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Fizika, 1995,vol.I, 2
1. |
Sh.M. Nagiyev
Algebraic treatment of a finite-difference equation for a N-dimensional relativistic Coulomb problem.
5 |
2. |
A.I. Isaev,
M.I. Mekhtieva, G.K. Akberov, V.Z. Zeinalov,A.K. Rzaev
Crystallization stability of materials of chalcogenide-glass-like-semiconductors of Se-As system with additions of halogens.
11 |
3. |
On the construction of Quantum mechanics of one relativistic free particle.
18 |
4. |
F.M. Seidov, E.M. Kerimova, V.A. Ramazanzade
Investigation of TlGaTe2-TlInSe2 systems and electrical properties of Tl2InGaS2Te2 crystals
26 |
5. |
A.I. Mamedov, M.A. Kurbanov, M.G. Shakhtakhtinskiy, S.N. Musaeva
Dielectric parameters of composition materials over infralow frequencies |
31 |
6. |
E.R. Kasimov, Ch.O. Qajar, M.A. Kalafy The effect of reflectionless absorption of
microwave radiation in acetone-benzene solutions. |
37 |
7. |
S.T. Kagramanova Investigation of interband transition in highsymmetry points of the Brillouin zone TlGaTe2. |
45 |
8. |
I.N. Askerzade Specific heat jump of layered superconductors in weak coupling formalism. |
51 |
9. |
S.A. Aliev, F.F. Aliev, Z.S. Hasanov On the thermal conductivity and the character
of electron scattering in Ag2Te at low temperatures. |
57 |
10. |
T.F.Abbasov, M.M. Kuliev, M.F. Abbasov, M.M. Dadasheva
Influence of organic impurity on thermostimulated charge process in polyethilene. |
66 |
11. |
A.M. Pashaev, A.R. Gasanov Band of acoustooptic delay lines. |
73 |