 | abs |
2023 | 04 | az | M.A. Musayev, A.A. Hadieva, A.N. Jafarova, Electret properties of polypropylene based Dk1 nanoclay added nanocomposites at different temperatures and polarization voltages |
07-11 | abs |
2023 | 04 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiev, G.M. Asgerov, Discrete spectra of small-sized atomic clusters in CuGaS2 single crystals |
12-18 | abs |
2023 | 04 | az | Kh.N. Ahmadova, Preparation and structure study of thin layer systems of Al/Fe3O4 |
19-23 | abs |
2023 | 04 | az | Jale G. Atakishiyeva, Investigation of defects in boron carbide (B4C) nanoparticles under the influence of neutron beam |
24-27 | abs |
2023 | 04 | az | Z.I. Badalova, Kh.V. Aliquliyeva, А.X. Rzayeva, N.А. Abdullayev, Contribution of thermal expansion in the change of the Raman active frequencies with temperature in MnBi2Te4 crystals |
28-29 | abs |
2023 | 04 | az | G.Z. Iskandarova, S.A. Ibrahimova, Electrical and magnetic properties of nanosized (Zn-Ni) ferrites |
30-31 | abs |
2023 | 03 | az | E.A. Masimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, A.H. Asadova, Study of the influence of some inorganic salts on the gelation process in the agarose – water system by the optical method |
03-05 | abs |
2023 | 03 | az | M.M. Babayev, B.H. Mehdyev, Kh.B. Sultanova, S.I. Zeynalova, Effect of electron drag by phonons on the thermopower of a semiconductor quantum well with Pöschl-Teller confining potential |
06-10 | abs |
2023 | 03 | az | I. Gasymoglu, G.S. Mehdiev, Z.G. Mammadov, The mechanism of action on the photovoltaic effect of AgInSe2 single crystals, surface structural defects |
11-16 | abs |
2023 | 03 | az | A.F. Kazymova, V.I. Nasirov, Determination of atomic dynamics in RbNO3 crystals by Raman spectroscopy |
17-19 | abs |
2023 | 03 | az | Y.H. Huseynaliyev, A.S. Salimzade, Method to detect earthquakes earlier |
20-23 | abs |
2023 | 03 | az | R.R. Guseinov, V.A. Tanriverdiev, V.S. Tagiev, E.M. Akhundova, I.N. Ibragimov, On the theory of spin excitations in semiconductors superlattice nanowires at low temperatures |
24-27 | abs |
2023 | 03 | az | Tarana Orujova, Gulnaz Gahramanova, Rasim Jabbarov, SEM-analysis of multiwalled carbon nanotube dispersion in epoxy polymer and determination of the constant current conductivity of the prepared composite |
28-31 | abs |
2023 | 02 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musayeva, Emission processes in solar elements based on α-Si:H |
03-07 | abs |
2023 | 02 | az | Nazim Huseynov Ali oglu, Study of misidentified of hadronic tau lepton using fakefactor method |
08-12 | abs |
2023 | 02 | az | N.A. Gasimov, Basic properties of metamaterials with negative refractive index and their prospective applications |
13-15 | abs |
2023 | 02 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, D.T. Huseynov, Mechanism of action of surface structural defects, photovoltaic effect, uniaxial CuInSe2 single crystals |
16-23 | abs |
2023 | 02 | az | S.I. Mekhtiyeva, R.I. Alekberov, S.M. Mammadov, L.A. Aliyeva, A.Ch. Mammadova, S.U. Atayeva, N.N. Eminova, Investigation of Raman scattering in As40Se60 binary chalcogenide glassy system by method the radial distribution of pair-partial correlation functions |
24-28 | abs |
2023 | 02 | az | M.M. Qurbanov, M.M. Godjayev, К.М. Husеynova, Degree of anharmonicity of thermal oscillations and mean free path of phonons in TlGaS2 semiconductor compound |
29-31 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | A.H. Aydemirova, L.A. Melikova, O.K. Gasymov, Diagnostic possibilities of the plasma-lipid model in healthy people and patients with lung adenocarcinoma using FT-IR spectroscopy |
03-09 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | A.A. Hasanov, X.T. Hasanova, S.R. Bagirova, Impact of the temperature and concentration to the huggins interaction parameters between the components in water-polymer two-phase system dekstran-PEQ, dekstran-PVP and PEQ-C4O6H4Na2 |
10-13 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | N. Kardashbayova, S. Hasanova-Abdullayeva, Development of biophysics in modern times and its application in medicine. Electrocardiogram device. |
14-17 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | V.N. Jafarova, Ab initio study of electronic and magnetic properties of Zn1-xMnxSe compound |
18-21 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, Theoretical calculation of the generated photocurrent in silicon-based solar cells |
22-26 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | Kh.S. Аliyev, Influence of electrothermodischarge crystallization on the electret and piezoelectric properties of composites |
27-30 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | S.A. Guseynova, Multi-electrode composite electric heaters based on the volume of heating for grain plants |
31-33 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | Nazim A. Huseynov, Estimation of misidentified of light leptons using one lepton efficiency map for Matrix Method |
34-38 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, G.M. Asgerov, I.G. Nasibov, S.T. Huseynov, Changes in the magnitude and direction of the photovoltaic surface effect on donory-acceptor centers of CuGaSe2 single crystals |
39-43 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | N.B. Agayev, R.H. Hashimov, Probability-statistical approach to control of chaotic processes |
44-48 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | G.E. Dashdamirova, D.I. Ismailov, Formation of CuIn5-xSnxS8 solid solutions based on superlattices of the CuIn5S8 superstructural phase |
49-51 | abs |
2023 | 01 | az | J.V. Valiyev, A.A. Abdullayeva, Study of production technology and mechanical properties of aluminum, paper and glass fiber composites |
52-56 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | T.T. Alizada, F.A. Kazimova, I.B. Bakhtiyarli, O.B. Tagiyev, Obtaining the CaSiO3:Eu crystal and photoluminescence properties |
03-06 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | A.O. Dashdemirov, Crystal structure of Ge0.99Nd0.01S compound |
07-09 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musayeva, Cyclic method of deposition of α-Si:H films with intermediate treatment in hydrogen plasma |
10-13 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | I. Gasymoglu, G.S. Mehtiev, G.M. Asgerov, Periodicity of electron waves between CuInS2 single crystals and its oxide layer |
14-17 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | M.A. Musaev, N.N. Hashimova, The physical properties of the fluid heat ratio of its relationship between other |
18-22 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | A.H. Asadova, Investigation of the effect of hydrophobic and hydrophilic additives on the dielectric properties of agarose gel |
23-27 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | V.M. Aliev, J.A. Rahimov, Sh.Sh. Amirov, G.A. Alieva, Theoretical and experimental study of dielectric polarization in thermotropic monomer and polymer liquid crystals with reentrant mesomorphic modification |
28-31 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | Gulnar I. Muradova, Investigation of the effect of gamma irradiation on the infrared spectra of |
32-36 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | Sh. A. Amirova, Oscillator with a position-dependent mass in a homogeneous gravitational field: Ω²=0 and Ω²<0 cases |
37-42 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | S.H. Abdullayeva, Titanium nanostructures for biomedical applications |
