2020   02   az   p.50-56 Rasim B. Aslanov, Laman M. Suleymanova,
The investigation of protein dynamics in silk fibroin by the way of recombination of free radicals under the influence of ultraviolet beams


The interrelation between structure, dynamics and biomolecule functiones is the one of fundamentl interest of biophysics. The protein dynamics significantly changes in time and space. The hydratation influence on fibroin protein dynamics obtained from cocoon silk is investigated in present article. The hydratation is carried out by the change of percentage of glycerine-water mixture. The temperature-dependent recombination of free radicals in proteins caused by ultraviolet radiation (UV) is of the special interest. The total recombination takes place in range 120-340K in the dependence on hydratation level. The three points of the transition on burning curve of free radicals generated by ultraviolet radiation at 77K, are observed in hydrated fibroin protein. It is seen that transition temperatures are ~135 К, 205 К and 279 К. The increase of free radical quantity on 2-6% takes place at temperature ~135K. The first transition in recombination of free radicals caused by ultraviolet beams takes place when mixture of glycerine and water is 40% and 50%. The second transition is observed in both wet and dry samples of fibroin at temperature ~205K. The third transition takes place at 363K at higher temperatures in fibroin dry samples and at 279K at relatively low temperatures in wet samples. At 205K the transitions with water molecules are weak ones and at 279K the transitions are strong ones. The radical nature taking part in transitions is established.

Keywords: EPR, fibroin, UV rays, free radical processes, recombination of free radicals.
PACS: 87.64.-t


Received: 25.09.2020


Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biophysics, 117 Z. Khalilov street, Baku, AZ-1141
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