2023   02   az   p.13-15 N.A. Gasimov,
Basic properties of metamaterials with negative refractive index and their prospective applications


One of the main parameters that determine the optical properties of materials is its refractive index. Recent studies have shown that the refractive index can take both positive and negative values. This opens up new horizons to look at the physical laws that have been known in physics for centuries from a different perspective. Especially in the optical branch of physics, the refractive index directly or indirectly participates in the formulas of almost all physical laws. A theoretical analysis of these formulas shows that a negative refractive index fundamentally changes not only the sign of the mathematical expression, but also its physical essence. This, in turn, makes it possible to explore a number of new properties and applications of materials with a negative refractive index that are not available in conventional materials. This article provides general information about materials with a negative refractive index and explores the promising application possibilities of such materials using modern literature in recent years. Mention was also made of the need to include topics related to the negative refractive index in the curricula of general physics subjects in higher educational institutions.

Keywords: metamaterial, negative refractive index, optics
PACS: 78.67.Pt, 81.05.Xj


Received: 15.03.2023


Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, 34 Azadlig ave. Baku
ORCID: 0000-0001-9243-2297

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