2021   02   az   p.13-18 Arzuman G. Gasanov,
Mathematical modeling and theoretical study of the electronic structure of gold and silver nanotubes


Visual models of Au48 gold and Ag48 silver nanotubes with a diameter of 0.54 nm and a length of 1.58 nm have been constructed. Based on these models, computer calculations of the electronic structure were performed using the extended Hückel method. It was found that the Au48 nanotube is a soft, electrophilic, narrow-band semiconductor (Eg = 0.06515 eV) stable, diamagnetic material, the wavelength of the emitted photons is λ = 0.2 μm. Debye and melting points are 127.1 K and 793.14 K, respectively. The Ag48 nanotube is a soft, electrophilic, broadband, semiconductor (Eg = 0.48214 eV) stable, diamagnetic material, the wavelength of the emitted photons is λ = 2.6 μm. Debye and melting points are 123.6 K and 372.74K, respectively. Au48 gold nanotubes are 5 times stronger than conventional gold materials, and Ag48 silver nanotubes are 4 times stronger.

Keywords: metal nanotube, mathematical model, Extended Hückel method.
PACS: 07.05.Tp; 81.07.-b; 03.67.Lx


Received: 05.04.2021


Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan
E-mail: gasqhapk@gmail.com

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