2020   03   az   p.03-07 H.S. Aliyev, E.A. Kerimov*,
The effect of ionizing radiation on the parameters of semiconductors


Defects appearing in the volume of semiconductors lead to a change in the concentration of free charge carriers n, their mobility μ, lifetime τ and diffusion length L. The lifetime of minority charge carriers in the volume of semiconductors is often determined not by direct zone-zone recombination, but by the energy levels of traps, located in the forbidden band. The appearance of radiation defects leads to the formation of deep energy levels in the forbidden band of the semiconductor, which increases the rate of bulk recombination and, correspondingly, decreases the lifetime of pairs of nonequilibrium charge carriers.

Keywords: accelerated ions, local energy, target, ion bombardment, neutral atom, scattered ions.
PACS: 73.40.Ns, 73.40.Sx


Received: 22.09.2020


1. Azerbaijan Technical University, 25 H. Javid ave., AZ 1073
2. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, 16/21 Azadlig ave., AZ 1010
E-mail: E_Kerimov.fizik@mail.ru
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