In the presented work, K0.985Na0.15NO3 crystals were grown from the solution of KNO3 and NaNO3 in water and studied
by X-ray and DSC methods. It was determined that partial isomorphous replacement of K+ ions with Na+ ions in KNO3 does not affect the
degree and temperature of transformation in the obtained sample.
Keywords: Polymorphism, isomorphic substitution, transformation temperature, modification, Lauegram, diffractogram
Received: 29.07.2024
Internet publishing: 14.08.2024
1. Institute of Physics named after H.M.Abdullayev of the Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 131 H.Javid ave. Baku, AZ-1143
2. Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
3. Baku Engineering University
E-mail: aygun-kazimova-1981@mail.ru
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