2021   01   az   p.40-43 F.I. Ahmadov1,3, G.S. Ahmadov1,2,3, Z.Y. Sadygov1,2,3, A.Z. Sadigov1,2, A.H. Mammadli1,
M. Holik4, E. Yilmaz5, S. Nuryev1,2,3,
Investigation of the detection sensitivity of gamma rays by MSFD-3NM photodiodes and LFS scintillator


The paper presents the results of research of detection sensitivity of gamma radiation detector developed on the basis of LFS-3 scintillator and photodiode MSFD-3NM. The point sources of Co-57, Na-22 and Eu-152 are used as sources of gamma radiation. It is determined that the detector totally keeps its linearity in the energy range 14.43–1408 keV, where the minimum recorded energy is 14.43 keV. It is revealed that the reason for the keeping of such linearity is associated with the high pixel density of the MSFD-3NM photodiode.

Keywords: micropixel selvari photodiodes, detector, scintillator, photodiode
PACS: 85.30.−z; 85.60.Dw


Received: 15.02.2021


1. Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS, Baku, AZ 1143, Azerbaijan
2. Joint Institute Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia JINR
3. National Nuclear Research Center, Baku, Azerbaijan
4. CTU-Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
5. İBU-Nuclear Radiation Detectors Application and Research Center
E-mail: farid-akhmedov@yandex.ru
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