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Fizika, 2000,vol.VI, 2
1. |
T.G. Mamedov, T.S. Mamedov, F.A. Mikailov, M.A. Nizametdinova, M.Yu. Seyidov
Instability of the dielectric constant in TlInS2 near the phase transitions.
3 |
2. |
Sh.M. Nagiyev
Difference harmonic oscillators. III.
5 |
3. |
D.D. Bayramov, R.M. Ismaylov
Properties of alloys of TlInSe2-TlGdSe2.
7 |
4. |
T.M. Veliev, M.G. Zeynalova, S.A. Abasov, I.K. Aliyeva, S.Sh. Bedirhanova
Mechanical strength of polypropylene-polyethylene of low density composition modified by ethylene
-propylene elastomer.
10 |
5. |
M.Y. Bakirov, N.I. Ibragimov
Interaction of the zinc impurity and radiation defects in single
crystals of solid solution germanium-silicon.
14 |
6. |
V.I. Nasirov, Yu.G. Asadov
Some aspects of crystal growth in solid state substance.
17 |
7. |
A.S. Abbasov, S.I. Mekhtiyeva, K.A. Askerova, A.M. Malahova
Thermodynamic properties of Al2S3.
20 |
8. |
R.Z. Sadikhov, L.M. Veliev, Sh.O. Orujeva
Paramagnetic susceptibility of Fe(1+x)Cr(2-x)S4(0 |
21 |
9. |
G.A. Agayeva
Structural analysis of secretin conformational stability.
23 |
10. |
T.G. Safarova
Non-contact methods of analysis of HTSC characteristics.
28 |
11. |
M.B. Babaev
Unusual absorption phenomenons in AR Lac system.
30 |
12. |
T.G. Mamedov, T.S. Mamedov, B.G. Gadjiev, M. Shirinov, M.Yu. Seidov
The kinetics simulation of epitaxial ternary crystal growth under
conditions of electromagnetic irradiation.
33 |
13. |
Sh.A. Topchieva
Laser spectroscopy method in the studing of vipera lebetina obtusa venom.
36 |
14. |
F.V. Aliyeva
Frequency-compensating effect at electric conduction of bismuth oxide films.
39 |
15. |
Ch.O. Kadjar, S.R. Kasimova
The application of effect of nonreflective absorption of electromagnetic
radiation at the microwave measurements of dielectric constants of liquids with low absorption.
41 |
16. |
O.B. Tagiev, N.N. Musayeva, R.B. Jabbarov
The electrical memory switching effect in MnIn2S4 single crystals.
44 |
17. |
L.A. Alieva, T.D. Dzhafarov, A.I. Bayramov, V.D. Novruzov
Thin film solar cells on the basis of n CdS - p CdTe heterostructures.
46 |
18. |
J.Y. Naziyev, V.H. Hasanov
Determination of the isentropic expansion coefficient of liquids on the basis of experimental data.
49 |
19. |
Ya.Yu. Guseinov, F.D. Kasimov
Mechanism of current transfer in metal oxide varistors on the base ZnO-Bi2O3.
54 |
20. |
F.Yu.Aliyev,G.G.Guseynov,A.I.Jabbarov, S.K.Orujov
Crystal structure and electric properties of CuFeTe2 single crystals.
58 |
21. |
E.G. Djafarov, M.M. Tagiyev
conductivity of the extruded samples of Bio.85Sbo.15 solid solution with different grain size.
61 |