2022   04   en   p.36-41 Shakir M. Nagiyev, Shovqiyya A. Amirova,
Model of a linear harmonic oscillator with a position-dependent mass in the external homogeneous field. The case of a parabolic well


An exactly solvable model of a linear harmonic oscillator with position-dependent mass in the presence of an external uniform field is constructed. The interaction potential is an infinite parabolic well. It is shown that the system has only a discrete energy spectrum, and the number of levels is finite and depends on the modulus and sign of the force. The wave functions are expressed in terms of Laguerre polynomials.

Keywords: Harmonic oscillator; external homogeneous field; position-dependent mass.
PACS: 03.65.-w; 02.30. Hq; 03.65.Ge.


Received: 17.11.2022


Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan H. Javid ave.131, AZ1143 Baku, Azerbaijan

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