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Fizika, 2003,vol.IX, 3-4
1. |
Nadir B. Mustafaev Spectrum of surface polaritons on GaSe crystals.
3 |
2. |
G.I. Abutalybov, I.I. Abdullayev, S.A. Lozitskiy, A.A. Mamedov
The spectrums of infrared reflection and combinational dispersion of
light in oxide sulphide of lantan crystals.
6 |
3. |
N.H. Hasanov, M.A. Mehrabova
Photooxidation of donor molecules on the surface of BN.
11 |
4. |
A.A. Nabiyev, G.R. Gurbanov
Electrical properties of solid solutions (Ge2S3)(1-x)(GeS)x.
13 |
5. |
A.O. Allakhverdiev, F.K. Kasumov, S.O. Tagieva
Possible Masses of Progenitors of Different Type Neutron Stars. |
15 |
6. |
N.A. Isakova, I.N. Alieva, N. M. Gojayev
Molecular dynamics of neuromedin NmU-8 neuropeptide.
22 |
7. |
V.A.Tanriverdiyev Green function method in a ferromagnetic superlattice.
26 |
8. |
S.A. Aliev, S.S. Ragimov, V.M. Aliev The diffuse phase transition in HTSC
and the magnetic field influence on IT.
30 |
9. |
G.B. Ibragimov Thermodynamics of quantum wires with a parabolic potential
in tilted magnetic fields.
35 |
10. |
N.N. Gadjieva, M.Z. Velidjanova, E.S. Dzhafarov The studing of the influence
of the ultra high frequency (UHF) field on the processes of the drying and
fermentation of the tobacco leaves.
38 |
11. |
N.I. Ibragimov, V.G. Agayev, N.B. Soltanova
The spectral distribution of the photosensitivity of the two-component
electrophotographical layers of trigonal Se/CdInGaS4.
41 |
12. |
.F.F. Aliyev, M.A. Kerimov, F.M. Gashimzade Thermoelectromotive force and
thermal conductivity in Ag2Te.
44 |
13. |
E.I. Zulfugarov
The thermomagnetical effects in n-Pb0.8Sn0.2Te.
47 |
14. |
E.I. Zulfugarov On thermomagnetic transducers of IR rays on the base of CdxHg(1-x)Te.
50 |
15. |
M.A. Mukhtarov MATHEMATICA software in integration of chiral field model.
53 |
Proceedings from Conference
16. |
Nina Kevlishvili, Giorgi Piranishvili Klein Paradox in Modified Dirac and Salpeter Equations.
57 |
17. |
S.N. Mustafaeva, E.M. Kerimova, M.M. Asadov, R.N. Kerimov Roentgendetectors
on the base of TlInSe2.
62 |
18. |
T.D. Dzhafarov, C. Oruc, S. Aydin, E.Cingi, D.Oren
Porous Silicon-Based Hydrogen Detectors.
65 |
19. |
G.Abdullayeva, T.G.Mamedov, R.A.Suleymanov Application of virtual crystal
model to layer semiconductor TlGaSe2.
73 |
20. |
N.M. Atakishiyev, A.U. Klimuk Hamiltonian-type qperators and q-orthogonal polynomials.
80 |
21. |
O.B. Abdinov, N.S. Angelov, B.L.Beloshev, Y.G. Guseynaliyev, M.K. Suleymanov, A.S. Vodoplanov
Search for the mixed sides of strong interaction matter-phase transition at low temperature.
94 |
22. |
Azerbaijan-russian-english dictionary of the physical terms. |
106 |