43-45 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | Raisa R. Hakhiyeva, Investigation of the effect of gamma radiation on the thermal properties of TiC nanoparticles |
46-49 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | A.I. Jabbarov, Electrical properties in the region of magnetic phase transition of TlCoSe2 compound |
50-53 | abs |
2022 | 04 | az | V. Atayeva, Optimality of dyeing the silk with anthocyanins which are obtained from autumn leaves |
54-56 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | E.A. Kerimov, Production technology of a-Si:H films and modification of their structure |
03-06 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | G.S. Ahmadov, A multi-algorithmic analysis program for the analysis of the results of rare fission processes |
07-10 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | A.M. Gashimov, S.V. Bayramov, L.Ch. Suleimanova, K.V. Gurbanov, Z.A. Tagieva, V.M. Gadzhieva, Investigation of deformation processes and realizing emissions from the surface of linear |
11-16 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | N.A. Verdiyeva, The formation of defects in crystals of AIIIBIIIC2VI type and the effect of these defects on the thermal conductivity of crystal TlInSe2 |
17-20 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | K.H. Khalilova, Study of the temperature dependence of the specific electrical conductivity of TlInTe2 and TlInTe2-Te crystals under different irradiation doses |
21-24 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | Nazim A. Huseynov, Study of the Higgs boson production with a single top quark using thee artificial neural network technology |
25-33 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | R.S. Madatov, T.B. Tagiyev, R.M. Mamishova, L.E. Sadigli, Initial electrical properties of intercalated and photointercalated layered GaSe monocrystal at room temperature |
34-36 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | Verdiyeva Nurana Alisher, Temperature dependence of electrical conductivity of solid solution crystals TlIn1-xDyxSe2 and TlIn1-xEuxSe2 (x: 0,01, 0,03, 0,05) |
37-41 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | Kh.S. Aliyev, Electrical conductivity and dielectric dispersion of a polyvinyl chloride-graphite composite system |
42-45 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | V.N. Jafarova, N.T. Mamedov, M.A. Musayev, Ab initio study of electronic and magnetic properties of Cr-doped ZnSe compound |
46-49 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | R.I. Alekberov, Explanation of features of boson peak on base theory topological constraints in isostatic and partially
elastıc glass composıtıons states AsxSe100-x (x=40 at%), AsxSeyS100-x-y, |
50-55 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | A.M. Hashimov, Sh.V. Bayramov, L.Ch. Suleymanova, K.B. Gurbanov, Z.A. Tagieva, V.M. Gadzhieva, Ultra-high vacuum installation and investigation of gas reactions on the surface of tungsten |
56-63 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | G.S. Ahmadov, Z.Y. Sadigov, A.A. Garibov, Measurement of angular correlation of prompt 22- quanta and neutrons in the fission of 235U induced by polarized “HOT” neutrons |
64-68 | abs |
2022 | 03 | az | V.M. Aliev, J.A. Rahimov, G.A. Alieva, Investigation of the role of various components of the dipole moment of liquid crystal molecules in orientational polarization |
69-73 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | E.A. Kerimov, Calculation of diffusion currents in silicon-based solar cells in the absence of illumination |
03-05 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | Aygul H. Valizade, Investigation of surface morphology of tungsten-based compounds under the influence of high-energy ion radiation |
06-09 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | Kh.S. Aliyeva, A.E. Mammadova, S.I. Huseynova, I.Sh. Sardarova, Production technology and study of electrophysical properties of palladium silicide |
10-11 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | A.H. Aydemirova, Distinctive features of FTIR spectra of blood plasma of healthy people and lung adenocarcinoma patients |
12-16 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | G.S. Ahmadov, Determination of the rotation angle in the 235U (n, f) reaction induced by 60 meV polarized neutrons |
17-20 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | Namiq Haydarov, Ramin Sattarov, Ibrahim Nuriyev, Maqsud Nazarov, General analysis and selection of a fixed-wing UAV model |
21-25 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | E.O. Mansurova, Radiation in multi-valley and impurity semiconductors under conditions of internal and external stability |
26-28 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | A.R. Imamaliyev, Size effect study of submicron barium titanate particles on their thermal and dielectric properties |
29-33 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | S.Q. Nuriyeva, Ellipsometrıc explore of Cu2ZnSnSe4 based hetero-structure made by magnetron |
34-37 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | R.G. Aghayeva, Non-stationary collisionless conductivity of the quantum dot |
38-41 | abs |
2022 | 02 | az | Hasanova Matanat Rufat, Influence of the crystallization mode on structure and absorption properties of polystrene and silica-based nanocomposites |
42-45 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | A.I. Jabbarov, Influence of the method of preparation of TlFe0.975Ga0.025S2 samples on the AFM phase transition |
03-06 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | B.M. Izzatov, B.H. Khudayarov, F.F. Yahyayev, Determination of thermal kinetic parameters of the |
07-11 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | A.M. Rahimli, Structural changes of PVC-based polymer nanocomposites modified with TiO2 nano particles |
12-14 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, Theoretical investigation of the reliability of electronic devices |
15-17 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | O.A. Samedov, M.N. Mirzayev, Defect formation mechanism and thermophysical effect in the binary boron compounds under swift heavy ion, neutron, electron and gamma irradation |
18-30 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | G.S. Ahmadov, Measurement of angular correlation of prompt gamma quanta and neutrons in the fission of 235U induced by polarized neutrons with energy of 0.27 eV |
31-34 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | R.F. Hashimov, X-ray study of the crystal structure of the compound La0.63Ba0.37MnO3 |
35-37 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | I. Gasymoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, Z. Gadiroglu, I.Q. Nasibov, C.I. Huseinov, G.M. Askerov, |
38-42 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | V.N. Jafarova, Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of ZnSe within LSDA and LSDA+U methods |
43-46 | abs |
2022 | 01 | az | Sara Yasinova, Effect of trietanolamine component on PbSe thin layer and fine powder obtained with chemical precipitation |
47-51 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | V.N. Jafarova, Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of ZnSnAs2 |
03-06 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | S.I. Mekhtiyeva, R.I. Alekberov, S.M. Mammadov, |
07-10 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | S.I. Ibragimova, Dielectric properties of CuInZnSe3 compound |
