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Fizika, 2001,vol.VII, 4
1. |
M.B. Babayev
Binarity of Novae.
3 |
2. |
R.K. Mamedov
Influence of the additional electrical field on I-V characteristic
of real Shottky diodes.
6 |
3. |
F.F. Aliev
Concentration phase transition in Ag2Te with an excess of Ag.
10 |
4. |
Sh.K. Bayramov
Graph-theoretic analysis method of non-linear kinetics of biochemical reactions.
13 |
5. |
G.B. Ibragimov
Alloy disorder scattering-limited electron mobility of the semiconductor thin wires.
18 |
6. |
R.S. Ismailova
The influence of cocon treatment on the electric properties of the natural silk fibroin.
22 |
7. |
S.A. Abbasov, M.A. Ramazanov, Z.E. Mustafaev
The mechanical and electric durabilities of polymer compositions
on the base of polyvinilidenefluoride and piezoceramics.
24 |
8. |
S.D. Demukhamedova, Z.I. Gadjiev
The absorption band intensity of the IR - spectrum of the o - tolunitrile molecule.
27 |
9. |
I.R. Nuriyev, Kh.D. Jalilova, N.V. Faradjev, A.M. Nazarov
Isoperiodic heterojunctions based on Pb1-xSnxSe, PbSe1-xSx epitaxial films.
33 |
10. |
M.M. Babayev, T.M. Gassym
Thermomagnetic effects of nondegenerate Kane semiconductors under
the conditions of mutual electronphonon drag in a strong electric field.
36 |
11. |
M.B. Babayev and A.M.Babayeva On the sudden decreases in the brightness
of Nova HR Del at the minimum.
43 |
12. |
R.Z. Sadikhov, E.M. Kerimova, Y.G. Asadov, R.K. Veliev
Magnetic properties of TlMnS2 and TlMnSe2 compounds.
45 |
13. |
Erkan Imal,Parviz Ali-Zada, Fethi Goktepe, Ferhat Karaca, Feyzullah Vardarli, Hikmet Kuliev,
Emin Gusseynov
The electromagnetic hydrocyclone filter forces analyses.
47 |
14. |
T.M. Panahov, Z.S. Musayev, I.A. Iskenderov, N.T. Panahov
Optical and magnetooptical properties of Ni3Fe(1-x)Tix alloys.
51 |
15. |
N.M. Tabatabaei, B.Z. Aliyev, A.Z. Panakhov
Temperature dependences of secondary electron emission factors of the tungsten and molybdenum
54 |
16. |
L.A. Alieva
The investigation of structural, electric and photoelectric properties
of n-CdS-p-CdTe heterojunction,obtained by the diffusion annealing.
56 |
17. |
F.D.Kasimov, E.S. Mamedov
The calculation of the gettering efficiency of the.charge-coupled devices.
59 |
18. |
A.R. Imamaliyev, S.Z.Temirniyazova
Influence of a surface condition on threshold characteristics of ferroelectric liquid crystals.
62 |