2024   02   az   p.03-06 I. Gasimoglu, G.S. Mehdiev. S.T. Guseinov,
The spectral characteristics of the electromotive force of n-p-n junctions on CuGaSe2 single crystals were studied using the capacitor method


For the first time, the spectral characteristics of the electromotive force of n-p-n junctions were tudied using the capacitor method for CuGaSe2 single crystals. They noted that using such characteristics it is possible to create new and high-quality microelectronic devices.

Keywords: electric motive force, "n-p-n" junction, capacitor method.
PACS: 61.80.Ed


Received: 16.04.2024


1. Institute of Physics named after H.M.Abdullayev of the Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan AZ-1143, Baku, 131.H.Javid ave.
E-mail: gasımoğlu@yahoo.com

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Fig.1       Fig.2        Fig.3       Fig.4        Fig.5        Fig.6        Fig.7


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