2024   02   en   p.13-16 I.I. Mustafayev, S.Z. Melikova, E.G. Hajiyeva, M.A. Nuriyev,
Radiothermoluminescence of polyethylene polymer composites with the CdS/ZnS binary system


Polyethylene polymer composites with the CdS/ZnS binary system with different filler content were studied by radiothermoluminescence. It was shown that the introduction of a semiconductor additive (CdS/ZnS) into HDPE leads to a change in the intensity and temperature of the maxima on the RTL curves of the composite, which can be used to predict and evaluate the luminescent, dielectric, physical and mechanical properties of composites based on them.

Keywords: gamma-irradiation, polymer, polyethylene, radiothermoluminescence, CdS/ZnS.
PACS: 541.1; 532.143


Received: 29.04.2024
Internet publishing: 28.06.2024


1. Institute of Radiation Problems, Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan,
E-mail: e-mail: egana.hajieva@yandex.ru

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