2022   01   en   p.58-60 S.R. Azimova, Sh.S. Ismayilov, I. Gasimoglu, N.M. Abdullayev,
Bi2Те2,70,3 crystal conductivity peculiarities


The conductivity of volume layered thermoelectric semiconductor of n-type conduction of Bi2Те2,70,3 intercalated by nickel ions and influence of crystallites of Van-der-Waals layer surfaces on thermo-e.m.f. and conductivity of material are investigated.

Keywords: foils, quintet, nano-rods, intercalation, self-organization.
PACS: 62.20Fe,61.72.Cc,61.72.Lk

Received: 18.02.2022


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS 131, H. Javid ave., Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1143
E-mail: sevincazimova@82mail.ru

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