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Fizika, 1999,vol.V, 1
1. |
S.S.Agaev, A.I.Mukhtarov, Y.V.Mamedova
Pion, kaon electromagnetic form factors in the framework of the running coupling
constant method and infrared matching scheme.
3 |
2. |
On the problem of defect creation in InSe, GaSe and Cd(1-x)HgxTe.
6 |
3. |
Sh.G. Askerov, A.A. Agasiev, Sh.S. Aslanov, I.G. Pashaev
Electrophysical properties of silicon contact prepared with amorphous metallic PbSb alloy.
9 |
4. |
Sh.O. Eminov, E.K. Guseynov, A.A. Aliev, A.A. Radjabli
Characteristic properties of epitaxial photocalling spectrum n-CdxHg(1-x)Te.
12 |
5. |
S.G. Rzayev
Electrical activity of the one isolated dislocation.
15 |
6. |
M.G. Kyazumov, G.G. Guseinov, A.B. Maggeramov, I.G. Aliev
Electron diffraction investigations of new phase of Ga0,25In0,75S3.
18 |
7. |
F.T. Khalil-zade
About the supersymmetric SU(2)xU(l)xU'(1) model of electroweak interactions.
20 |
8. |
H.D. Jalilova, H.R. Nuriyev, N.V. Faradjev, M.I. Abdullayev, E.K. Guseynov
Electrophysical properties of Pb(1-x)SnxSe epitaxial films.
22 |
9. |
E.N. Zamanova, L.A. Alieva
Influence of the anneal in air and vacuum on the surface and volume Cu2O resistance.
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10. |
N.M. Mehdiyev
Polarization photodetectors on the basis of layered semiconductors.
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11. |
M.B. Kerimbekov
On the surface waves in the solar photosphere.
30 |
12. |
B.A. Tairov
The resonance acceptor levels in semiconductor alloys of Bi(1-x)Sbx doped by Sn.
33 |
13. |
R.A. Ali-zade
Magnetisation of nanoparticles of magnetite with magnetic dipol-dipol
interaction in disperse mediums.
37 |
14. |
O.A. Ageyev, A.Sh. Mekhtiev, N.M. Muradov, V.V. Petrov, M.O. Pokhodi
Investigation of electrophysical properties of the local dislocation structures.
40 |
15. |
H.S. Seyidli, O.M.Sadixov, R.M. Ismailov
Kinetics of photoconductivity in CdxHg(1-x)Te monocrystals under the influence of cross magnetic field.
44 |
16. |
T.R. Mekhtiyev
Features of distribution of density charges on bounds in structure of gallium selenide.
46 |
17. |
R.S. Madatov, A.I. Aliyev, Q.M. Qasimov, A.A. Abdurragimov
The influence of photoexcitation on the defect formation process at the electron irradiation of Ge.
51 |
18. |
F.J. Kasimov, M.R. Ragimov, F.F. Kasimova, N.M. Muradov
Investigation of electric conduction of lightly doped polycrystalline silicon films.
54 |
19. |
T.G. Ismailov, R.A. Nazanly, M.A. Bagirov
Interband electron Raman scattering in size-quantized films of inverse semiconductors.
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20. |
R.N. Nabiyev, H.R. Nuriyev, S.S. Farzaliyev, M.I. Abdullayev
Growth peculiarities of PbTe0,92Se0.08 epitaxial films.
62 |
21. |
Yu.G. Nurullayev
Injection-contact phenomena in single crystals on InSe, GaSe and GaS.
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22. |
E.S. Taptygov, E.A. Jafarova, Sh.A. Alihanova, A.A. Bayramov
Influence of deep levels of Ni on the breakdown voltage of high voltage silicon p+ -n junction.
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23. |
A.G. Kyazymzade, V.M. Salmanov, E.T. Mursalov, A.A. Agaeva
Physical process in energy converters on the base of InSe-GaSe(1-x)Sx heterojunctions.
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