2023   01   en   p.25-28 H.S. Ibrahimova,
Change in the properties of polymer nanocomposites (PP+ZrO2) with metal oxide nanoadditives after electrothermopolarization


The presented scientific article discusses the changes taking place in isotactic propylene and metal nanoadditive nanocomposite before and after exposure to ETP. Depending on the percentage of the metal nanoadditive in the PP+ZrO2 nanocomposite, the permittivity (ε), dielectric loss angle (tgα), and logarithm of resistivity (lgρ) are observed. The obtained dependence is explained by the high permittivity of the nanoadditive incorporated into the polymer matrix. Also, the incorporation of the nanoadditive leads to the formation of structural defects and, as a consequence, an increase in electrical conductivity and a decrease in strength. The change in the dielectric properties of the PP+3% ZrO2 nanocomposite before and after electrothermopolarization was determined at a constant electric field strength. TSD curves have been plotted that characterize the electret state at various values of the electric field, and the parameters of the electret state have been calculated from these curves.

Keywords: nanocomposites, polypropylene, electrothermal polarization, mechanical and electrical strength, thermally stimulated depolarization curren.
PACS: 61.46.w,82.35:Np,71.38.k


Received: 09.01.2023


Institute of Physics, Ministry of Science and Education
E-mail: hicran90@rambler.ru

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