2022   03   az   p.50-55 R.I. Alekberov
Explanation of features of boson peak on base theory topological constraints in isostatic and partially elastıc glass composıtıons states AsxSe100-x (x=40 at%), AsxSeyS100-x-y,
AsxSeyTe100-x-y (x=40, y=30 at%), AsxSeyS100-x-y , AsxSeyTe1-x-y (x=33,3; y=33,3 at%)


In this work, the thin films of AsxSe100-x (x=40 at%), AsxSeyS100-x-y , AsxSeyTe100-x-y (x=40, y=30 at%), AsxSeyS100-x-y , AsxSeyTe1-x-y (x=33,3; y=33,3 at%) compositions were obtained by thermal evaporation in vacuum. It was determined that the formation of low-frequency (ω=0÷50 cm-1) Raman scattering spectra in these substances is strictly dependent on heteropolar As-Se and Se-Se bonds.

Keywords: chalcogenide glass, amorphous, cohesive energy
PACS: 81.05. Gc


Received: 16.09.2022


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ 1143
E-mail: Rahim-14@mail.ru

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