2020   03   az   p.08-12 A.H. Aydemirova,
Blood plasma classificationh of myoma patients using FTIR spectroscopy


In this study the possibility of using Fourier Transform Infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy is examined for the diagnosis of myoma. Venous blood samples are taken from 50 women and divided into healthy (27 people) and sick (23 people) groups. Significant differences for sick and healthy samples are observed in the spectral sections of 3060 cm-1, 3280 cm-1, 1730 cm-1, 1450 cm-1, 940 cm-1, 800 cm-1. It allows classifying the sick and healthy samples according to the differences in peak intensities and slidings. A possible molecular interpretation of the observed spectral changes is given.

Keywords: myoma, blood plasma, spectral marker, FQIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) Spectroscopy
PACS: 87.64.Je


Received: 30.09.2020


Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biophysics, 117 Z.Khalilov street, Baku, AZ-1141
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