2023   02   en   p.35-38 Asmar Rasim Ahmadova,
Losses for parametric interaction in medium with negative refraction


An analytical expression was acquired for determining the optimal value of the pump intensity during three-wave interaction in medium with negative refraction under the condition of phase synchronism. The losses for parametric interaction in the metamaterial can be compensated for the backward wave. The optimal value for pumping intensity is obtained by analytical solution. The analysis showed that it depends on the intensity of interacting signal and idler waves.

Keywords: metamaterial, parametric interaction, negative refraction.
PACS: 42.65ky, 42.61b, 42.55.-f.


Received: 03.05.2023


Physics Department, Baku State University, acad. Z. Khalilov str. 23, AZ1148, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: asmar.ahmadova.r@bsu.edu.az

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