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Fizika, 2008,vol.XIV, 4
1. |
S.D. Alekperov
A study of surface morphology of zeolite (mazit) by atomic force microscopy.
3 |
2. |
R.B. Quliyev, B.M. Azizov, A.A. Abbaszadeh
The usage of artificial neural circuits for processing of satellite measurement.
7 |
3. |
T.D. Ibragimov, N.J. Ismailov, E.A. Allahverdiyev, I.S. Hasanov, G.M. Bayramov, A.R. Imamaliev
Influence of preliminary argon ion bombadement of silicon and germanium substrates on orientation of liquid crystalline molecules.
10 |
4. |
N.N. Niftiyev, O.B. Tagiev, M.B. Muradov, F.M. Mamedov, U.F. Kasumov
Dielectric properties of FeIn2S4.
18 |
5. |
T.G. Dilbazov, N.Y. Yagubzade, S.A. Suleymanova, R.B. Abbasova
The dependence of the resolution of diffraction systems on the screen distance.
21 |
6. |
E.A. Masimov, K.D. Huseynov, B.G. Pashayev, H.Sh. Hasanov
The activation parameters of viscous flow and thermal proporties in etilpropionat.
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7. |
V.M. Aliev, S.S. Ragimov, R.I. Selim-zade, A.N. Mammadova
The influence of the substitution of calcium by zinc on thermal conductivity and thermal power of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3OX.
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8. |
H.A. Hasanov
Hall effect and conductivity in porous silicon with low porosity on the base of Si.
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9. |
H.H. Asadov, T.M. Aliyeva, I.M. Mirzabalayev, I.G. Choban-zadeh
Development of high - accuracy ground system for registration of airglow.
34 |
10. |
M.A. Mukhtarov
Hamiltonian reduction for non-abelian conformal affine toda theories.
39 |
11. |
N.M. Abdullayev
Roentgenographic investigation of Bi2Te3-Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3-Bi2Se3 films.
43 |
12. |
E.Sh.Gadjiyev, S.Z. Jafarova, I.Kh. Mamedov
Atom radial distribution in amorphous films Yb1-xSmxAs2Te4 .
46 |
13. |
T.M. Ahmedov
Wave diffraction on plane belt with different surface impedance.
48 |
14. |
E.A. Akhundova
Exact solvable nonlinear partial differential equations and their new solutions .
54 |
15. |
Yu.G. Asadov, A.G. Babayev, Yu.I. Aliyev, D.I. Ismaylov, R.D. Aliyeva
The measurements of thermal-expansion coefficient in Cu2-xTe crystals (x=0; 0,10; 0,15; 0,20; 0,25) by X-ray method.
56 |
16. |
D. Masti
Determination of incoherent neutron scattering cross section in zirconium element by MCNP4C code
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17. |
A.M. Gashimov, K.B. Gurbanov, G.J. Guseinov
Electronic technology of ozone synthesis.
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18. |
M.Yu. Seyidov, R.A. Suleymanov, T.G. Mamedov, R.A. Khamoyev
TlGaSe2 is Peierls dielectric.
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