Ch.E. Sabzaliyeva1, N.N. Mursakulov1,2, Kh.M. Guliyeva1, N.N. Abdulzade1
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Of particular interest is ion implantation of chalcopyrite semiconductor materials CuInSe2 with high conversion efficiency, used as absorber layers in solar cells. CuInSe2 sample was implanted with 30 keV Ar+ ions at room temperature with an ion current density of 3 μA/cm2 and a radiation dose ranging from 1012 to 3 · 1016 ions/cm-2. After 3 ·1015 cm-2, the total damage is calculated to be 3 ·1016cm-2, suggesting that only 10 out of 525 created defects per implanted Ar ion were left unhealed.

Keywords: ion implantation, chalcopyrite structure, Rutherford backscattering, Gaussian curves.

Received: 13.01.2025
Internet publishing: 03.03.2025    AJP Fizika E 2025 01 en p.13-17


1. Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education, H. Javid ave. 131, AZ-1073, Baku, Azerbaijan
2. Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education AZ 1143, B. Vahabzade Ave., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan

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