11-14 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | I.A. Mamedova, Force constants of interatomic bonds in AII B2III C4VI type compounds |
15-17 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | I. Qasimoğlu, Q.S. Mehdiyev, Z. Qadiroglu, I.A. Mammadova, I.Q. Nasibov, C.T. Huseynov, Effect of porous nanostructures formed on the surface of CuInSe2 single crystals on its electrical and optical properties |
18-21 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | A.M. Mammadova, Exact solution of the quantum harmonic oscillator described by Gora-Williams kinetic energy operator in the external gravitational field |
22-29 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | A.M. Rahimli, Photoluminescence and electret properties of thermoplastic polymer-based nanocomposites modified with metal-oxide nano particles |
30-35 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | E.A. Kerimov, Parameters of top thin silicon films used in sunny batteries |
36-39 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | А.М. Abdullayev, М.C. Nadjafzade, I.N. Ibrakhimov, Investigation of the temperature dependence of resistance of manganite with the addition of La1-cSrcMn1-yZnyO3 (c + y = 0.15, 0.17) |
40-45 | abs |
2021 | 04 | az | S.R. Azimova, N.M. Abdullaev, Specific features of grain and nanowires formation in layered Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 crystals |
46-50 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | M.A. Kurbanov, F.N. Tatardar, I.S. Ramazanova, A.F. Nuraliev, Z.A. Dadashov, Technology of obtaining a piezoelectric substrate for the creation of polymer-nano- and polymer-microsized hybrid composites |
03-06 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | X.F. Aliyeva, F.Sh. Djafarova, G.A. Muradova, Modification in polymer materials exposed to gas discharge |
07-09 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | E.F. Nasirov, Physical properties of the p-CdTe/n-CdZnS anisotype heterojunction |
10-13 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | R.R. Guseinov, R.A. Alizade, V.S. Tagiyev, N.B. Mustafayev, Adsorption of gas molecules on the surface of semiconductor nanoparticle |
14-16 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | A.R. Sadygova, A.A. Khadiyeva, P.B. Asilbeyli, E.S. Safiev, Molecular processes occurring in polyethylene + nanoclay nanocomposites under the influence of an electric field |
17-22 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | M.M. Babayev, Kh.B. Sultanova, Thermopower of two-dimensional electronic gas in quantum wells |
23-26 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | A.I. Mammadov, S.H. Jabarov, R.Z. Mehdiyeva, R.E. Huseynov, Atomic dynamics at high and low temperatures of BaFe11.1Sc0.9O19 hexaferrite |
27-33 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | N.A. Nasibova, Temperature dependence of ω meson - nucleons minimal coupling constant gωNN(T) |
34-37 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | R.G. Abaszade, Volts-ampere characteristics of carbon nanotubes doped 10 percent gadolinium |
38-40 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | S.N. Mustafaeva, S.S. Huseynova, Influence of point defects in the properties of two-dimensional (2D) crystals GaX (X=S, Se) type and calculation of energy parameters by density functional theory |
41-48 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | Sh.N. Aliyeva, Radiative characteristics of nanoresonator of FD resistor based on Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 and SmS |
49-52 | abs |
2021 | 03 | az | I.F. Yusibova, Structural and physical properties of ferrite Ni0.4Zn0.3Cu0.3Fe2O4 |
53-56 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | N.А. Huseynov, Monte-Carlo study of Higgs boson production in association with a single top quark at the LHC |
03-07 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | Sh.M. Ahadzade, The role of the used polymers (PE, F2M) in the electric strength of based ZnO-polymer composite varistors |
08-12 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | Arzuman G. Gasanov, Mathematical modeling and theoretical study of the electronic structure of gold and silver nanotubes |
13-18 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | Gulnaz Gahramanova, Farida Aliyeva, Rasim Jabbarov, Preperation and electrical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/ polymer (epoxy, polypropylene, chytosan) composites |
19-25 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | Samira H. Abdullayeva, Synthesys of nanostructured TiO2 films by the method of anodic oxidation |
26-31 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | Sh.O. Eminov, I.I. Gurbanov, E.M. Akbarov, J.A. Guliyev, F.E. Mammadov, Electrophysical and optical properties of the thin-film glass/In2O3:Sn structures |
32-35 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | N.A. Nasibova, Minimal coupling constant ga1ΔΔ(T) of a1 axial meson with excited ∆ baryons at finite temperature |
36-39 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiev, Z. Gadiroglu, N.V. Makhmudova, Dispersion of surface waves in CuGaSe2 single crystals arising as a result of a parametric symmetries defectiveness |
40-44 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | R.Z. Ibaeva, IR absorption by free charge carriers with the participation of phonons in anisotropic quantum wire |
45-48 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | V.N. Jafarova, Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of ZnSe |
49-51 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | S.I. Zeynalova, Energy levels in quantum film with half-parabolic potential |
52-54 | abs |
2021 | 02 | az | Sariyya Mammadali kizi Aslanova, Analytical solution of the Dirac equation for the linear combination of the Manning-Rosen and Yukawa potential |
55-67 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | Y.I. Aliyev, Influence of gamma radiation on the thermodynamic properties of AgCuS compounds |
03-05 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | A.I. Akhmedov, А.М. Abdullayev, I.N. Ibrakhımov, М.C. Nadjafzade, M.A. Aldjanov, M.K. Khudayarova, Q.C. Sultanov, Magnetic and electrical properties of magnetic semiconductors Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4 |
06-09 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | R.G. Abaszade, R.I. Alakbаrov, X-ray phase diffraction analysis of functionalized carbon nanotubes |
10-12 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | A.I. Mammadov, R.Z. Mehdiyeva, S.H. Jabarov, R.E. Huseynov, Luminescent properties of solid solutions BaFe12-xAlxO19 |
13-16 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | Pashayev Faig Geydar oglu, Gasanov Arzuman Gardashchan oglu, Abdullayeva Subhane Fuzuli kizi, Study of magnetic properties of iron nanoparticles |
17-20 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, Radiation effects in IrSi-Si chips |
21-24 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | Gasanov Arzuman G.,
Mathematical modeling and research of nanoparticles |
25-30 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musayeva, Hydrodynamic method for analyzing the operability of electronic devices |
31-33 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | L.G. Hasanova, A.Z. Abasova, Influence of gamma radiation on the electrical properties of Сu3In5S9 single crystal |
