2022   01   az   p.35-37 R.F. Hashimov,
X-ray study of the crystal structure of the compound La0.63Ba0.37MnO3


The crystal structure of the La0.63Ba0.37MnO3 compound has been studied. The studies were carried out by X-ray diffraction at room temperature and under normal conditions. The obtained X-ray diffraction spectrum was analyzed by the Rietveld method in the Fullprof program and the crystallographic parameters were determined. It was found that the crystal structure of La0.63Ba0.37MnO3 corresponds to the perovskite structure of the cubic symmetry of the Pm-3m space group. The unit cell parameters correspond to: a = b = c = 3.90704 Å. The crystal structure was obtained using the Diamond 3.2 software and the octahedral structure of MnO6 is shown.

Keywords: X-ray diffraction, crystal structure, La0.63Ba0.37MnO3, perovskite.
PACS: 65.40.−b


Received: 07.02.2022


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143
E-mail: rovshan.hashimov@physics.science.az

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