2022   03   az   p.37-41 Verdiyeva Nurana Alisher
Temperature dependence of electrical conductivity of solid solution crystals TlIn1-xDyxSe2 and TlIn1-xEuxSe2 (x: 0,01, 0,03, 0,05)


It is known that one of the characteristics of the electrical conductivity of semiconductors, which is a type of charge carrier, is that with an increase in temperature, an increase in the Hall coefficient (R) appropriately affects other kinetic parameters. From the temperature dependence graphs of the Hall coefficient it is clear that the observed dependence is in good harmony with the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity. We know that with an increase in the relative amount of lanthanoid atoms in the composition, the parameters of the elementary lattice grow linearly to a certain limit. This is also due to the fact that the Ionic radius of lanthanoid atoms (Dy, Eu) is greater than the Ionic radius of indium. Tetragonal syngony corresponding to the initial component TlInSe2 compound is retained in the obtained composition.

Keywords: tetroqonal sinqoniya, məxsusi keçiricilik, elementar qəfəs, aktivləşmə enerjisi, yürüklük, akustik fonon
PACS: 72.20-i, 71.20


Received: 01.09.2022


Ganja State University, 429 Heydar Aliyev avenue, Ganja city, AZ-2000
E-mail: verdiyeva.nurane@bk.ru

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