34-35 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | V.N. Jafarova, Ab-initio study of band structure and density of states of ZnO |
36-39 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | F.I. Ahmadov, G.S. Ahmadov, Z.Y. Sadygov, A.Z. Sadigov, A.H. Mammadli, M. Holik, |
40-43 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | Sh.K. Qudavasov, N.A. Abdullayev, J.N. Jalilli, Y.A. Abdullayev, Z.I. Badalova, |
44-46 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | N.A. Nasibova, Minimal coupling constant of excited vector meson and baryons at finite temperature |
47-49 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | E.I. Jafarov, A.M. Mammadova and N.F. Mammadova, Exact solution of the one-dimensional quantum box-like harmonic oscillator model under the von roos kinetic energy operator |
50-58 | abs |
2021 | 01 | az | B.I. Mehdiyev, Physics beyond the standard model – violation of lepton universality |
59-62 | abs |
2020 | 04 | az | S.R. Azimova, Crystallization of Bi2Te2.7Se0.3<Ni> layers and surface structure |
03-05 | abs |
2020 | 04 | az | S.I. Ibrahimova, An investigation of the thermal expansion properties of CuGaIn2Se5 solid solution crystal by high-temperature X-ray diffraction |
06-08 | abs |
2020 | 04 | az | N.M. Namazova, Rb1-xNaxNO3(x=0,025, 0,05) research of acquisition of crystals X-ray and DTA methods |
09-12 | abs |
2020 | 04 | az | Sh.N. Aliyeva, The optical properties of granulated Ni1-xZnxFe2O4nanofilms |
13-21 | abs |
2020 | 03 | az | H.S. Aliyev, E.A. Kerimov, The effect of ionizing radiation on the parameters of semiconductors |
03-07 | abs |
2020 | 03 | az | A.H. Aydemirova, Blood plasma classificationh of myoma patients using FTIR spectroscopy |
08-12 | abs |
2020 | 03 | az | A.R. Imamaliev, M.A. Ramazanov, G.M. Bayramov, Sh.A. Humbatov, |
13-18 | abs |
2020 | 03 | az | S.S. Rzaeva, The electric charge of the fermions in elementary particle physics |
19-22 | abs |
2020 | 03 | az | F.I. Ahmadov, G.S. Ahmadov, Z.Y. Sadygov, A.Z. Sadigov, A.H. Mammadli, N.V. Sadigova, M. Holik, E. Yilmaz, Investigation of parameters of new silicon photomultipliers MAPD-3NM |
23-27 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | H.S. Aliyev, E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musayeva, The main physical processes at ion penetration into the solid state |
03-07 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | G. Gasanov Arzuman, Mathematical modeling of the electronic structure of tetrahedral gold nanoparticles and its properties |
08-12 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | R.G. Abaszade, R.I. Alakbarov, O.A. Aliyev, Sh.K. Safaraliev, Raman analysis of carbon nanotubes deposited on substrate by different methods |
13-15 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | S.S. Ragimov, A.A. Saddinova, T.T. Bagirov, Thermoelectric properties of (AgSbSe2)0,8(PbTe)0,2 solid solution |
16-19 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, Z. Gadiroglu, A.G. Bagirov, The electrical and optical properties of CuAlSe2 single crystal nanoparticles |
20-24 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | R.G. Abaszade, Analysis of carbon nanotubes |
25-29 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | T.H. Ismayilov, S.I. Zeynalova, Energy levels in quantum film with parabolic potential |
30-33 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | J.R. Sultanova, The investigation of electric properties of nano-composites on the base of polymer and magnetic nanoparticles in the dependence on nanofiller concentration |
34-39 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | E.A. Kerimov, Methods of noise description in nanoelectronic devices |
40-43 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | I.F. Yusibova, The structural properties of Ni-Zn ferrites doped by Cu |
44-49 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | Rasim B. Aslanov, Laman M. Suleymanova, The investigation of protein dynamics in silk fibroin by the way of recombination of free radicals under the influence of ultraviolet beams |
50-56 | abs |
2020 | 02 | az | S.F. Samadov, The investigation of dielectric and electric properties of TlGaSe2 crystals implanted by H+ and He2+ ions |
57-60 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | H.S. Aliyev, The influence of various physical processes on the charge state of polymers |
03-06 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, Problems of silicon nanoelectronics and ways of their solution |
07-10 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | B.G. Pashayev, Determination of conformation and dimensions of polyethylene glycol macromolecule in the systems water-polyethylene glycol-KCl by viscosimeter method |
11-16 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | R.F. Sadikhli, M.E. Khaligzadeh, Local structure and optical properties of Se - Sb chalcogenide glassy semiconductor system |
17-22 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | H.I. Mammadova, The local structure of chalcogenide glassy semiconductors of system As-Ge-Se |
23-26 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, Z. Gadiroglu, G.M. Asgerov, N.V. Makhmudova, E.S. Huseynova, Influence of nano-objects formed on surface of CuInS2 single crystals on their electric and optical properties |
27-30 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | R.F. Hasanov, Analysis of the influence of sulphur on the diameter of carbon nanotubes |
31-35 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | R.G. Abaszade, X-ray diffraction analysis of carbon nano-tubes doped by 10% gadolinium |
36-38 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | V.N. Jafarova, Ab-initio study of band structure and zno density of states |
39-43 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | E.O. Mansurova, Conditions of internal and external instability in semiconductors in the presence of recombination |
44-49 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | S.I. Zeynalova, Density of states of electron gas in non-standard quantum wells |
50-52 | abs |
2020 | 01 | az | N.N. Abdulzade, S.Q. Nurıyeva, G.T. Askerkhanova, N.N. Mursakulov, X-ray diffraction analysis, photoluminescence, and Raman spectra in thin Cu2ZnSnSe4 films obtained by the magnetron sputtering method |
53-57 | abs |
2019 | 04 | az | S.N. Musayeva, E.A. Kerimov, Application of semiconductıve nanoelectronic elements in logic devices and memories during information transfer |
03-08 | |
2019 | 04 | az | R.G. Abaszade, S.A. Mamadova, R.I. Alakbarov, O.A. Aliyev, A.M. Nabiev, E.M. Aliyev, O.A. Kapush, Sh.K. Safaraliyev, Functionalization and analysıs of Raman scatterıng of carbon nanotubes |
09-14 | |
2019 | 04 | az | H.S. Aliyev, Features of forming volume discharges in polymer dielectrics under the influence of electric discharges |
15-18 | |
2019 | 04 | az | Sh.A. Mamedov, I.I. Atayev, Calculation of axial - vector nucleon form factor in the AdS / QCD soft wall model |
19-23 | |
2019 | 04 | az | Kh.A. Gasanova, Absorption and luminescence spectra in Bi0.97Sb0.03 |
24-29 | |
2019 | 04 | az | I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiyev, Z. Gadiroglu, A.G. Bagirov, I.T. Mamedova, N.G. Makhmudova, I.T. Nasibov, The influence of nano-structures forming on CuGaS2 single crystal plane on its electric and optical properties |
30-35 | |
2019 | 04 | az | Sh.M. Ahadzade, Definition of the optimal synthesis method and mechanical properties of composite varistors based on ZnO-polymer |
