2023   01   az   p.52-56 J.V. Valiyev, A.A. Abdullayeva,
Study of production technology and mechanical properties of aluminum, paper and glass fiber composites


Honeycomb composite structures are used in structures requiring high mechanical strength, especially where impact energy is absorbed. Honeycomb structures are placed between the inner and outer layers of sandwich structures to produce extremely lightweight systems. As a result of the experiments, the maximum values of strength, fracture and deformation, as well as the energy-absorbing properties of honeycomb composites under compressive and shock loads, were analyzed.

Keywords: honeycomb, aluminum, copper, composite, fiber, polyester, absorption, strength.
PACS: 61.43.Bn; 71.20.-b


Received: 27.03.2023


Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, 20 Azadlig ave. Baku, AZ 1010
E-mail: 1cavidanveliyev@gmail.com

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Fig.1      Fig.2-3     Fig.4-5


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