S.R. Azimova, N.M. Abdullaev
2024   02   az   p.10-13


A number of samples were obtained by the electrolytic method by introducing Ni2+ cations into layers of the thermoelectric material Bi2Te2.7Se0.3. The dynamics of the decrease in the heat transfer coefficient have been revealed. A new mode of optical phonon, formed at the boundary of Ni1.297Te clusters in vacancies of the Van-der-Waals layer, causes a decrease in thermal conductivity. Due to the influence of small-sized effects formed by Ni1.297Te nanodots in the crystal, the heat transfer coefficient - thermal conductivity decreases from ~42 to 35 W/(m×K) along the plane of the layer. It has been shown that different degrees of phonon localization lead to a decrease in thermal conductivity.

Keywords: thermal conductivity, quantum dots, cluster, vacancy, phonon localization.
PACS: 62.20Fe,61.72.Cc,61.72.Lk


Received: 30.04.2024
Internet publishing: 27.06.2024


1. Institute of Physics named after H.M.Abdullayev of the Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan AZ-1143, Baku, 131, H.Javid ave.

Graphics and Images


Fig.1       Fig.2      Fig.3      Fig.4


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