36-39 | |
2019 | 04 | az | A.R. Sadygova, Elementary processes in the kinetics of electric destruction of polyethylene + nanogline nanocomposites |
40-43 | |
2019 | 04 | az | Sh.A. Humbatov, Influence of BaTiO3 particles on the phase transitions of smectic a liquid crystal with positive dielectric anisotropy |
44-49 | |
2019 | 04 | az | I.Z. Sadikhov, Principle of operation, optical structure and main modules of fluorescent LIDAR developed at the national aviation academy for the remote sensing of oil spills |
50-54 | |
2019 | 04 | az | Z.A. Dadashov, Main features of the formation of piezo and pyroelectric effects in composites based on polymers and multi-components of piezoceramics |
55-58 | |
2019 | 04 | az | R.F. Hasanov, Technology for the production of polymer nanocomposites based on multiwall carbon nanotubes synthesized by aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition method |
59-62 | |
2019 | 04 | az | F.N. Ahmadov, Study of the process of associated production of the Standard Model Higgs boson with a vector boson |
63-67 | |
2019 | 03 | az | B.G. Pashayev, Activatıon parameters of viscous flow in water-PEG-KOH systems and partial molar volume of polyethylene glycol in solutions |
03-06 | |
2019 | 03 | az | F.I. Ahmadov, Investigation of resistance of avalanche photodiodes |
07-12 | |
2019 | 03 | az | A.A. Saddinova, Activation energy of charge carriers in solid solution (AgSbSe2)0.95(PbTe)0.05 |
13-15 | |
2019 | 03 | az | N.A. Alieva, Study of phase transformations of Cu4SeTe by method of high-temperature Calorimetry |
16-18 | |
2019 | 03 | az | R.G. Abaszade, S.A. Mammadova, A.M. Nabiyev, E.M. Aliyev, R.I. Alakbarov, S.T. Azizov, O.A. Aliyev, Sh.K. Safaraliev, Some physical features of few-layered grafene oxide samples |
19-22 | |
2019 | 03 | az | S.N. Musayeva, E.A. Kerimov, Estimation of reliability of information transmission systems |
23-30 | |
2019 | 03 | az | E.M. Akbarov, Creation of small dimensional structures on the surface by liquid metal ion source |
31-33 | |
2019 | 03 | az | J.A. Guliyev, Raman spectrum of nanostructured CdS grown in porous Al2O3 matrix |
34-36 | |
2019 | 03 | az | L.Ch. Suleymanova, The analysis of the processes realizing on the surface and in the volume of polymer materials subjected to influence of electric gas discharges |
37-42 | |
2019 | 03 | az | Arzuman G. Gasanov, Study of mechanical properties of some metal -containing nanoparticles |
43-46 | |
2019 | 03 | az | S.O. Mammadova, Mechanisms of detection of majorana fermions as carriers of quantum information qubit in topological insulators and superconductors |
47-49 | |
2019 | 03 | az | E.F. Nasirov, Synthesis of various ZnSe nano- and micro-particles by chemical deposition method |
50-53 | |
2019 | 03 | az | S.G. Jafarova, Combination scattering of light intl (GaS2)1-x(InSe2)x monocrystals |
54-57 | |
2019 | 02 | az | R.I. Alekberov, The optical properties of As-Se, As-Se-S, As-Se-Te chalcogenide glassy semiconductor systems |
03-08 | |
2019 | 02 | az | R.I. Alekberov, The сorrelation between physical parameters (Va, ϰ, Z, E) and glass transition temperature of As-Se, As-Se-S and As-Se-Te chalcogenide glassy semiconductor systems |
09-13 | |
2019 | 02 | az | Ch.I. Abilov, M.Sh. Hasanova, The features of the kinetic coefficients in the solid solution (CuCr2Te4)0.99 (InTe)0.01 |
14-17 | |
2019 | 02 | az | B.G. Pashayev, Structural features in systems water - polyethylene glycol - LiOH, NaOH, KOH |
18-24 | |
2019 | 02 | az | A.I. Jabarov., S.I. Ibrahimova., N.A. Alieva., G.G.Guseinov, Electric and thermoelectric properties of Cu3SeTe compound |
25-27 | |
2019 | 02 | az | R.E. Huseynov, Investigation of the magnetic properties of BaFe12-xAlxO19 solid solutions |
28-33 | |
2019 | 02 | az | R.M. Sardarly, F.T. Salmanov, N.A. Aliyeva, Impedance characteristics of γ ̶ irradiated (TlGaSe2)1-x(TlInS2)x solid solutions |
34-39 | |
2019 | 02 | az | Sh.H. Qasimov, I. Qasimoğlu, The action of high hydrostatic pressures on the kinetic properties of SnSe single crystals |
40-41 | |
2019 | 02 | az | I.F. Yusibova, Synthesis and physical properties of Ni-Zn ferrites doped by Cu |
42-45 | |
2019 | 02 | az | R.G. Abaszada, S.A. Mammadova, S.T. Azizov, O.A. Aliyev, E.M. Aliyev, A.M. Nabiyev, Syntesis and analysis of Few-layered graphene oxide |
46-49 | |
2019 | 02 | az | Sh.A. Humbatov, The size effect of BaTiO3 particles on dielectric properties of smectic A liquid crystals with negative dielectric anisotropy |
50-56 | |
2019 | 02 | az | K.M. Huseynova, Electric and optical properties of TlGa1-xDyxSe2 solid solutions |
57-59 | |
2019 | 02 | az | M.V. Kazimov, Synthesis and structural study of InSb-CrSb, InSb-Sb, GaSb-CrSb eutectic composites |
60-63 | |
2019 | 01 | az | Kh.K. Shiraliyeva, I.A. Mammadova, T.G. Kerimova, N.A. Abdullayev, Raman scattering of light in CdGa2S4 and ZnGa2S4 crystals |
03-06 | |
2019 | 01 | az | A.Sh. Abdinov, R.F. Babayeva, S.I. Amirova, N.A. Rahimova, E.A. Rasulov, Influence of lanthanide impurities on the characteristics of the brightness of electroluminescence in n-InSe crystals |
07-10 | |
2019 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, Ensuring the speed of information transfer into ACS |
11-15 | |
2019 | 01 | az | I. Gasymoglu, G.S. Mekhtiyev, I.A. Mamedova, A.G. Bagirov, S.T. Huseynov, Z. Gadiroglu, G.M. Asgerov, N.M. Abdullaev, The electric and optical propertıes of CuAlS2 single crystals on the surface of which the nano-structures are formed |
16-21 | |
2018 | 04 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, Method of IRSI - SI thin contacts obtaining |
03-05 | |
2018 | 04 | az | Sh. Mammadov, Sh. Tagiyeva, Review of interaction constant of meson-nucleon vector in the framework of AdS/QCD hard wall model |
06-08 | |
2018 | 04 | az | E.А. Кеrimov, Model of reliability of information transmission in the protected telecommunication network |
09-13 | |
2018 | 04 | az | M.A. Ramazanov, A.R. Sadygova, A.A. Khadiyeva, V.A. Alekperov, Molecular processes of in electric destruction of nanocomposites on the basis of PE and nanoсlay after destructive and stabilizing factors |
14-18 | |
2018 | 04 | az | E.A. Masimov, B.G. Pashayev, structural characteristics of KCl, KBr and KI water solutions |
19-22 | |
2018 | 04 | az | A.J. Mammadova, Structure and Raman spectroscopy of As2Te3 fılms |
23-26 | |
2018 | 04 | az | A.R. Imamaliev, M.A. Ramazanov, Sh.A. Humbatov, G.M. Bayramov, A.K. Mammadov, Influence of BaTiO3 particles with different sizes on the threshold properties of smectic A liquid crystal |
27-30 | |
2018 | 04 | az | A.M. Pashayev, B.H. Tagiev, F.K. Aleskerov, O.B. Tagiev, I.T. Huseynov, I.Z. Sadikhov Creation of uhitelight sources based on the compound CaGa2S4:Eu2+ and LEDs and their spectral and luminessent characteristics |
31-37 | |
2018 | 04 | az | A.A. Garibli, S.Z. Melikova, M.A. Ramazanov, A.A. Garibov, The study of the interaction of components in the composite nanosilicon + polypropylene fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction methods |
38-47 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А.Ш. Абдинов, Р.Ф. Бабаева, К вопросу об аномалиях электрофизических параметров в слоистых моноселенидах полупроводниковых соединений AIIIBVI |
03-04 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Т.Д. Алиева, Н.М. Ахундова, |
05-07 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Г.З. Багиева, Г.Д. Абдинова, Н.Б. Мустафаев, Д.Ш. Абдинов, Механизм переноса электрического заряда и теплоты в кристаллах SnTe и Sn1-xMnxTe |
