2021   02   az   p.32-35 Sh.O. Eminov, I.I. Gurbanov, E.M. Akbarov, J.A. Guliyev, F.E. Mammadov,
Electrophysical and optical properties of the thin-film glass/In2O3:Sn structures


Transparent and conductive indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films were fabricated onto glass substrates by magnetron sputtering. The process of multiplication of a thin ITO layer was carried out at a discharge of 60 W. The limiting pressure in the chamber was 9.8 · 10-4 Pa, during operation 5 · 10-1 Pa. The structure and morphology of the surface, and the electrical properties of thin films were studied by X-ray diffractometry and optical spectrometry. X-ray diffraction study showed the formation of a cubic phase of polycrystalline thin films. Morphological analysis showed the formation of structures similar to ginger, and the X-ray spectrum confirmed the presence of the elements indium (In), tin (Sn) and oxygen (O). The study of the effect of annealing on the optical and electrical properties of deposited thin ITO films (manufactured using high-frequency magnetron sputtering) shows that the transparency of ITO films is directly proportional to the oxygen content in the plasma in the deposition chamber and increases with increasing annealing temperature, the sheet resistance is inversely proportional to it. It is understood that thermal annealing plays an important role in improving the quality of the optoelectric properties of deposited ITO films.

Keywords: In2O3:Sn, ITO, thin films, X-ray diffractometer
PACS: 78.20.-e, 73.00.00


Received: 12.04.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: c.quliyev@physics.science.az

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