AJP Fizika E
Institute of Physics
Ministry of Science and Education
Republic of Azerbaijan
ISSN 1028-8546
Azerbaijan Journal of Physics
Published from 1995. Registration number: 514, 20 02 1995
Ministry of Press and Information of Azerbaijan Republic
2020 02 en p.03-09 | B.G. Ibragimov, Rashba spin-orbit interaction in semiconductor nanostructures |
ABSTRACT In this work we review of the theoretical and experimental issue related to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction [1] in semiconductor nanostructures. The Rashba spin-orbit interaction has been a promising candidate for controlling the spin of electrons in the field of semiconductor spintronics. In this work I focus study of the electrons spin and holes in isolated semiconductor quantum dots and rings in the presence of magnetic fields. Spin-dependent thermodynamic properties with strong spin-orbit coupling inside their band structure in systems are investigated in this work. Additionally, specific heat and magnetization in two- dimensional, one-dimensional ring and quantum dot nanostructures with spin- orbit interaction are discussed. Keywords: spin-orbit interaction, Rashba effect, two-dimensional electron gas, one-dimensional ring, quantum wire, quantum dot, semiconductor nanostructures. PACS: 35Q41 Received: 12.05.2020 AUTHORS & AFFILIATIONS Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University E-mail: Corresponding author: Behbud.ibrahimov.93@mail.ru |
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