2022   02   az   p.29-33 A.R. Imamaliyev,
Size effect study of submicron barium titanate particles on their thermal and dielectric properties


In this work, the dielectric properties and phase transitions of ferroelectric barium titanate (BaTiO3) particles with sizes of 100, 200, and 400 nm are experimentally studied. It has been shown that with a decrease in the BaTiO3 particle size, the cubic - tetragonal phase transition point shifts downward. For particles with a size of 100 nm, this shift is anomalously large and is about 60°C. The phase transition enthalpy for these particles is also is higher by an order compared to other sizes. The peak corresponding to the tetragonal - orthorhombic transition is not found in the DSC thermogramm in the case of of 200 nm sized particles. These particles are also distinguished by a significantly high value of the dielectric constant. The interpretation of the obtained results on the basis of existing models is given.

Keywords: magnetoelectricity, nanoparticles, differential scanning calorimetry, phase transitions, dielectric constant
PACS: 42.70.Df; 51.70.+; 52.25Mg; 64.70.mj, 65.90.+i; 77.22Gm; 77.84.-s


Received: 13.06.2022


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan

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