2023   01   az   p.22-26 E.A. Kerimov,
Theoretical calculation of the generated photocurrent in silicon-based solar cells


At present, crystalline silicon is the main material for manufacturing solar cells. On the photovoltaic market, the share of solar cells and modules manufactured with crystalline silicon now exceeds 90%, of which about 2/3 is polycrystalline silicon and 1/3 is monocrystalline. Such a wide use of crystalline silicon in photovoltaics is due to the developed silicon technology in general and the possibility to produce on its basis ground-based solar cells with the most acceptable efficiency/cost ratio. In connection with the above, the theoretical calculation of photocurrent in solar cells is important.

Keywords: solar energy, silicon, solar cell, photovoltaic, efficiency, photon, electron-hole pair.
PACS: 73.40.Ns, 73.40.Sx, 72.10.-d


Received: 17.01.2023


Azerbaijan Technical University 25 H. Javid ave., Baku, AZ 1073
E-mail: E_Kerimov.fizik@mail.ru

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Fig.1       Fig.2       Fig.3-4


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