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Fizika, 1996,vol.II, 2
1. |
V.A. Aliyev The effect of the induced photoconductivity by the intrinsic light in single crystals TlInS1,6S0,4
3 |
2. |
E.R. Guseinov The electromagnetic waves in the infinite superlattice.
6 |
3. |
T.M. Mursalov, F.G. Pashev, S.F. Jafarov Analytical evaluation of multicenter
integrals with exponential factor in the theory of molecules.
9 |
4. |
D.Sh. Abdinov, G.Z. Bagiyeva, N.B. Mustafayev, N.G. Sadigov Surface conductivity of
BiXSb(2-x)Te3 (x=0,5) crystals.
12 |
5. |
E.A. Masimov, V.V. Prudko, L.I. Khomutov The effect of neutral salts on gelation in aqueous
solutions of agar and agarose |
14 |
6. |
I.M. Ismailov The investigation of the influence of the selenium addition for mechanical
properties of polyethilene till and after the fading. |
17 |
7. |
K.A. Askerov Radiation-resistant photoreceivers on the base of layered semiconductors. |
19 |
8. |
B.I. Kuliev, V.M. Gadjiev The energy spectrum and statistics of electrons in the size-quantized anisotropic films. |
22 |
9. |
Kh.I. Mamedov, I.K. Nasibov, I.Kh. Mamedov, S.G.Shukyrov Vibronic interaction of
energy-neared electronic levels for benzyl radical in matrices at 4,2K |
25 |
10. |
A.M.Pashayev, A.R.Gasanov, Kh.I. Gasanov Electron-controlled acoustooptic delay lines of
heterodyne type. |
28 |
11. |
E.M.Kerimova, S.D. Mamedbeili, A.Z. Abasova, P.G. Ismailova Piezoresistive properties of
solid solutions (TlIne2)x(TlInS2)(1-x) (0 |
30 |
12. |
T.I. Shakhtakhtinski The electric discharge along the surface of solid dielectrics being in
electret state in air. |
33 |
13. |
K.A. Askerov Defect formation in gallium selenide under the influence of penetrating radiation. |
36 |
14. |
M.A. Kurbanov, M.G. Shakhtakhtinskiy, S.N. Musayeva, A.I. Mamedov Anomal piezoelectric effect
in polymer-piezoelectric composite system |
40 |
15. |
D.I. Ismailov, M.F.Alieva, R.M. Sultanov, F.I. Aliev, R.B. Shafizade Short-range order in thin
films of Tl-S and Tl-Se system. |
43 |
16. |
N.G. Javadov, M.M. Aliyev, H.G. Asadov The investigation of results of the measurement of
the total ozone contents in the atmosphere by filter ozonometres. |
46 |
17. |
S.A. Abasov, Ya.J. Ragimov, Z.Ch. Efendieva, V.A. Alekperov The influence of aminocomplex of
crezilditiophosphoric acid on mechanical strength and structure of polypropylene. |
48 |
18. |
R.M. Sardarly, N.A. Eyubova, F.Yu. Gumbatov Influence of the substitutions Bi for Pb and Sb
synthesis of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system on its critical parameters. |
51 |
19. |
S.A.Aliyev, A.A. Movsum-zade, Firuza M. Gashimzade, S.S. Ragimov, B.A. Tairov On the inelastic
character of the electron-electron interaction in Bi(1-x)Sbx. |
54 |
20. |
E.R. Guseinov, R.R. Guseinov Polaritons in a semiconductor superlattice.
57 |
21. |
K.M. Jafarov Structural phase transitions in Cu and Ag chalcogenides single crystals. |
61 |