2020   03   az   p.19-22 S.S. Rzaeva,
The electric charge of the fermions in elementary particle physics


At present the Standard Model is empirically the most successful model of elementary particle physics. In the given research, in the framework of the Standard Model the charges of every fermion have been defined out of the conditions of the quantization of the electric charges obtained for the various values of hypercharges of Higgs and fermion fields. Higgs fields are responsible for the formation of their charges. It has been shown that, the existence of Higgs field is a necessary condition for the electric charge quantization.

Keywords: Higgs boson, electric charge, Standard Model, spontaneous symmetry breaking, Higgs mechanism, anomalies.
PACS: 12.10.Dm; 12.10.-g; 12.15.-y; 14.80.-Bn; 11.15.-q


Received: 15.10.2020


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ 1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: nurelmar@gmail.com
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