08-10 | |
2018 | 03 | az | M.M. Асадов, С.H. Мустафаева, У.A. Гасанова, O.M. Алиев, K.И. Янушкевич, С.А. Никитов, Моделирование и свойства многокомпонентных магнитных систем FeS–PbS–M2S3 (M = Ga, In) |
11-13 | |
2018 | 03 | az | С.Т. Азизов, О.А. Алиев, Диэлектрические свойства растворов моногалогенозамещенных бензола |
14-16 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Б.Ш. Бархалов, М.М. Тагиев, Г.З. Багиева, Р.Ю. Алиев, К.И. Магеррамова, Теплопроводность наноструктурированных экструдированных образцов твердого раствора Bi0,5Sb1,5Te3 |
17-19 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Cilovdarli (Abbasov) Abbas Əli oğlu, Azərbaycanda yarımmkeçiricilər fizikası elmi istiqamətində tədqiqatların başlanması |
20-22 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Ш.О. Эминов, Фотоприемники ИК-излучения на основе варизонных эпитаксиальных слоев HgCdTe |
23-25 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Ш.О. Эминов, Х.Д. Джалилова, Д.А. Гулиев, И.С. Гасанов, Н.Д. Исмаилов, А.А. Раджабли, Г.Х. Мамедова, И.И. Гурбанов, А.А. Алиев, Особенности электрохимического синтеза пористых структур на основе наноструктурированного анодного оксида алюминия для солнечных ячеек |
26-28 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Н.Н. Гаджиева, Р.С. Мадатов, Ф.Г. Асадов, Фурье ИК спектры отражения и оптические свойства γ-облученного сульфида галлия |
29-30 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А.М. Абдуллаев, Э.М. Керимова, Н.З. Гасанов, Ш.Дж. Ализаде, С.С. Абдинбеков, А.К. Заманова, Низкотемпературная теплоемкость, температура Дебая, фазовый переход и энтропия в кристаллах TlTe |
31-34 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Ş.H. Qasımov, İ. Qasımoğlu, H.M. Əsgərov, ZnSe monokristalının, yüksək hidrostatik təzyiq altında, müqavimətinin anizotropiyası |
35-36 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Э.М. Годжаев, С.Ш. Кахраманов, С.И. Мамедова, Двойное поперечное скольжение в Bi2Te3 |
37-38 | |
2018 | 03 | az | П.Б. Асилбейли, Х.С. Ибрагимова, С.У. Атаева, Изменение диэлектрических свойств нанокомпозиций на основе полиэтилена с наночастицами Fe3O4 |
39-41 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Э.А. Исаева, А.М. Алиева, Распределение носителей заряда в p-n переходах с точки зрения теории нечетких множеств Лютфи Заде |
42-45 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Н.Д. Исмайлов, Р.И. Мухтарова, А.А. Раджабли, Ш.О. Эминов,
Фоторезисторы на основе |
46-47 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Н.Д. Исмайлов, О подавлении Оже-рекомбинации в неохлаждаемых фотоприемниках на основе CdxHg1-xTe |
48-49 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Э.А. Джафарова, З.Я. Садыгов, А.А. Довлатов, Л.А. Алиева, Э.С. Тапдыгов, К.А. Аскерова, Полная проводимость кремниевых микропиксельных лавинных фотодиодов |
50-53 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Ч.О. Kаджар, С.Б. Казымова, А.С. Гасанова, Ф.Г. Мамедов, Микроволновый спектр молекулы трeтичного бутилового спирта (СН3)3СOH |
54-55 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Э.М. Керимова, А.А. Исаева, А.З. Абасова, С.М. Бидзинова, Л.А. Исмаилзаде, А.Б.Магеррамов, Электро - и фотопроводимость твердых растворов Tl(InS2)1-x(FeSe2)x вблизи фазовых переходов |
56-58 | |
2018 | 03 | az | И.Х. Мамедов, А.А. Халилова, Д.Г. Араслы, Р.Н. Рагимов, М.А. Алиева, Тензометрические характеристики системы InSb c марганцем |
59-61 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Ə.T. Bağırova, Müdrik alim, akademik H.M. Abdullayev |
62-63 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Н.A. Aбдуллаев, Г.Л. Беленький, Г. Кипшидзе, О.А. Алиев, Х.В. Aлигулиевa, К.М. Джафарли, К.Ш. Кахраманов, Н.T. Maмедов, В.Н. Зверев, Электрические и гальваномагнитные свойства нерелаксированной гетероэпитаксиальной структуры InAs1-xSbx |
64-66 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А. Ахмедов, м. Алджанов, М. Наджафзаде, И. Ибрагимов, Г. Султанов, Магнитные свойства соединений Ni0.25-xCuxFe0.75Cr2S4 (0≤х≤0.2) |
67-68 | |
2018 | 03 | az | A.Ə. Sadiqova, Ş.Ə. Əhmədova, F.R. Babayev, Q.S. Martınova, T.R. Mehdiyev, Azərbaycan ərazisindəki neftlərin buraxma spektrlərinin araşdırılması |
69-72 | |
2018 | 03 | az | С.Р. Азимова, И. Касымоглы, Н.А. Абдуллаев, Н.М. Абдуллаев, K.Ш. Кахраманов, Спектр направленного пропускания в кристалле Bi2Se3Se |
73-74 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А.А. Магеррамов, Ф.Х. Мамедов, К.Г. Халилова, Разработка технологиии коммутации охлаждающих термоэлементов на основе халькогенидов висмута и сурьмы |
75-76 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Н.М. Абдуллаев, И.Т. Маммадова, К.Г. Халилова, Н.Н. Мурсакулов, И.А. Насибов, К.Ш. Кахраманов, Особенности поверхностного скольжения в фольгах Sb2Te3 и Bi2Te3 |
77-79 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Э.Ш. Алекперов, Термообработка аморфных плёнок TlIn1-xSnxS2, получаемых в электрическом поле |
80-83 | |
2018 | 03 | az | M.S. Murquzova, GdxSn1-xSe2 kristallarında elektrik müqavimətinin temperatur asılılığının anomal dəyişməsi |
84-85 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А.Ю. Гамзаева, Э.Г. Ализаде, Г.Х. Аждаров, И.А. Мамедова, Н.Т. Мамедов, Н.А. Абдуллаев, З.И. Бадалова, К.Ш. Кахраманов, Комбинационное рассеяние света и эллипсометрические исследования полиэтилена, наполненного нанокристаллитами Bi2Тe3 |
86-91 | |
2018 | 03 | az | V.Ə. Abdurahmanova, N.M. Abdullayev, Ş.S. İsmayılov, SmxSn1-xSe2 sistem kristallarının elektrik keçiriciliyinə γ-şüalarının təsiri |
92-94 | |
2018 | 03 | az | И.Ф. Юсибова, Ш.Н. Алиева, Т.Р. Мехтиев, Переходы Вервея в спектрах Раман рассеяния нанопленок (Ni-Zn) ферритов |
95-100 | |
2018 | 03 | az | M.H. Hüseynəliyev, Yarımkeçiricilərdə kritik nöqtələrin müxtəlif halları üçün kompleks dielektrik funksiyasının spektral asılılıqlarının müqayisəsi |
101-103 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А.А. Атаи, Э.Р. Юзбашев, О тепловом излучении Юпитера и Сатурна |
104-106 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Ш.О. Эминов, Характеристики эпитаксиальных p+-n структур InSb, выращенных методом ЖФЭ |
107-109 | |
2018 | 03 | az | V.Ə. Abdurahmanova, N.M. Abdullayev, H.M. Əskərov, Ş.S. Ismayılov, Ce2SnSe4 birləşməsinin elektrik və istilik keçiriciliyi |
110-111 | |
2018 | 03 | az | С.Е. Кичанов, Д.П. Козленко, Г.П. Шевченко, В.С. Гурин, Г.Е. Рачковская, Б.Н. Савенко, Нейтронные исследования структурных механизмов формирования оптических свойств в композитных стеклянных материалах |
112-113 | |
2018 | 03 | az | М.Г. Кязумов, Электронограммы от нанопленок монокристаллов с гексагональной кристаллической решеткой, вращающихся вокруг случайных осей |
114-117 | |
2018 | 03 | az | S.K. Cahangirova, Ş.H. Məmmədov, Ö.M. Əliyev, AgGaS2-PbGa2S4 sisteminin tədqiqi |
118-119 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Ü.A. Həsənova, Ş.H. Məmmədov, Ö.M. Əliyev, FeS-FePbGa4S8-FeGa2S4 alt sisteminin tədqiqi |
120-121 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А.И. Исаев, С.И. Мехтиева, Х.И. Мамедова, Р.И. Алекберов, С.С. Бабаев, Н.Н. Эминова, Комбинационное рассеяние и оптическое поглощение света в халькогенидных стеклообразных полупроводниках системы As-Ge-Se |
122-124 | |
2018 | 03 | az | B.H. Mehdiyev, Hipotetik heksaqonal kristallik quruluşlu InTe kristalının təzyiq altında dayanıqlığı |
125-127 | |
2018 | 03 | az | М.А. Мехрабова, И.Р. Нуриев, Т.И. Керимова, Р.Д. Касымов, А.А. Абдуллаева,
