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Fizika, 2004,vol.X, 4
1. |
Z.A. Iskenderzade, V.D. Faradjev, E.M. Kurbanov, E.K. Kasumova
Gruneisen parameters and isothermal compressibility of GaS single crystals.
3 |
2. |
G.I. Abutalibov, A.A. Mamedov The lantan oxisulfides, activated by
neodim ions are perspective crystals for the miniature lasers.
5 |
3. |
A.A. Kuliev, M. Guner, E. Guliyev, M. Tutunchu Effect of
spin-vibrational 1+ states on ground state correlations of nuclei.
8 |
4. |
G.I. Abutalibov, A.A. Mamedov The perspectivity of the semiconductor
glasses, as the active medium for the miniature laser.
13 |
5. |
D.I. Ismaylov The kinetics of phase transitions in amorphous films TlInSe2,
obtained under the conditions of the action of the external electric field.
18 |
6. |
N.A. Aliev, R.B. Jamalova, S.G. Faradjeva, S.M. Gadjizade, G.S. Geydarova, A.A. Kasimov
The investigation of states of ion Ni, Cr, Co, Bi and K in the composition of dehydration catalyses.
21 |
7. |
S.A. Aliev, Z.S. Gasanov, S.O. Mamedovà The phenomenon of a hysteresis
in AgFeTe2 in phase transition region. |
25 |
8. |
A.D. Aliyev Thermal conductivity coefficient and Prandtl’s number of grape products.
30 |
9. |
R.A. Ali-zade, R.R. Huseynov Improving of histogram parameters of magnetite nanoparticles
distribution on size. |
33 |
10. |
S.T. Azizov, M.A. Sadichov, Ch.O. Kadjar The measurements of dielectric
properties of acetonitrile-bensole solutions in the microwave region.
37 |
11. |
S.A. Aliev, S.S. Ragimov, V.M. Aliev Obtaining and research of electrical
properties of Y(1-X)CdXBa2Cu3O(7-d).
42 |
12. |
F.Sh. Aydayev, O.B. Tagiyev Electroluminescence (EL) in GaS:Ln3+ (Ln-Nd, Er, Tm).
44 |
13. |
E.I. Zulfugarov Influence of IR-radiation on kinetic effects in CdxHg(1-x)Te.
47 |
14. |
S.S. Ragimov, S.A. Aliev About diffusion of phase transition of AgSbTe2.
53 |
15. |
R. Mehtieva, A. Nadzhafov, M. Musaev, N. Musaeva, Z. Sadygov, E. Taptygov
Investigation of photoelectric characteristics of silicon avalanche micro-pixel
structures with surface drift of charge carriers. |
56 |
16. |
M.M.Babayev Thermo-magnetic effects of hot electrons in non-degenerate
semiconductors under the conditions of strong mutual electron-phonon drag.
58 |
17. |
Mohammad Javad Okhrawi Optimization of the size of photovoltaic (PV) array
and battery storage capacity for power supply system in remote areas.
63 |
18. |
V.A. Guseinov, R.E. Gasimova , E.Z. Safarova The Weinberg angle in a magnetic
field and the restriction for a neutrino mass.
67 |
19. |
A.M.Hashimov, Sh.M.Hasanli Influence the heat treatment on the mechanical characteristics of silicon plates.
71 |
Proceedings of Conference |
20. |
L.M.Abutalibov, M.B.Asadova, L.G.Jafarov The transient radiation of the
magnetic moment in the non-stationary medium. |
73 |
21. |
M.B.Muradov, Y.M.Yolchev, N.G.Darvishov, G.M.Eyvazova The growth process
and some optical properties of nanoparticles GaSe formed in the volume of
glass matrix. |
77 |
22. |
A.G.Mamedova, Sh.Sh.S.Aslanov, S.V.Gamidov, S.T.Kakhramanova, A.I.Bayramov
Photoelectrical properties of Schottky barriers on the basis of hydrogenized
amorphous silicon (a-Si:H).
81 |
23. |
M.K.Suleymanov, O.B.Abdinov, B.Z.Belashev, A.S.Vodopianov, Ya.G.Guseynaliyev
On the mixed phase of strongly interacting matter.
85 |
24. |
T.D.Dzhafarov, V.D.Novruzov, A.Aydin, M.Altunbas, D.Oren, M.Tomakin
Photo-electronic properties of Cu-doped CdS thin films.
91 |
25. |
E.F.Gambarov Raman spectra and photoluminescence of polycrystalline CaGa2S4:Tb(+3) compound.
95 |
26. |
E.A. Isaeva Simplex presentation of real world in the quantum mechanics.
101 |
27. |
S.N.Mustafaeva, E.M.Kerimova, P.G.Ismailova, M.M.Asadov Roentgendosimetric
characteristics of detectors on the base of TlGaS2 single crystals.
108 |
28. |
Shervgi S. Shahverdiyev Unification of electromagnetism and gravitation in the framework of general geometry.
116 |
29. |
O.Alekperov, E.Jafarov, Z.Sadigov, N.Safarov, M.Suleimanov, R.Madatov, M.Musaev
A new low-noise avalanche photodiode with micro-pixel structure.
126 |