2022   02   az   p.03-05 E.A. Kerimov,
Calculation of diffusion currents in silicon-based solar cells in the absence of illumination


The systematization of the currently available information in the field of thin-film technology of silicon-based solar cells is carried out, and the method for calculating the diffusion currents in solar cells without lighting is analyzed. Some questions of physics and technology of semiconductor energy converters, the principle of operation of solar cells are considered.

Keywords: silicon, solar cell, optical system, concentration, solar radiation, radiation concentration.
PACS: 73.40.Ns, 73.40.Sx, 72.10.-d


Received: 19.01.2022


Azerbaijan Technical University, 35 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1073
E-mail: E_Kerimov.fizik@mail.ru

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