Влияние |
128-129 | |
2018 | 03 | az | М.А. Мехрабова, И.Р. Нуриев, Н.Г. Гасанов, Э.И. Мирзоев, З.И. Сулейманов, Н.И. Гусейнов, С.С. Фарзалиев, Н.В. Фараджев, Структура эпитаксиальных пленок Cd1-xMnxSe и влияние гамма-излучения на их оптические свойства |
130-132 | |
2018 | 03 | az | И.Р. Нуриев, Особенности роста и морфология поверхности эпитаксиальных пленок полумагнитных полупроводников халькогенидов А2 B6 |
133-135 | |
2018 | 03 | az | С.Н. Мустафаева, Д.Т. Гусейнов, Диэлектрические характеристики и проводимость монокристалла CdGa2S4 в переменных электрических полях радиочастотного диапазона |
136-137 | |
2018 | 03 | az | R.N. Rəhimov, A.S. Qəhrəmanova, A.Ə. Xəlilova, Ag8Ge1-xMnxTe6 məhlulların alınması və fiziki-kimyəvi xassələri |
138-140 | |
2018 | 03 | az | М.А. Курбанов, Б.Г. Худаяров, И.С. Рамазанова, Г.Х. Гусейнова, А.Ф. Нуралиев, О.А. Алиев, Ф.Н. Татардар, А.Ф. Гочуева, Электретный эффект в композитах на основе термопластических полимеров и сегнетопьезокерамик семейства цирконата-титаната свинца |
141-143 | |
2018 | 03 | az | S.S. Rəhimov, Ş.C. Qurbanov, S.M. Bağırova, Ifratkeçirici FeSe-də fluktuasiya keçiriciliyi |
144-145 | |
2018 | 03 | az | S.S. Rəhimov, A.A. Səddinova, (AgSbSe2)0.95(PbTe)0.05-in termoelektrik xassələri |
146-147 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Н.Б. Солтанова, Головная организация по физике Se и Te в СССР |
148-149 | |
2018 | 03 | az | А.М. Пашаев, Б.Г. Тагиев, О.Б. Тагиев, Р.Ф. Мехтиев, И.З. Садыхов, Электропроводность монокристаллов твердых растворов GaSexTe1-x в сильных электрических полях с учетом экранирования |
150-154 | |
2018 | 03 | az | З.М. Захрабекова, А.И. Алекперов, В.К. Кязимова, Г.Х. Аждаров, Оптимальные операционные параметры для получения монокристаллов соединений типа АIII-ВV с заданным концентрационным профилем методом зонной плавки |
155-156 | |
2018 | 03 | az | З.М. Захрабекова, В.К. Кязимова, А.И. Алекперов, Г.Х. Аждаров, Компьютерное моделирование концентрационных профилей примесей алюминия и индия в монокристаллах германий-кремний, выращенных методом двойной подпитки расплава |
157-158 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Н.Н. Абдулзаде, И.А. Алиев, Д.А. Ахмедова, С.Ш. Кахраманов, Н.Н. Мурсакулов, Морфология поверхности тонкой пленки Сu2ZnSnSe4, полученной методом магнетронного распыления |
159-161 | |
2018 | 03 | az | A.N. Nəcəfova, Ş.Z. Əliyeva, S.G. Əliyeva, B.A. Ağarzayeva, S.G. Rzayev, N.F. Bağırova, S.P. Çələbi, |
162-162 | |
2018 | 03 | az | M.H. İmranov, E.L. Yuryeva, S.K. Ağayeva, S.N. Fişenko, Z.E. Məşədibəyova, R.T. Quliyeva, Avtomobil sensorlarının hermetikləşməsi zamanı yarımkeçirici inteqral strukturların inteqral sxemlərinə və elektron komponentlərə mexaniki təsir kəmiyyətlərinin ekspress analizinin işlənilməsi |
163-164 | |
2018 | 03 | az | N.N. Abdulzadə, V.M. Andreev, D.A. Əhmədova, N.N, Mursakulov, Ç.Ə. Səbzəliyeva, M. Yakuşev, Cigss əsaslı konsentratorlu günəş çeviriciləri |
165-167 | |
2018 | 03 | az | M.X. Axundova, S.G. Rzayeva, F.E. Məmmədli, A.F. Məmmədova, R.T. Quliyeva, Protonların toqquşmasının nəzəri tədqiqi |
168-169 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Г.Б. Ибрагимов, Б.Г. Ибрагимов, Межзонное поглощение в квантовой точке в форме эллипсоидного вращения |
170-171 | |
2018 | 03 | az | Г.Б. Ибрагимов, Р.З. Ибаева, Поглощения света в квантовом сужении в продольном магнитном поле |
172-173 | |
2018 | 02 | az | E.M. Huseynov, Defect formation in the nanocrystalline silicon carbide (3C-SiC) under the neutron flux |
03-10 | |
2018 | 02 | az | A.M. Magerramov, R.L. Mamedova, S.R. Sadixova, Y.G. Hajieva, Dielectric properties of composite standarts on the basis of polypropylene and nanoclays of type of Na+ montmorillonite |
11-14 | |
2018 | 02 | az | M.A. Ramazanov, A.R. Sadygova, A.A. Khadiyeva, I.I. Abbasov, Elementary processes in kinetics of mechanical destruction of nanocomposite films on the basis of polyethylene with nanoclay additive |
15-19 | |
2018 | 02 | az | V.A. Abdurahmanova, N.M. Abdullaev, H.M. Askerov, S.S. Ismailov, Influence of samarium on electrophysical properties of SmxSn1-xSe |
20-25 | |
2018 | 02 | az | I. Qasimoqlu, A.H. Bagirov, H.M. Askerov, Q.S. Mehdiyev, Z. Qadiroqlu, N.V. Mahmudova, Sh.Q. Qasimov, The appearance of current oscillation in CuAlSe2 single crystal under polarizing field influence |
26-28 | |
2018 | 02 | az | Kh.N. Ahmadova, E.H. Alizade. J.N. Jalilli, S.M. Bagirova, N.T. Маmmadov, The investigation of oil from oil and gas fields in Absheron peninsula by spectroscopic ellipsometry method |
29-33 | |
2018 | 02 | az | K.M. Abdullaev, D.A. Aliyev, Research of revers-osmosis desalination technology of sea water with use of the computer HYDRANAUTICS program |
34-40 | |
2018 | 02 | az | E.R. Gasanov, R.A. Gasanova, A.V. Islamzade, Instability along waves in media of the same conductivity type |
41-46 | |
2018 | 02 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musayeva, Calculation of receiving system parameters |
47-50 | |
2018 | 01 | az | E.M. Huseynov, Neutron capture investigation of nanocrystalline silicon carbide (3C-SiC) particles |
03-07 | |
2018 | 01 | az | I. Gasymoglu, Sh.G.Gasimov, G.M. Asgerov, A.M.Alaskarov, N.V.Mahmudova, The actions of the polarizing field, the stiff electromagnetic radiation, the pressure and the light intensity on the electrical conductivity of ZnSe single crystals |
08-10 | |
2018 | 01 | az | N.F. Kakhramanov, A.I. Gashimova, Production of Ge1-xSix solid solution single crystals from gas phase |
11-12 | |
2018 | 01 | az | N.N. Abdulzade, S.T. Agaliyeva, K.A. Askerova, D.A. Ahmedova, C.H. Sabzalieva, N.N. Mursakulov Obtaining and investigation of Cu(InGa)Se2 films, for thin film SCs, by magnetron sputtering method from two magnetrons with moved magnetic systems |
13-17 | |
2018 | 01 | az | M.V. Kazymov, R.N. Rahimov, D.H. Arasly, A.A. Khalilova, I.Kh. Mammadov, Influence of interface zones on electrical conduction of (GaSb)0.866-(CrSb)0.134 eutectic system |
18-22 | |
2018 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musayeva, Noise of photo receivers with Shottky - barrier |
23-25 | |
2018 | 01 | az | A.A. Sadigova, S.A. Ahmadova, Sh.N. Aliyeva, T.R. Mehdiyev, Ir diffuse reflectance spectra of nanopowders of Ni1–xZnxFe2O4 ferrites |
26-32 | |
2018 | 01 | az | S.H. Jabarov, Structural phase transitıons of the compound BaTi0.99Fe0.01O3 at high pressures |
33-37 | |
2017 | 04 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, Optical properties of ultra thin films IrSi and PtSi |
03-06 | |
2017 | 04 | az | A.Sh. Abdinov, R.F. Babayeva, Injection currents in indium monoselenide crystals doped with gadolinium |
07-12 | |
2017 | 04 | az | R.G. Agayeva, Conductivity of the quantum film in the representation of coherent states |
13-15 | |
2017 | 04 | az | N.A. Ismayilova, G.S. Orudzhev, V.N. Jafarova, Ab initio calculation under pressure of phase transition, elastic constants and acoustic waves velocities in TlInSe2 crystal |
16-19 | |
2017 | 04 | az | S.H. Jabarov, A.I. Mammadov, R.Z. Mehdiyeva, R.E. Huseynov, I.B. Baykulov, Structural and surface properties of solid solition BaTi1-xFexO3 |
20-23 | |
2017 | 03 | az | I. Qasimoqlu, C.H. Huseynov, Z. Qadiroqlu, Q.S. Mehdiyev, Ə.H. Bagirov, İ. Nəsibov, I.A. Mammadova, |
03-04 | |
2017 | 03 | az | R.E. Huseynov, A.I. Mammadov, S.H. Jabarov, R.Z. Mehdieva, X.A. Ahmedov, Differential thermal analysis of BaFe12-xAlxO19 hexaferrites |
05-08 | |
