2021   03   en   p.12-15 E.R. Hasanov1,2, Sh.G. Khalilova2, R.K. Mustafayeva1,
Determination of frequency in two valley semiconductors such as GaAs


It is shown that the dimensions of the crystal play an essential role in the excitation of an unstable wave with a certain frequency and growth rate, and it is possible to regulate the appearance of current oscillations with a magnetic field. The values of the frequency of the current oscillation are found. The value of the external electric field and the frequency of current oscillation are determined at the initial point.

Keywords: instability, oscillations, growth rate, frequency, radiation.
PACS: 72.70.m, 72.70.+m, 73.40.Gk, 73.40.Jn, 73.40.Mr, 73.43.Jn.


Received: 05.07.2021


1. Baku State Uviversity Acad. Z.Khalilov, str.23, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
2. Institute of Physics, ANAS, AZ-1143, H. Javid 131, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic,
E-mail: shahlaganbarova@gmail.com

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