2017 | 03 | az | Mahammadali A. Ramazanov, Arzuman G. Gasanov, Faig G. Pashayev, Mina R. Vahabova, Mathematical modeling of the elektron structure of PP+(PbS)8+(CdS)9 nanokomposite by semiempirical PM3 method |
09-13 | |
2017 | 03 | az | I. Qasimoglu, N.M. Abdullaev,Q.S. Mehdiyev, Z. Qadiroglu, Conductivity variation under influence of hard electromagnetic radiation on CuGaSe2 monocrystals |
14-16 | |
2017 | 03 | az | N.F. Kazimov, Technology for producing structures PtSi-Si and photoelectrical properties |
17-18 | |
2017 | 03 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, System of measurement of characteristic parameters of sun batteries based on IrSi-Si |
19-23 | |
2017 | 03 | az | N.A. Aliyeva, G.F. Ganizade, G.G. Guseynov, F.F. Yachyayev, T.R. Mehdiyev, Obtaining and structural-phase transformations in Cu3SeTe |
24-27 | |
2017 | 02 | az | Mahammadali A. Ramazanov, Arzuman G. Gasanov, Faig G. Pashayev, The mathematical modelling and investigation of sulfide silver nanoparticles |
03-06 | |
2017 | 02 | az | S.H. Jabarov, Polycrystalline BaTiO3 and BaMnO3 study by neutron diffraction |
07-09 | |
2017 | 02 | az | I. Qasimoqlu, Q.S. Mehtiyev, Z. Qadiroqlu, A.M. Alesgerov, I.A. Mammadova, N.V. Mahmudova,
Action of |
10-14 | |
2017 | 02 | az | Sh.A. Humbatov, M.A. Ramazanov, A.R. Imamaliev, Z.A. Aghamaliyev, M.N. Mirzayev, Influence of BaTiO3 particles on the phase transitions of smectic A liquid crystal |
15-19 | |
2017 | 02 | az | E.M. Kerimova, S.N. Mustafaeva, S.G. Jafarova, A.U. Sheleg, V.G. Gurtovoy, T-X phase diagram of the TlGaS2-TlInSe2 system and dependences composition-crystallographic parameters of solid solutions |
20-23 | |
2017 | 02 | az | E.M. Huseynov, Neutron flux scattering from the nanocrystalline silicon carbide (3C-SiC) particles |
24-32 | |
2017 | 01 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, Energy diagram of IrSi-Si structure |
03-04 | |
2017 | 01 | az | M.M. Babayev, Kh.B. Sultanova, N.B. Mustafayev, Electron relaxation processes in a semiconductor quantum well with the modified Pöschl-Teller potential |
05-08 | |
2017 | 01 | az | A.M. Alieva, Photoconductivity and pholuminescense of GaSe crystals and nanoparticles |
09-12 | |
2017 | 01 | az | A.M. Gashimov, L.Ch. Suleymanova, К.B. Gurbanov, Destruction processes in polymers exposured by electric charge in ozone atmosphere |
13-15 | |
2017 | 01 | az | R.E.Huseynov, A.I.Mammadov, R.Z.Mehdieva, S.H.Jabarov, X-ray analysis of the solid solutions BaFe12-xAlxO19 |
16-19 | |
2017 | 01 | az | A.М. Akhmedovа, The electrical properties of TlIn1-xYbxSe2 solid solutions |
20-22 | |
2017 | 01 | az | Ekber Guliyev, Pygmy Dipole Resonance in deformed nuclei |
23-33 | |
2016 | 04 | az | E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva, Information read ing in the storage unit based on metal-oxide-semiconductor on CCD |
03-06 | |
2016 | 04 | az | M.Sh. Hasanova, Ch.I. Abilov, The nature of the electron and phonon scattering in crystals of indium monotelluride and solid solutions (InTe)1-x(TlGaTe2)x |
07-09 | |
2016 | 04 | az | A.M. Gashimov, L.Ch. Suleymanova, K.B. Gurbanov, G.A. Agayev, The regulation of the structure and deformation properties in polyethylene samples |
10-12 | |
2016 | 04 | az | H.M. Mamedov, Kh.M. Ahmedova, V.J. Mammadova, S.A. Mammadova, S.N. Sarmasov, Electrical and photoelektrical properties of heterojunctions p-Si/porous-Si/nanostructured-CdS |
13-19 | |
2016 | 04 | az | S.I. Ahmedova, YU.G. Asadov, G.G. Guseyinov, G.M. Agamirzoyeva, Dependence of some parameters on the frequency of thin film composite of CuGaIn2Se5 ...CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2... (PE) composition |
20-22 | |
2016 | 04 | az | I. Gasimoglu, Q.S. Mehdiyev, A. Alasgarov, M.I. Aliyev, N.V. Mahmudova, I.G. Nasibov,
The influence of |
23-25 | |
2016 | 03 | az | E.M. Huseynov, A.A. Garibov, Reserch of 3C-SiC nanoparticles radioactivity exposed to influence of neutron flux in the TRIGA MARK II type research reactor |
03-09 | |
2016 | 03 | az | A.F. Hazieva, Yu.G. Asadov, N.M. Namazova, Comparative analysis of the polymorphic transformations of crystals RbNO3 and Rb1-xCsxNO3 (x = 0.025, 0.05, 0.1) |
10-13 | |
2016 | 03 | az | E.M. Qojayev, Kh.R. Ahmadova, The study of the electret effect of LDPE + x vl.% TlInSe2 and LDPE + x vl.% TlInSe2 + y ob.% al coated Al2O3 composites |
14-18 | |
2016 | 03 | az | M.M. Babayev, Kh.B. Sultanova, N.B. Mustafayev, Chemical potential and mobility of electrons in semiconductor quantum wells with modified Pöschl-Teller potential |
19-22 | |
2016 | 03 | az | R.G. Aghayeva, Dissipative galvanomagnetic current in the basis of coherent states |
23-27 | |
2016 | 03 | az | V.I. Nasirov, R.B. Bairamov, E.V. Nasirov,
Kinetics of the polimorphic transition II→III in |
28-31 | |
2016 | 02 | az | Ch.O. Qajar, S.B. Kazimova, A.S. Qasanova, F.H. Mammadov, Rotational low resolution spectrum of the molecule ethyl alcohol -СН3СН2OH |
03-06 | |
2016 | 02 | az | A.M. Ahmedova, K.S. Imanova, The specifics of heat conduction in solid solutions of system |
07-11 | |
2016 | 02 | az | E.A. Huseynova, N.S. Hatamzade, R.B. Aslanov, O.K. Gasymov, Universal device to measure the mechanical strength properties of polymers |
12-16 | |
2016 | 02 | az | G. Gahramanova, T. Meisch, R. Jabbarov, Investigation of semipolar (11-22) InxGa1-xN/InyGa1-yN multıple quantum well heterojunctıons |
17-21 | |
2016 | 02 | az | I.Sh. Dadashov, A.N. Kuliev, I.M. Mamedov, Some electrical properties of alloys |
22-23 | |
2016 | 01 | az | E.A. Masimov, H.Sh. Hasanov, B.G. Pashayev, The structure features of the system water-sucrose |
03-07 | |
2016 | 01 | az | G.S. Gadjiyeva, N.N. Abdulzade, F.A. Kazimova, N.N. Mursakulov, Thin film switch and varistor sensitive to air pressure |
08-10 | |
2016 | 01 | az | Sh.M. Ahadzade, Influence of electric gas discharge to X-ray spectra on composite varistor based on ZnO-polymer |
11-14 | |
2016 | 01 | az | I. Qasimoglu, A. Alasgerov, C.Q. Quseynov, I.A. Mamedova, Q.S. Mextiyev, A.Q. Baqirov, |
15-17 | |
2015 | 02 | az | V.I. Nasirov, R.B. Bairamov, Kinetics of the polimorphic transformations II→III ın K0,965Rb0,035NO3 singl crystals |
03-05 | |
2015 | 02 | az | A.F. Gochuyeva, G.Z. Suleymanov, M.A. Kurbanov, B.H. Khudayarov, Z.M. Mamedova, Photoelectret effect in polymer composites containing photosensitive AIIBVI semiconductors |
06-10 | |
2015 | 02 | az | Sh.M. Nagiyev, K.Sh. Jafarova, Relativistic quatium particle in a time-dependent non-local homogeneous field |
11-17 | |
2015 | 01 | az | E.R. Hasanov, A.V. Islamzade, Condition of thermomagnetic waves in anisotropic of medium with electron type of carriers |
03-07 | |
2015 | 01 | az | Mahammadali A. Ramazanov, Arzuman G. Gasanov, Faig G. Pashaev, The modelling and quantum mechanical study of Al20 aluminum nanoparticles |
08-10 | |
2015 | 01 | az | I.M. Mammadov, G.K. Mammadova, G.A. Shahsuvarova, Galvanomaqnetic properties of solid solution Sn0,99Sm0,01Te |
11-14 | |
2015 | 01 | az | E.A. Masimov, B.G. Pashayev, H.Sh. Hasanov, Structural temperature of water solutions for a number of salts and hydroxides of alkali metals |
15-20 | |
2015 | 01 | az | A.S. Alekperov, L.V. Aliyeva, Ch.E. Aliyeva, Influence of qamma-quantum on volt–ampere charakteristic of GeS monocrystal |
21-22 | |
2015 | 01 | az | R.M. Sardarli, O.A.Samedov, N.A. Alieva, A.P. Abdullayev, E.K. Huseynov, I.S. Hasanov, F.T. Salmanov, The polarization caused by volume charges and ionic conductivity in TlInSe2 crystals |
23-26 |